Show DICTATION AT T CONVENTION NEVER EQUALED Joseph H. H Raleigh and His Friends Got in Way of Kearns J. J Juggernaut Manned by Sheets and Found I N Promises Availed Them Naught 1 r DOZENS READY HEADY TO DOLT BOLT T THE REFORM TICKET Legislative Race Premier Farce of Far Farcical ical Con Convention i Lavery Just Out of Jail Wanted to fight Amen Amen- 4 kearns Then Dictates ro I r II H Hull 1 Armstrong 15 Why the dictation oC of nt the Mormon I r 1 church was never as bad as the dictation dic ilIc- tat oil at nt the count county con convention said saida I Ji a nU number of oC Jo Joseph eph II 11 Raleigh's i friends at headquarters y t. Prominent among them 4 I was fa Mr 11 Raleigh himself Robert Hoburt S S. S 1 4 and others Jal Jake e Raleigh h street I supervisor or under th the reform administration admin J entertained tho the seine same belief There were sere man ninny many others who lio had been compelled d to 10 bow beneath the yoRe yoke of the leaders who conducted that convention man many others who had hall been forced orce to 10 submit to the treachery played by George A A. A Sheets chief of or police I Chief Sheets knifed Joe Raleigh In Inthe the convention A After pledging hi his support to 0 this candidate for sheriff h ho became a political traitor In conven conven- lion and amI switched to Tom Toni Pitt When hen tilt the treachery of oC Sheets became ap ap- ap the friends of oC Joe Jot Raleigh threw up hands Raleigh h and his friends were ere orr offered anything to keep kerf quiet about the matter and to Ic let the he will vIlI of or the tho Kearns Kearn leaders leader tand j land It was tho the will of or Kearns Reams i heets Sheets was supposed to handle the thet t three twenty delegates from his dIs- dIs iri IrS t. t L tha Fort tor or Raleigh lie He iu PI Is t. dl di UI irr t l qUi bU othel s to It eil i was ra poW o power power- or r r- rIn In the con con- ton 1 ir Gnu Him Double Cross Crose r Instead of or getting the support orthe ot or the I Forty first Raleigh n received three I votes on the first n ballot The bulk bull bullI went vent to Pitt On the second ballot Sheets and his his his' entire delegation I switched to lo Pitt and while the doom of or Raleigh had hall been sounded on second sec sec- mid ond 1 ballot before this district was Reached It mere merely I accentuated the belief be be- I lief Jut that the tho police prefect was playing double and amI giving Raleigh and his I friends rl the thc double cross Pitt had ha been agreed upon by the machine and jO w was on the slate Ills IUs name nome had hall been heon on the tho slate for weeks but Raleigh's Ra Ra- Ita- Ita P leighs leigh's popularity made malle him a n. candidate candidate candi candi- date dote to be ho feared In a n. straight anti and honest fight ho lie would have won von hands k down o despite the Indorsement of or the machine and the thC slate would have i n broken on sheriff at least The nomination of Pitt could not riot have been heen secured by anything less than an nn act net of or and Chief Sheets was t the man to deliver the goods SS Of OC course It ft was waft a fair convention candidate was given IV Of or course every al n square deal Speakers at the Iho state slate v Convention and at the mass meeting fc the tho day before had said the Amerl- Amerl R r hearns party part fa for I a tL square deal flea c k They The meant that the tho party would stand standi j i for fOl a square deal door under pressure What hat liat They fliey Cull Cult Deal DellI i k Did an any of the candidates for sheriff sherif f C. C get a n. square deal dealt The minor candidates cantIl- cantIl the there dates that were in race were j rG t to tl help hell accomplish the nomination ati of at i t Pitt They rho were nominated by machine ma- ma 1 chine satellites They received enough 1 r. r votes on tho first ballot to keep Ra- Ra leigh below the goal line George Hancock Hanft Han- Han Hani i ft r cock would have polled polle a heavier lor vote vole volet 1 11 t under normal conditions for there thero are arett H tt few w c-w men In the party parly who are better boiler X known or boiler better liked lilted among their tel tel- 1 t r But a n slate man and mid a fickle t man Hian whose pockets lOckets bulged with pros- pros V les Jes created a condition with which neither Hancock nor Halel Raleigh h could expect expect ex- ex to lo cope An Any friend of ot Joe Raleigh Ra Ita- leigh would woul toll tell you OU where Sheets j stood for sheriff before the convention with perfect honest all f.