OCR Text |
Show THE PARK Lost by wee KO. : tee Phil aaiekie Score of 3 Was to 2 an oes kiya Slab to American Win But Errors Pive | as herae thi and Park | game Great Automobile Dangerous in Losers Most 1 D by a anit victorious 1 oca score « a ecalled at | > iy |) Pare-Devil" 8997 6216 of 22 | Holds Tracey Enthusiasts thusiast ; Foreign | = in Cars This Are on ae ne oF arly twenty , week a slab Sal six y of wines ragged, 3 tc tare The as che enint hit returned a Newe cable b 4 lf 2b 1 3 Northrop, spliiman King, I O'Connel, b \ : : Totals bsp F KWreilz, ' Paylor ¢ 8 ok ee I DOE v v oes 1 OL NO 4 3 b c. essler, Mortensen, Blexrud, 9 3 0 \ 0 3 1 , , ; "'! York | lead Oo | final 2 - - R 0 1 0 0 "37 game will meet li than do of race. today, the 1 series They to in the] left for demand on] 1. - O} interest we this in aie . Bo Ba tl fie ment to keep week and The nosed Asscts Highlanders| | Rao ee te Cag use the any no been the wiser Fetzer will report his a - : Jeweler, % . farce py has Collier -i crepy ability to eels marked , The but . tires ea bala of display Within ee. course in three cin he = | oer out com-j|week wd his the short and 5 light . 1 two c Ludwig and lyrics B, by and and gert Alara Faaaar Cleveland Columbus yum eee: a Un ue ind 3 Sandusky ; | weather sii} Bain 000. 210 000 010 Batteries Berge. | 1 rend mpir in line its be will also. It , ree a tee 1y 1 tod Be. : es ue aherty ithered } LAST AST | the witne to nang ie acres ‘ . EXCURSION 7 teehee eel Beautiful More ind ‘ ar eaves to pls WOR the ‘ ° vi he upon the p W recent bringing beds of effect fol- rains| r + ane 1 + |# the truth proves to the park |+ although that witticism old 2|# park, In the trees are no fruit great many A De visit ee stroll Dene the study of Aa there.|# found , m Giant ae Ss, minus Fa A piteh for the go most by of two the|+ Sete in worrles added = ape V e or - - : m a me Ae . Ticket ee Lake oe |- COLLIER ¢ a *d) " , ‘ MI NO extending his has} cry R a is ee an ept Washington Rhode s of Bal timore ' + Dahlen fOr the a mn league bal on base zs Pee were s assistant. of *)office + the treasury to begin A t ee veal aes ea oa F Dee na Be | : the F red ‘ I company Src a diminutive the best Rice, Hazel is rather girl. ; all Like , rai é iene should ae i ten practice of! dramas, his And + + +) Send friends, of Salt */ + Hate. of Journal fearlessly, prints all "\ | eae near as comes this but ends eee just a he will continue for re Ward fitting. a) "A "i < set 4 I "iy week, the of e ay on, m we ay ent Es And night the | nesday inder ings ey ie Mathewson r++ +|to The 23 whole where knocks it can.) performance | was ee SE | District the| Roley & tel pe rform-| rOUS the Wedwith e« Ane seeing it is worth Milllonaire's practically Last filled, and the the sea Verne : evening DSi 4 Every Behe. Ma tinee--Tuesday, . my ook Cy Saturda a ‘ Gait 10 r Thursday Be tox | and seat vanced eee Jrs. | | you . ane ln 1 nied Men oe m | Gordon & Bennett' s tomantle iut tht E cori me i SAN eh hd | | taining of lplay Noteworthy Always | AVES Story ot } | Cat ProSuperb -- A Cast. duction, 2 ¥. {ree house Al or of partment i RI I RE A HE eG « O N | G k St G oc yric IN Th e Theatre, Family H ¢ oO! res mpan p oe "*rivate Matinees, 10c and , and and the be reach Catarrh all to free all of Chronic ul d. Dae are : HOME y Seo ae. Nl ee, HOUSTON SALT \@ } kindly physicians, FREE J ho you Fi may OF a be Oo ee f o