Show GIRL CONFESSES MURDER Throws S 'S nr Herself lf 1 Across cros Coln Tells Telfs of Poisoning Him IBm Brewster tel N. N Y V. Y Sept 23 Jennie 23 Jennie Burch grief stricken and In terror threw herself across the coffin of oC little Wilbur WinshIp during the funeral toda today and co confessed I she murdered him The Thc residence at Cowles Corners 12 miles mies from Brewster was wa tilled with wih neighbors and the Rev Ret Re Dr Deane of or the Paterson Presbyter Presbyter- Inn hm church ChUlch was In lb lt the midst of oC his service when a young girl who had been crouching in a corner wild e eyed ed and tearless tearle burst bUIst through the comIn company com coma pany In threw herself upon the Infant form Corm still sti In death shrieking Oh my God Gol I killed him I poisoned Willie a and nd swooned |