Show OPERATORS ON STRIKE STRIKE Chicago Postal Telegraph Men J Will Walk Out o t If Terms J Are Rejected I Chicago Sept 23 The The Postal Telegraph Telegraph Tele Tele- 1 graph company's Chicago operators voted unanimously for a n strike today loday J Mes Messages to tho the local union indicate a G. tJ similar result In all nIl other large elites cities s l where time the union Is JI represented i The actual walkout will not occur j low however for tor perhaps a week In the tIle meantime efforts will be made to adjust ad adust ad- ad t. t just the differences between the union and the company compan The Tho committee was named to meet General Western Vestern Superintendent E E. J. J ally Nally Should this conference fall all the tho c 11 union will refer its demand to Int rn lonal President S S. J J. J Small of or tie the i union who will U try to arrange the dir dlf- with Vice VIco President W. W 11 ii I r Baker Daker of ot the Postal company at New Nework f York ork Tho The walkout will follow rollow a t fall fall- ll- ll j ure ro to reach a settlement at this latter hitler r conference The men ask from rom 5 to lo 20 monthly month month- ly Iy y Increase In wages better betler surroundIngs surroundings surround- surround ji Ings and working conditions and ten tel er treatment from superintendents |