RNoe MODEE I pay 1e re Th. z BY MAIL. a oe K oe , ta thele i eh i Synit New ir ees STRICTLYby astray who find men diseases-the you or of ald and this consult dn to invited com CHARG 2 Suomi Ange counsel the need who led been to excesses-old gone contracted have who all others' advised iat 1at de- oral < s e may PAY Wh ar ‘Al L On CURES ee, hs HOURS: LAKE MEN. will have who men Young whohave men nroneusine aged OT everything and treatment, skillful Daily r Awe C SHORES DRS. eatehien Diseases, FOR DEPARTMENT a eee sufferers-One write or all all exchusively for the treatment and Department a Special ignorance, excesses by izes of Men, whethe r'caused ele delicate or emthe most Drs. Shores about consult may geiven 1 ye will vues: you that } vit uran a ssurunce th e with t ro ubles,3 Polson-and meas ory iseascs es 25c in CONFIDENTIAI vigor Blood a A Milli i , Wit i e S 1onaire I Matinees Every Wed. and Sat. . . ares Evening Prices. 20c, 30c, 40c, 50c . within advice cure progresses, installments, asthe \Wvoc kly 3 me cly oror monthly is 4your trouble No matter what WHEN ACOA ni erBaRTAC aera: Leilani TEAitOIGurelyoU oa CURED. PoE C Lake's Medic il afore ety of a is the Troub Lung nd curing certain, and safe quickl t cur ‘ under required the thm to one =fourth 1 one-tenth in experience Yast Shores' Drs. methods old the Diseases Private and of Chronic all forms treating e « eure e enable pp Vv fthe ae a Se od ana pono o su ~ v : . F tr : otne vnere at Shores Drs. Consult Specialists, of reljlable | once Cure and ind AND \ ~ victims ------____----- are a for SPECIAL A experienced alt terms $16 Consultation have Shores Drs. all Private of cure You or contagion. ss ing ae) , it ‘ barré Pp RIV - and companion sexual thelr SIN. OF SHADOWS THURSDAY »ES SHORES J. A. hone Same. the > Prices | ie & DR. treatment at 0 A aca dane Pp. Ha thnfta, Catarrh Deafness for MENT | 3 o CURE WHO DOCTORS Priand Chronio Nervous, Curable and all of children, and Women Men, the most adthe latest and by nature, 100,000 cases treated Over method. scientific TREAT | NEW years aa fifteen eae x Fever = onderfu & Shores Shore of Diseases vate and name every \ Ve . play E ‘be Catarrh , 1." TO ares New, lay esaay : Are y TIM, UTAH. > L aT DL Souvenir ' CITY SOUTH, | --- == rc LAKE SALT ZB Prices WEST 100 1 ‘ y ' Suna] (except abate Bik | \ Passenger sEC SECOND <inodrome "qulllo Wife." night Lyuch er a Dick Dermlog ri Girls Polly the and Is WEEK THIS ALL May Arthur Mi ve ae in th uty ' Arent Agent. Pass g TES | pretty happily i Agent. Passenger RMAN UN GE YO Traveling : | spurs to ; . | possible.| specialof -~ Miss DRAKE E =| = 245 Phones (| Matinee ir Somes ELS ¥5 ae Questions q | | fire The} asure = nswer i A to H the vet PI s a }| | . a Waa MODERNTe oi VAUDEVILLE. THE REPUBLICAN to your Gradually M ee Petr ich IS provthat Lake Salt of people the to It fairly represents the people | ing Lake and of Utah. It is not a/the Lyric can be made an acceptabl fillpeople are the and theatre, truth] family the tells It the news that's fit} ing it with better audlences at every and commends print, Republican never iv | | | Coslove her of of. as full and is careful public the before actor Is as him by set standard of pretty are a number There dance Mexican ties, 7 but hy the i" ' ‘ . Secretary| matter SEE | } $1.00 = the the his 4 & he And any as as PIP 4 ee labo lower floor to Frank the | tof the| Sa not Sec-| to entirely given ) | g é n Mr.