- f. They The will tell about aboul the transaction They were tellIng toll tell the of or the defeated Ing Inc It 11 i In presence i candidate for or sheriff yesterday and F they th will not soon forget It Promise Didn't 1 Joe Raleigh was given tho ho t there no not was WL i i. i tion two years s al ago when H He the slightest chance chalice of or election knew It his friends knew it and yo yet ot y A ma man et J he made matIo a creditable race feeling t to patriotic must have some omo enlist his hla services In an any party port who when he hu knows he Is to be shot at and lal laid lie wa was graveyard jut cut In a n. political the Uie lion ion of ot lil his party part then the tic leaders f and I to toJ to lo take lake care of ot him an promised chance when th the him another J give brighter The Amerl Amen prospects were the se see fet fellows think they ai at party part the polls poll this UH fall tall nut hut they victory victor fulfill their promise to Jo Joe did not They allowed him to g So go I convention with a ml misguided misguide Into th the 4 nominate filea that l he c was to lo be would have been nom nomi nomi- nomi and he there thero been an absolutelY i had hail behind deal Ho ha had power J f 1 him J but treachery robbed 11 him hini of or it ito Its ImpetUs was one of oC the tho Amerl- Amerl Amen Amor I Bob o Sleater men who talked bolt yS- yS es kearns party part bo be undo under would woul as soon Ho Ilo dominant church 1 a ato as asto or of the thumb the party part and to b be lit In the tho It vIll afraId to say so J. J not flOt lw Ito was to the party leaders not Hot be If Ir a 0 largo large number of the tho supporters of or Joe Raleigh bolt the ticket But If Jf thc they do de no flO no balk they will labor under a anew TIe new Impression olon hereafter h so ro long lon as they train with tho the party They rhey have learned that the Ole promise of a square deal Is li as vacuous vacuous vac vac- LIOUS as the promise of reform as nR unreliable as ns Kearns Reams himself lt hl minted Was VaN a square deal handed out to 10 candidates fur for county thy the Weber anti attorney The mention of the name of A A. J J. J Weber backed by hy the machine ma ma- chine made them step stel aside They had been told that the party part lea leaders lead lead- ers ems did not want any other candidate crushed under under un un- but Weber They were der tier the political juggernaut that rode over the convention and dictated Its nominees After striving for weeks under the Impression that there thero was wasn wasa n a fair chance for or an any candidate Waiter Walter Val Wal ter tel Little anti and W. W R R. White While came up the day of oC th the convention with enough ot votes rates to make an nn interesting lIng tight They were told to get out At first t they thc refuted r conscious of their own o ver IO power but when hen the machine leaders showed shoved them the number of votes that thai would be swung to lo Weber they with with- dr drew diew w. w uber hail had bt been en picked and he was as nominated notwithstanding the wishes of or any anyone one else Huo Premier I Farce l' r The legislative race was the premier farce of oC that whole farcical conven- conven lon J J. T. T Tf I. I Livery Lavery ery discredited among J n h. h id hJ ul under bond as Lq a n common felon and alid t tl Mil reC tet out f ju had b be been cn n hold held pendIng ending bl his trl trial l foist ni the tho funds or of I the Bridge Structural Iron IronWorkers Workers union dictated thu tho personnel personnel person- person nel el o of a portion of or the legislative ticket ticket County Chairman Darmer 83 says S 'S thore lore was no lent deal between the Amerl- Amerl kearns party parly and certain labor men meno mento mento to o place prominent labor men on the ticket In iii order to tu steal the thunder r of the he Federation of or Labor that will put l labor lalor ticket In the Ihu Held field this fall raIl If It ho he ic didn't know It others did The Kearns Cearns men knew the Federation of oC Labor abor had hall contemplated putting a ticket In the field next Sunday Sunda They knew the avowed Intention of the representatives rep- rep es of or the various vailous trades to nominate a labor ticket et the same as has hns las been bean done In Og Ogden en the same as has las been done elsewhere upon the advice advice ad all- vice of oC Samuel Gompers president of the he American Federation of or Labor The They knew they had to cater entel to the labor abor element clement particularly to win the election this fall This Tills l i IS proven by bythe bythe the he statement of or George W. W y Moyer at the convention Saturday when whon he lie said We Ve cant can't win without the labor abor vote rote and he ho urged that the labor abor men be placed on the legislative legisla- legisla tire Ive ticket Didn't Kium He lIl Was IlS Out of Jail Chairman Darmer says he lie did not Inlow now Lavery was In th the thu convention lie lo said he knew he was n a delegate but ml didn't know he lie was out of o jail He le knows Lavery's Laverys standing with tho the federation of Labor He lie knew Lavery Laver could not go Into a session of or that body ody and antI have an any voice olce In the nomInation nom nom- of or a CL labor ticket Yet It Is Isan Isan an absolute fact that the day da before Ithe he the convention a deal was made with labor union abor-union union men to place three candidates candidates can can- on the legislative ticket ticket- The agreement was that we should have three said a delegate who belongs to toa a a. local union He lie said this when ihen the chances were that only two would woul geton geton get gut guton on the ticket et Tho The lenders leaders ha had decreed de dc- ho- ho creed that Ben lien was sas to get geta a place on the ticket lIckeL Ordinarily he would have polled the tho highest vote of ot his party but the orders had gone out that a union labor man should havo lavo the highest vote In order to strengthen the tue belief among the officers of of- and amI men of oC the Federation that the party was their