Show TALK TA OF MINING MIN ON FOREST RESERVES Legitimate Prospectors Will Wi Be Encouraged as Well Wel as Protected OFFICIALS DISCUSS MATTER Ha e have i Same le nl Right ll Within Win here There Is No Xu Timber as ns I Without I Boise Idaho Sept 23 rho fhe The subject of or sniffing mining on forest re reserves cs erves received a 0 great deal ol of oC attention at al tho ho meet meet- mcc meetings logs ings II s of oC the forestry service service- officials held here last week week- Supervisor Penn said ju just t before leaving for Cor the Sawtooth re reserve o er with the chief of oC the service Gifford Giford Iiii chot eliot that mining on the reserves in instead Instead In- In stead teal of being II discouraged would be le enc encouraged um ed In er e every way possible absolutely no restrictions There were except the removal ul remo of or timber from jom the theIl reserves cres for speculative c purposes Prospectors have the same right to prospect and develop mines within forest the they have e wit without boot Ii them hem C fl Legitimate pro prospectors will wi not only only on on- ly h. be 1 encouraged el he continued but they will wil be protected agall against t 1 kid ld glove prospectors For FOI instance If I a ledge of or mineral Is discovered within where there Is the limits of a res reserve r e no Umber timber no one ono will wi be le permitted to make o a mineral ral filing on a nearby tract that contains timber with the tle lo locator lo- lo purpose of oC forcing the legitimate cator to ii buy bu such timber for Cor use In iii developing his claim In such uch cases the forestry service ser will wi protect the thel In his rights lit first l man At the various meetings held leId hel the question of securing the repeal or modification of oC section 4 of or the act of II February 18 1905 which worked a great hardship on miners without se securing securing se- se curing any corresponding benefits to the he service occupied much attention The rho mate matter mailer was Introduced by Mr Fenn and data was presented which w wJ will be lie submitted to the thc President The he s section ton referred tu to said Mr Ir I Fenn in transfer lug jurisdiction of oC 1 the he forest ont reserves reserve from the Interior I department to the Agricultural department depart depart- I ment provides Provide that control of oC the tho I Icon con of ot ditches diches reservoirs etc for municipal or 01 mining purposes are retained by b the Secretary of oC the In In- In This section grants to beneficiaries bene bene- during durin the period of oC beneficial bene bene- Use thereof a right of oC wa way across ind through thea-oi thea h forest reserves for fOl such hitches or worl works It I Is this provision of f the law that is most onerous an and to mining men A right oC f way vay wa for Cor such works is only desir- desir a d during the continuance of opera opera- I el Ions lons and rights to Us Its Is use uso would apse lapse when Its Is use ceased Under the operation of the law Mr Fenn Fena lenn continued a miner to se- se cUe a right of way wa for a ditch dich a quarter of or a mie in length In a n re rc reserve rc- rc serve must employ an nn engineer to tomake tomake tomake make a survey and plats describing the ditch litch in detail employ an nn attorney attorney ator- ator ney to present It at the local loel land hand of office or- or fc flee fice after aler which It I goes to the In Interior In- In tenor department department There There- it Is IH 1 likely ely to fall fail tal into the hands of a clerk who knows knos nothing of or such matters mailers maters and andon andin on 1 in some purely purel technical point return re return return re- re turn the papers and the matter mater must again a ln go through the same channels If I matters of or this kind were transferred trans trans- erred to the forestry service It would woul not nol take more than 15 1 minutes to lo authorize au au- authorize miners to construct such Ruch wor works s while now It H Is goo good fortune If authority can he be secured s curel In two tw two years and at a cost less than hail to secure a right of or wn way for a railroad acro across s a asta state sta te i |