| think of negotia-| +f 23.-The eeoeeeeeererer rk, we Cuba to Olficials matter Assistant: and no part in the lp erent real Taft taking eae tarv Pacon, the pacification for tions otly ‘to N journey suggested will leave . ce GCE Rea iee Pel eee [ser proces d dir o or VPLON EDU¢ AES 2 has with her for aid the summons she ughter ] ¥ $1.50 CORCORAN JANE George Jones, who play the South. D. ONLY NIGHT THURSDAY Biter : Wark Clive: Montjoy | Louis Jerome] Ray Koberts| John eed , V nit correspondent Second QUIET THE $1.00, nayinoht Livin West TONIGHT = a resen Prices De' Camp I MeDonald S, Hoyt Pa Eey tice 77 leaves | = eturning, Thomas' ugustus ON the} faze of villain newspaper -trip Round train Special . Office, CAR. SLEEPER-DINING PULLMAN . ke midnight, at : and Serer = Frohman of} love the from flaming Mae s 99 ® ® 9 OBSERVATION 24. Sept. Monday, WILLIAM in Mexico| Old OVERS 10th-STOP OCTOBER LIMIT 6 . Manager. forces joins Costello met formerly. : : of} in his :PO} suit he Ips h ui Sado th true of course rhe Siadora fal running from prevented | * the that. fact trifling the by amibothts ) been Root events reflective- EXCURSION Fork, wt Fork eee of all nai¢ the jis . ‘ LOGAN . bede parent State of the comRoot Secretary after ht porta' "it -tarColomblan toes a rnbaths i : ue ras : 302 011 02¢--9-15-0° 7-3 000 000-1010 - Polchow Roth West, Ferguson and Fitzgerald two no ST rounetrainar nave enSalt leaves aoe Nights 3 ae wan 1a Siadora, | with love in is Costella "bel f lauct iter so and Inez, Countess of the had | (aug }d ae Scranton York New atteries of ©old, ; , aaa ee : a ane ¢ : see - \+ of oe the ‘ ait artistic |} of park Lae ae a Frank Ora . a Officials that lieve his plet ‘ ti . Cro- | will for all sporting PYPER, fully| in love in herself is return | countess for Tickets "goot spurns he when aue tello comOpera Lake Salt preference \ entertaining Day." Wedding a the of |+ unconscious like Noah's|+# : t ' » Liefield ' MeGann Geran Gany state York today plons a wild and sible =| ‘ Sega FOR EASY ; : fi LEAGUELS. BSS ; Sept Pa., Scranton, pyaay zs any By merry Ree company to be on oui some asition a in; tae : things abouSe visitors can pairs re , Pietz; and | SA aia GIANTS New 12 - | and -- I+ the | 4 ra- | + "whit | + out are _ 000 ( 000 300 0 000 Hiegine Ty: RRM the of there ana the blossoms, dia ry withand geranium 000 2 ‘loskey be Leer mpires-McCloskey still | __ grass, gE > 22 ....234 Butteries--Cammitz 1 half fall the with together into lawns the onvyerte nature only beauty hone , 2 closely had has noe this rl a MALCH : lowing Sains - : Aguil: F1 De Hun boldt A Mec \to the' tune‘ of 12 to' 0.) | Score | i Pittsburg ‘ || Providence when the upon forms curious i Dt fallé ; a ow | bei oe trees The. unshine heaviest the permit is foliage tripped, in y mors summer, early the in Ce ; is even park rhe than flowers Ever byver. the Thi yan f best bill week's } El |" among lawns the upon ~ with | curtain of the fall rise to the times | of - the exception trifling the | interfere and ~ villainy hatred When Chis of thing thrilling flow With the is the cast batthk TO on L ine { Shox Oregon Lake Salt Via | "defeated did | from. young to o the'mill v.i-s 5,000 people : alle to L Nearly t p.m the jat 3:30 until. a hit 30 | untiloSept. Milformer. the "The in pany sensational] a Ohioans. iit SS A RAHA oe ee hi wehe ‘ EOE ene a eee the