particular pal par friend I cl n II ted hll to 10 PI Tight Pigi lat it Ien ms Lavery came home from Nevada a short time Ume ago ago He lIe stopped at the Lincoln Lincoln Lin Lin- coln coin house and he lie had hatI not been in town tow II a day when ho he sent word to The Republican that ho wanted wonted to tight light tl ht the party part He said he had a astory astory astory story which would show the Amerl- Amerl kearns party In Its true light and would reveal Its Us relations toward towar laborA labor A reporter visited him and anti the substance substance substance sub sub- stance of ot the Interview was an Intemperate intern intern- tirade against the Kearns Reams outfit Tho The Interview was not published be because because be- be cause Lavery Laver was vas not regarded as ns a aman aman aman man who could voice the honest ex ex- of or the rank and file of or union labor He was under indictment am and his case was as pending in the Ihu District court count It was honestly believed that tha his Intention to light 11 Ih t the Amen Amerl- kearns party leaders was merel merely an effort to curr curry favor Cmor with the union men and antI create sentiment In his favor which would be of or some service to him when he was on trial ulal for tor embezzlement embezzle embezzle- ment mont It was less than a week utter this thus interview that he was made a n delegate delt del del- t atu to the count county con can volition Presented l Six Named nl Lavery cr read from tram a n list six men who worb prominent In In labor lalor or organizations Ho lie recommended that each bo be placed Continued Oil on Pl Page O T o. I DICTATION A TIN AT I CONVENTION NEVER EQUALED Continued Fro From mit m I PL Page C On One 11 c 1 the ticket Tho Time names he Ime mentioned men men- tinned were Sleater Skater Vf Wilson on Charon Spalding and Ia Five of ot the six were went placed on th time the ticket la Haggerty was the lIw only emily candidate who did It not got gel Into the circle of oC ten and anI he missed by a very narrow margin I No one will wi criticize tho time character of the time union men who are on time the le legislative legisla i Ia- Ia lye tive t e ticket The They all al stand high In time thA organizations anti and ane carry carry pre prestige t the labor element among I. er could not have been nominated In a n thousand years yet lie he was allowed to dictate who th the nominees should be I Spalding and lag Haggerty erty were out of the time cl city when the nominations were mad made The They ha have e boon ben instrumental In agitating agi- agi tating lie proposition llon of oC putting up lp a 1 labor ticket ticket J. J R n. Els Ellis H. H P. P Mason Marn and amid C C. 0 O- O all of or whom stand well In their party had imad very every reason leaon to o believe heleve that the they stood a fairchance fairchance fair fairchance chance of or being nominated The They had announced themselves weeks before the convention con and they had work ked 11 hard for COl the nomination They Thy hind had plenty of o friends In their thel party amid thuu thought ht they had hal plenty plent of VOtes voles otes In iii th time the convention The They did not know kimos' of oC the time deal made mah by hy the arns lenders leaders and otheus othero time the day before the time conven lion tion Imagine Ben Den I who was offered time the tw nomination for roa sheriff hea running run run- ning fling fifth nUh In iii time til race for fm time the legislative legisla legisla- la- la live tive nomination It I requires no more than th time the sight I ht of oC a blind man to see fee through the whole proposition no nomore nomore more marl than the understanding of oC an Idiot to perceive e the Intent of oC the to lo bulldoze the Utah F Fed Fod- d- d of oC Labor anti and t to keep It I out ou of oC the tho feh field this thiH Cal fall fail The Time conCe confession flon of oC George Moyer 01 was a slip of or the time tongue I for tor which th the party lealen leaders are aae now apologizing I The convention will wi go down In iO political po po- history as one of or the tlc worst managed managed man man- aged affairs that was as ever held In Salt Sal Lake Tire Tim fir handling of or It I was crude At no time would shrewd political leaders have allowed discredited p 11 a n labor man to tl tithe take such suh a prominent part hart in the deliberations had not tho the exigency of the occasion demanded demandel Immediate Immediate Im Im- immediate im- im mediate action acton At no time line would the party leaders have allowed a a. t prominent prominent prominent nent attorney to confess that Amerl- Amerl kearns victory In the county this fall fal depended entirely upon the labor vote vole STATE SlATE CHAIRMAN SALISBURY S. I APPOINTS SQUIRES SECRETARY O. O J J. J Salisbury Salsbury chairman of or the Republican state tate committee has hns appointed ap ap- ap- ap f Joint pointed d as secretary of or the tho committee Col Col George GeOge B. B Squires who acted a as s chairman of the recent Republican tate state s convention Col Col Squires Is at present In the tho office orce of or secretary of or s state tate anti and has a wide acquaintance not o only In Salt Lake count county but all al over t the he state He Is Js an nn old solier soldier and anda andu a u veteran |