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Show The Inter-Mountain Republican Published Every Morning INTER-MOUNTAIN whom a REPUBLICAN CO. it Entered as second-class matter Feb. 10, 1906, at the postoffice at Salt Lake City, Utah, under the Act of Congress, March 3, 1879. Subscription Rates: ....ccccccccceceereS One Month Three Months Sunday Edition only, One Malcolm dation rise and the 2.00 ment Manager. was the the acts times ers of it the may of be difficult .view opposition. be your the owR know result, and such He convince statements result is not a he has he he the him best men- means and if have Many as certain things were''done,:. tobe are that have been ang for of to Kearns by told the public who Had they been} "set oe are Be a oO is can be not the baleful been is Inherent in the for man, people never claims. He will the tyrant more become more at the women who have Re- the inee for One of ist. It is the local Amerikearns papers contain- | Peed ed a long editorial article purporting to to look time to as fairly they refuse to be by foolish canards. realize that the which the favor of plum, but speaker Judge pronounced Morse knew so to see that politica receiving little of the the subject man sioned to twice support that pronounce It really was his he could name thought by to affairs hie was assumed to have been commis-|2"° it not the where else. correctly. hear about and go sae defeated spirited) LAW fight, in which no influence save that} of the delegates' preferences an instant felt. if there had been was as the is time "the political people of to shy here when mysterious forward oons:and- others, even the day of the|‘Teedom convention, that Judge Morse woula|*°™€™ be nominated. And he was only at the close of a very rules that in the reasonable ABOVE "men for|g) Bar association, jearned a paper in Minneapolis, in a !mpropriety, position sibly have ence where been c he Judge could accused to Mormon ato put try," sald pos- ence or not of subservi-| influences, Ae Frick Some ae have ue speaker, system of Which is neither made, and that are "a - unwritten forbidden by law, and HER " EL a igen oD a nd no effort)has Sear no ee "it re She codes or Is a flagrant to of the 15 agen convention, If been attempted, efficacy in Mormon the me yak such a and had any} alleged power, ae course If there were hostility Judge Frick of the certain- eres peal. Unwritten grand 400 convention. maudlin at ering as me ley which is in law to re- is anything which to excuse violation So far as Mr. Howell was concernea, | It 18 @lways of quoted all of an act other law. in defense. When his nomination did not need the back-|* ™#" has "taken the law Into his ing of coercion by the Mormon church, |OW" hands," by runs, and Senator Smoot, cause interest. congressman, the people the state. Washington, congress in He among both the officials of Was easy see to has some popular committed one else a phrase murder violated be- the rules He had done much for|° Tgbt. there is a cry that the un- of had proved the possession of a desirable influence in as the members houses, the and of in |*hat sort This It]jin the' absence law has been vindicated, It |!* doubtful If any good ever comes of among departments. that, written of trifling Mitchell point. |tlonable sect with case, The the up in statutes. Oregon, is founder of an objec- killed by the broth- was of some exceptionally strong objection|er of a young woman who had ac-and none existed-he! would be re- cepted the teachings of the founder. nominated. And he was. He didn't The murderer was cleared on the plea need any ulterior influence. He won on that he had acted on the But there the is equally charge that as weak Judge lection was demanded ground Frick's se- by the Mormon intensified knew the in no so judge, her the unwritten tle anything. reason opposed- a preference has save He has why the been he very an upright should be legitimate faith, but matter, he Is learned in the law, he has every claim to the honor which was conferred upon him, and there was no church. her law his she and own as he passions knew no law in but fanaticism. It is the baleful that Down hundred been effect law years the in the only of following it does not set- Kentucky for unwritten as to the not heartily control. We speak of these things calmly, because they are so evidently the truth, and because we want the people of Utah to reflect upon them when they are ako that outside influences sed Sete oe adie! plain have truth is prevented to compass of these that the no the nom- men. The man action could that con- vention desired to take, It was a body of independent, self-thinking delegates, and number one which they would have are people sympathize, number never of a have a case as either as party to Middle West. Two men had quarreled over the should oc- position cupy. in long which The men rich. resented|and state was e in splte a line fence bitterness a good other of reported grew. trader was his is a One and poor industry he of of that And he of ing men been man tingly that side man ing heeded, great try they do and likely ete. school have spestory closing ses- devoted he has played to and to the United to the out project Utah for part the it a of the is railroad to may is more than of terested will will