trees, or to rest|a\ drubbing she the : orders emphatic lissued Is yn OC! Gg] I pulled offn Direct wire raee Easterm and California '|) ' us acts husband ‘ theirir GEO. features| other with days, and flashing || Siadora . ee EXCHANGF 8T. = will I day some that believe and buy a husband-manager."' :30 today vaudeville story acted an is late the lin the tropies Stopped MULL Wolcott-Rhoades le W2 2O-3° ae 9. TURF MAIN 208 and of all While at the about this make will ions yes- race flyer Thomas was takBlon race big _ Dy Are Eaxy. Boston 5g ome Stars ie ra nek Band Usits American ooo aes aay concerts | « been ve Cover band in which ee the Le and his ear, beautifully in the 5 0] 0) : 000 000-0: : S lowell and Spencer Umpire-Cennoll Berry. LAKE piece things little one-woman really,"" American Sc are Los rb t acy aps it And begins trouble and villain, See Sua . a aivfnon 21 t h i ne 0 ; | . ; pee ie tdotted a ne: ane#3 Pacis aj final to the intermission without lasts Boston ArH) ‘ ) 190se OFeres who are wags Gr 5 : teas or the INTERFERE NOT WILL ROOT frig ww Star atdriveway beaten hard The jtself i es ieerig Se The co | Armbruster ind Patteries-Young fond of driving,| to those pleasure fords ab rel < ann am Ph pe ee a : I \ ! I Murphy ind the | Pletcher from Kinds, continues| of many Grand 1e i vehicle fac ind nm 45¢ ix-| Cubar weave Stat ary 1S : ; Holv} The piece 7 is uch on | putting ix in, te natin. l of ccre a es eS pe pony little the to car touring heavy | . } Art. 4 . e co ‘ the With Slave Royal "A ind ;&) yes | Reverge. Sweet Have Pirates ial i a ach & Gordon ere as the people Ce of such The State} ald 23 sept Washingtor The 23 Sept I R ia P rere fy a a Is indulged lake boating to Salt a cable-| Uennett firm has been sending recelved today department. ed F oad Rar | a ea tt ..| \ un -opportunity. Of 8MUsIng iad kept be will theatre pepular that Nationals lake, announc-| Root Seeretary from. stam -at| Grays | j Providence the th { gz the a nd I| Pittsbure du ‘ feeding vatching and the seathroughout doors filled to the for Car-| Colon from his departure ing locals, the plete tay ale ct wee eet) Nora the But Beest members 3 Co-| crulser the on sailed He tagena , his ake eit o the park | hkocky who go to people of the most 4 Fr. M. 7.47 OUND 25 SALT 1) rain ating Harry condensed The the} of hands the be to said is lThere on) hopes a masterly drove Blon - the in lucky York city New Carlos Coatella: 23:-The) Rept: taken .1RGol, Iai, Leavenworth. Win In Exhibition. corpion Bernal place have to i which fight Don ning ue Zz Billy | Padre and Wolcott Joe between today Clevel mG The ¢ Sept. Q., vu- | J ty Alvare the by prevented was he | Rhoades pla tyed team league Matador Philip of Hoch Govartio: Both thorities her Ae oe Association f i 7 oe Chicco Missourt of Folk " y _ | Kansas and Governor ED SIG ome Cos Rea nos re the county Columbu American Armerican } -evalil--) prevail the as7 long S as open-air There ee y thes || 1 tia vening girls Herbert past y sbene « le s o|terday, vorked 6] 5 302 000 00x 0) 00) OOO bik., "The a carry a , who DANCE ‘ and by engagement Clevelands evelands Spot in Than after Rate: ee Stephen- C. Victor: the during used with| thine & e gatteri« veatl weather fine that ANNs Hoge ane sughlin RELI Phila delphia Beauty City's } the expected is Sep many these Amerie To Roses,' Cellier, lyrics by' Broadway theatre, one|former the their pin will Dooly ee "the ccm Two Alfred by music so the , mine "The tonight winners two comedy me a at musicali {fe called} (oO) course satisfaction expressed Americans 16 eh 411 toi eevee . a E tidings was announcement startling This made to a married man, fortunately or the prepossessing little lady might E = word her at have been taken great : which; ; eae tA) book .