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Show L WILLARDSON ARRESTED Elvcrda Jenson Complains of Him Lphrilm People foi Canada Tphralm Oct 24 - V loung man of this clti I eonard W itlardson bi name was artested last Tuesdai be Sheriff Iens.n upon a charge of carnal knowledge L.I lerda lenson a loung girl of this clt) 1m Ing the complainant The i rellmln ir) hearing has been set for rrtll) Noiember Noiem-ber "th liefnre Justice Chrlstenson Wtl lard an 1 Joseph W tllardson untie of the louni. man are s iretles to Ihe sum of wn for his appearance on the aboie named date Mrs John Hanson of Gunnison has been ilsltlng her folks In this city the past week fre.l Jnrgenson of the Enterprise force of this clti Is In Hlchtleld for a couple of ive-eks engaged In tho Iteuier oftlce large number of deer hunteis are out Wilinrtl I'ehrsnn Tom tontln, titto Mel-son Mel-son I ars Nlelson and Ihrls Lund are out on 1 trip for iernl weeks Mbcrta Canala s-.ems to be the destination des-tination of humeecrkers now John Ste-lenson Ste-lenson nnl Peter llnnsou left for that section last Wednesdi) expecting to be abs nt seieral months nnl If suitable In.atlons arc found thei win rcmoie their families there tn the spring |