Show I J WOMANS WOMAN'S AUTOMOBILE SMASHES INTO POLE Mr- Mr n ls of Ogden Ollen 1 Escapes capes Unhurt From Frum A Accident It 1 cn t of or Serious rlou Po Io Possibilities Mrs rs Samuel Regis of Ogden met with nn an automobile accident shortly shortly- after aCter 7 o'clock Sunda Sunday evening which Is s unusual because of the tact fact that she suffered no no Injuries whatever Mrs firs Regis was driving her hot runabout up the hill hlll on H li street and when she site was In the center o of Fourth street her steering steering- gear refused to respond to her hands Tho r result sult was twos that she drove J full tilt Into the electric light pole In the rho center of ot the Intersection Being on a h heavy aty an grade grado her speed was not great an and this accounts for tor her escape from l serious consequences The force Corce of or the collision was ryas sufficient though to throw her forward until she he almost went headlong over o the front of her machine Her firm hold holdon on the steering wheel saved sa her Upon examination of or the front wheel o of oC the auto Mrs Regis found that a lar large e splinter had been driven through the tire For such emergencies cles cies she was amply prepared for or on the back of or the machine was carried earned a reserve c e tire and antl this was placed on the tt wheel heel and pumped up in short order so that within twenty minutes minifies I after the accident happened the she was able to proceed on her WB way I I |