°'cnitn, the} in easily, laps two his..last' Wad- | ig and.O'Connor;; Batterles-Powell him behind was far belief that Tracey Umpire-Connolly Berry and dell The} better done have could and gume Second reck-/ though a skilful Js RILE | Frenchman ‘ winning some do may and driver, less | 1 «5 0OO-0 000 000 uls poputo be park continues ing Liberty recreation and rest of s a place } : Ein 1people) ' ‘ r paASS d of hundreds Yesterday it and there, or evening the afternoon Se there rive ised at Main Te to s Have ~" on Summer. = v Owing pow WARREN, F. Ry., SALTAIR. of ten, Inciden- Fisher being look troubles, lyrics by Englander, Stanislaus Stange, ‘Doro- "Babette," no | were are ove! looking after but 3. F. your boss, all if theit time is a nervousownstrain at , ville vaudeville it years and ne operas are in3 Company. thatre Ere musie son, that its rond|the contests hard of 4 4 cup Island Leng king Y first. easy, & NSEn Ion kad ipo be as to Mr,.|laugh "I Froh- | ly, Charles developed into | Just go a Opera Lake Oct, by on|music thy."' book France.) curves its = Attractive Ls Nore ne an ; Miss roles old ay Miss Gillette a y eet in Nielsen Alice delighting | Manager along and have magnitude . aa oie Sy of the|book Easier Course that Ra is now one of the atNow from Man The our mutual chum, also are details for and x (1 opportunities under he has been that man's direction he has n=) the possible, : Thomas, There ago,| year especially written was Augustus a over London all ijehted jm road-| yesterday was reported section of the course being Reduced oy, ¢ rowd nights, and it was in the same play,|{n being "On the Quiet." that he Hkewise de- |50urce of The es them Ardeness little CITE eee About SKATING ROLLER Or- Cee "The ' a | Sallie Fisher tractions in Willie Collier Comes Tonight. After his successful summer engage- | Nellie Follis, judg&-| in the Is a r PASO, oO. maintained standard to the | ae and ‘Tracey ne driving, Tracey's Joe S he accident barring that, uy elf Speces: dont ' AFLG "Fr "Th -- an hour) miles to sixty close make can S om Lee 1e at the Grand. Drama Attractive | foreigners by the is pushed iy he 7 U Z anne | : showed| car yesterday lHiis locomobile Advantage. opens Tues Sale 50. Prees 25 Bennett's capa- | & Last night Gordon = " 2 f-: | Roval "A nted I presenter mpan} can-¢ makeaxivo the}, le Love wonderfully ac ind was|up -Philadephia compan "xe nia sel, j . nin in t Mat Saturday & Saturday & Friday -an delighted and Grand the at Slave' rR fram Its doubt without peed t 1e | of m <8 Arthur Vo ID. so long s tandid all ll ththe strain i 1nd will Amer Louis 1 il Ye x . : Presents wuce car b RCC with as much ri as Ver es 3 performance the as of will the read the In BELL DIGBY oo : machine | excellence the with audience immense "ps ‘Trac ind) it wv tir the 1 ide neither ye inning.| ninth Play in the Gibson situa- | the of novelty and beauty the othe cela mili tri fit beiles th in: ed on account ae { and mopire when ga or 4 Find Many aan OO Ly oul let | Philadelphia 155 Purses : cansred ae AKEN é | .T. oe the Lake Salt Sallie with was of days ]| | PLAYS AND PLAY PEOPLE | eee find] are Se --s way from . Ca puts French The 000 000 00-0.. 274) Its: hazards Browns L Sti7 ; au t double FORS NOT oes IS PARK R.H.E.| \ eure Kleinow jand cage e Factory . Trunk Bags, Cases, Suit | 0c: glad. brings some of doings Zoley ee Se j coolest} speed. it; where St. _ Main 54 EL, OF MEXICO. Local ae coesege : °° her to stick to ned Bole ? wes inderstudy portuns She with was ila she when Ex-) from resignation a TON) Me oe DON vaganza productions as the leading > ; Miss j "7 . boy Recently Gillette. elected to e ' , : ' "r ake into vaude own company her take comedy musical condensed In-a ville ry ‘ ek ter : disby followed be seu | Ask ] one | following New: York and big : ae where she in appears in the extra- tomorrow Brentano will MAIN CITY, UTAH. }| LAKE the de-|~ 5 yesterday here arrived Boley Miss the of our will the quickest 1 winning ae trouble twisting tire the | his balls, a base by on Dough-|the on fumble Ez | su st is ge Meredith's every About De {tally .~. cian eae fact had this that money . dotted flying mission on the curves. . Nearly all 2 ls50etidan £ fo , ee, eee a Seore SEW (XL Ork of | meeting' the for set hour The direcleague Bowling Commercial the a. trifle was morning yesterday tors leadof the a few only too early, and at i : 4 w ere 1 ; meeting The hand on er . 1S > Thursday until postponed therefore 7 n ( row th e eespdiwlere alé 1 t o'*¢ : . C28 | ig ht # ‘cl ‘ « -I pee ow ere] VR " ; 1 ‘ at ie reorganiza-| toware steps ake wi Re made run and single only the Chase's Oy 109,08 | Chloe Ee re i eR CE in DAILY COLORADO TO KANSAS CITY, ST. JOB, - : Chats ee - ec ee or es er splanation Jone: aminer McConahay, ; framework, and must his machine that in]jy+ason GO1-2 000.100 sr favor SHARE "tte . : ere ier 2 test the swith Ail Will be presented te road foreign severest the e severe where make| will Sox eh ult than is said to be less with | 's given, t = as accessories and scenery one | costumes, islan 1d, Long on one present to|the expected not vm the os White Ww YY are who m= 4 that jes «as ain Washington, herty eureka e STRAINS and js a trying | ment in far distant Australia we are to with the company, {is now married, little own my managing am I Lake|and Salt the at Collier William determine|cee that and driver. The} theatre, this evening and for three | Company There is some satisfaction tires and to j int oa = erueling the] Clevelands the Blues| and the to meet of the week up : have ‘gine nerve the tangent phe dark a as up that the race. ac and) hour Innings by Score Pime-One int minute thi fort orty-three: won Star Mummy," The $340,000 1 ‘ has Favorites "Fixed" in New York clever the Mayotof Boley, little lady Daintyleading and « Maid TYThe littie hes failure ‘ rer a¢ third) ooo) of leading to Williston, over J.ull's" Head i. form the hardest work oa of the route, The drivers can make | Promist the tires have, "ee ~ CUrven¢ en The Stewart speed withat at top long these safety, and curves top speed is necessary -J]will give them a hard fight in order Htto better their own position. t will | probably be during the playing of this | of VEIT fact rur aihie Nesrellatnkaetes Mink H rie LAKE GIRLSFLOURISH. . Orpheum City aggregation Windy hold the D nel Playe Not th. 4. ; » + a) aTO% £ t difficult and another yore heck Newell: fine. nea | snae ee 5 pupil Leper before played was today game The Me rh f arate o . Mortens oO é arn é lie Minstrel Deming, Arthur the of . winner ‘ the Heath, George rae ‘ { is ron ere re are ON‘ an é rican1 | . ee minstrel l the Deming, Pitchers-Os borne Arthur In second] and race cup Vanderbilt first cate ards RAIL Biineb te 4) W ‘ela fsa Eurek 2; ity, Park Girls Polly : the Boley May ms:an the! all in ' driven ‘ has vear's, a nd j|?) t#last : a . , AL Stolen Chicagos, Mo tensen the of Whe Pitcher$y part. the on hitting Orpheum| the at see will and is noted for) Salt: Lakers races scored | foreign distance Elberfeld gam the them Sacri-|jost 1 Eureka « City t for entertainment. SALT could have such uct gross $ perpetrat- Dangerous, Love pease Cul ee ne countered most of the tomorrow, battle with} = the the ha will latter part 2} 0} 1 3 4 Summary Two-base id a Osborne, "Gn ~ Balls-Ole® Hhsén: 2s i ee Ontiorns ( 0 ono ett ‘ who lightful re- the for week examiner ispocket the 29.7 the that so neighborhood driver kind way the and O}horse gon ariae rh the in spot weak while defeat-| 0, and play will Cleve He aA ‘lo oming With 0 O2 } 0) 2 pennant Chicagos 0O| 1 1 7 é ke the world, factors the in machine Lakeville the the the s |; Boston Highlanders] the ,which lead The | gained today gave them the advantage] but . ahead of Chicago, E./of one full g A, ut} coe ae dling be "White » Sox, teneeotodds + fayor EO the as they " 6G - 3 the the : eres in New| assumed Americans they where Detroit while the White Sox Spee 41 1-2 circuits In of all test superiority the 22-Again Sept York in | ed 0 10 1 0 ia p. Totals 6 0 02 1 i 2 b 2 Hearne, Osborne, 0 { f3.8 lf, a ne ould have Receiver seven right-angle turns, the "hairpin''| of compound curves) turn and the serles Chicago, 0: ee City, But Gothamites ; b by Seore of 1 to 0. n v nei at| Ball : Windy Win Se ever ies cos WG *ark er oa ae iin ee .O A.B Oe LGD 3 1 1 : lark, Millionaire's reveals ability? 1 herMe SALT appearance he hax made, probably| this ten ten year years, continually to Judge covery report the nqg in| IN|. diffi- entry ore The Vanderbilt cup course, as it is 2°W !aid out, is, in the opinion of expert drivers, one of the most difitcult eit ; Patterson, "A. certainly in becoming eat prominent J now vyho aare on , attion! the > in s Hiution's ‘ 8 n. ori wh i int o Viola opera. and comedy and | Musical $81,000 is in actual cash, this sum : > ratt Gillette, perhaps the ' most startling feature 6f she asserts, has a great the]. ih ‘ try oa 1: larger 7" Course LEAD] eatomonites. Vanderbilt Brilliant Play Teams MACE en Ge igen OF i) . , { ‘ | ay oi |Both FBO PODS eal rea i ve be will roadway of olled miles a:ound the entire circuit with AGAIN etl GHLANDERS Pe running | and an hard lhureka. AS RR r. f c.f the call Pitt cach.Missaxkresd EFalfour, ss im. : &iVelthe auto-| anred caseto international eyent aessle uctel i ec ies stz i and course, the around 7 DMT te Lumley aati fac Sie teceea ieee gener The ‘ score was present. Beck, Wall; the gesete next] cars .away vl in getting the delays will make entries, it there are twenty oniy a brief interval between the last machine first. : and : start to ' the car ; . Chicago. ; rs guve fans ean amine seat race will big the were Ti by ball 7 eee first; by Newell on in the kir ee lve not ee | I Examiner C. C. Jones Overlooked slight to Defeat Bring Fumble so and winner, double ‘ oe locals errors a naintels Not team the but whether earned , ' : quickly nobiles hardest oc on after i en- ar "GeGerman ap pees ce ich, and Italian preliminary, ee | a eT four errorsiBace on Balls. Safe Hit and| ait, emake {Co more aim: |request from the depositors for an ex- |sketch. After two weeks | at Prot: the the infield for four being there ain being ' the in de, wa run the most scores, the lared 1 dec ee » also earned having ‘ rn ot work for Bu-| times, with ; " the ne celf R did tou work work J who Vv Chi- at headliner is the she This oversight might have been over- | Week in the held cup, when!|jooked, however, had it not been dis-|Pheum with her company herself manages she Which in| $340,000 that yesterday covered on] start will from era ear tie Mer Tre Om and struggle and ee fering, andS01therow final adjustment of the dimiculties. There is much comedy relie ving the more serious passages of ed in the Stensland bank, was a subthe members of comment among ject immedicommittee of the depositors' : Saturday. held theGut visitors down!| strosk tan ofan é ‘ ,< at See us| er Shae be om husband's these this state the How a machines journey long | the | Soa Dismissal. make overlooked, verlooked, for for frauds as those } ae so far contest eresUng race for the Vanderbilt <a ce a j ' "d f look interes will of | moval of Bank Hopes . Counts) Ready. 23.-Motoring Sept. York, New thusiasts sec 6; 0, ainth Failure Jones' Deneen Governor preliminary American Yesterday's American] between race best the Was ever : seen, and judging by the ss‘ars , rhe1¢ & WE MANE TRAVELEASY miss a train. ale BP taster dius fenlen @resBeaies © sea fork Destiacak REMOVAL Stensland's president, Tpeace was oe,Bal t Oe It Might Chicago, Sept. 23.-De oe in the | finds his happlest opportunity in throughout run will which vings | piece, Avenue Milwaukee looted bank, of which Paul O Stensland was| week. And it certainly affords a WELL UP cr si YESTERDAY. end In hi a ae AMERICANS darkness. Of ASK Cause te IdGoa at hittimes, oni { 1906. cago Declare Oversight Should - | Noscecs' striking. situations. and. in World. loenls for' the wins two to 2, making the dia Osborne Eureka. for one to pit. hing for Park City and. althouch| Graves, 24, [ri pers ora Manasne mame] --_ Pe{| 7 73 Philadelphia 0, 5, Louis St. gam third Eureka Saadfterr aiece out for Event Pronounced 0 1, ChicarcLeague. Work American New Service. between and] championship, state the Dubel sliver cup wae played| came 2 er5 = bn RESULTS Course eal vs gt oo m || Washington Boston ceosirors Standing. . troit RAGE. oe 23-The Sept. OF Me44 7 P Hiladelphita | De Work Helps Miners' wis 1 Their Game. Special an City, series crowd SEPTEMBER, Spee ee Over- as ~ League a | New' ateYork id VANDERBILT tsa 9 45 name ee for the MONDAY, So Examiner Bank nt 616 t 0. a ge 2 5 ~ "4 i LA Makes Team Good Low 1 8 . I< "hi ; INFIELD IN WORK ja' D Winning the Won., : St. Louls | Boston | | RAGGE Park UTAH, vestigation OF BaM., abseucra LW yotlacct il and No Run I shall CITY, BASEBALL DIGEST- ALL EYES TURN TQ | torked Huge List in tn- Earned. City for LAKE Illinois -<-<-<--== Hci. aly of SALT ASSETS Vo Eureka REPUBLICAN, THE WORLD OF SPORT |F-] $340,000 |II WAsneviRNore), ©... CostONSIDERABLE You to | [Meriter sheopeils Mugen: Me 4. 7. tee | | INTER-MOUNTAIN to 5 p. UTAH pr ; oe » éa mSHORES. ~ SPECIALISTS. EXPERT BLOCK, M49 /SOUTH MAIN CITY, m = STREET, DR. G. W. SHORES. |