no by demand It of the likely the means vestors or enterprises. lessen with bad results ago, and even of Wisconsin less to in the that ut the that to the there doubt. lation the been result is actment as may be ex- interests of in- earning power was tried many La years Follette quite is guilt- not likely necessity for their movement the states to be where considered the best Roose- observer for is the borders President states shows or no careful developed in intemperate been by The carefully It within set within strongly waxed in- Utah velt In the nation, can are experience. follow example average law. Kansas not and in That in the before the Governor has of who the matter. duplicate one in the legislature; be sacrifice on come expressed of big is péople be the commission properly session sentiment a the of far ignored. regutoo And the went can paid is the one to of life the and warn- the curses grows the which fact i princesses They into do not ride them places a as from of busi- hurried break- before for some until swift train business ment, and where rest will have. of late never afford grind lungs John past day as the and full in more the offer. It West are way, and the heir of the birth twenty-one ness of they do take are more needs upon be it one of the human the ers T. of the public of as They force they for seize. rewarded effective who for dépend could possibly every moment getting things for and of their of force, be missed. But fate can too pitiless his warn collapse a othcon- will not vain. the favor is education the The for club," under latest candidate Tablet, the which the a home, has for "Journal the just school been management is- of Mr. Joseph E. McKnight, of this city. It is a handsome paper, filled to the brim with helpful articles of the very highest merit. Mrs. Clesson 5S, Kinney Anna Youngberg. Rose M. V iinont, Lizbeth M. Qualtrough, John S. Welch and Horace contributors their several thoughtful certainly to the Cummings and are worthy of reading-which receive. has partment-outside en- especially results for field strong. Salt Lake, are number, papers law in H. initial The its they will editorial de- salutatory-is The Tablet has and we a believe it nce oOo on 1G@ and See , .held' by by even ‘ two pe 7 i" 1 ‘ jimmersed;,and he emotion by three ; ce ts te aia theo *aune the |e ia eas It + ee oe ha ns ae nat was and accompanied Ore ney denolecn princesses | arrival of a| highness, the infant, dighttwo a ‘adonths ak ai es hint wee : he en ure ae A? ne aeons St: the - Coatclan o hi Seve tairtis) ah4s DOM. luvery |* moment Marie) n foday unknown have but nurs ein day the ft ray THE TOREADOR. : : Spanish Turban, known "Maggie Murphy, A ane Na.| para Ain venwiee tre city, one BANKS', abt 116 South a fan ae o street, Ware Irishwoman for his ive a zoFHl lads and prin~ a8 » and: indulgence gold, whereon their names are wonder and interest to inquire of baptisms | right solemn most The eribed. was the rare ritual of the tiny Czare »-} cern a sovereign wit He was carried to the church at| regarding royal | for aos TT In Back know, woman a make Pe ,the Ey a pee ee progressive young went to clerk, ma the office and asked state . the of for a such the the tl |a fore Hee dee. wi ore. e of license the and and they then church and he last to had lived have tell their the population married would friends and have glad stood sitlon-no matter Towa do may on map- neither the first; all other the the a of they propo- rest of THE PENNSYLVANIA TUN- ae NELS. New York Tribun : Work the tunnels which will give the Pennsylvannia road direct access New York City has reached an interesting stage. The removal of earth along the route of the twin tubes under the Hudson has advanced so rapidly that it can probably be completed in a few days Between he headings In Weehawken and _ this city from which excavation has been pushed the distance is 6,000 feet or more, and the pe Spl report that the interval between the approaching one of the tubes is only about 125 -v0 Tunneling, however, involves much more than digging and blasting and giving to the passageway under construction a waterproof lining. The most delicate and responsible part of the task is aiming the bores with such accuracy that they will fit perfectly when they meet. The skill with which this feature of the work und Hudson has been prosecuted is largely a matter of conjecture, but doubt will soon be remo ved. test Is about to be applied which is available only when there are two tubes. Already that portion of the southern tunnel which has been pushed from the New iors sey shore overlaps the portion of the northern tunnel from New York, and the lateral distance between them ought not to be more than fourteen eet. by thrusting pipes through from one to the ot measuring their length and comparing the height of their respective ends above the bottoms of tunnels, valuable Indications should be obtained, It should thus be possible extel nally, sin what ; you s need, in eset SSIN bed Ik ) 0 dC ttles ¢ JUIKs bij eos : ‘ Kinds Our dicinal of o Hot Soda pur DOSES, . etc, Drinks " at Fountain. -HORNE a the|] con- By Phones 347 the Saree e @ eret 9 t. News Bldg. ARE WE course insure a 1clan must be any use, the but THAT'S ALL OPTICAL a CO., done Lew eaving out of consideration the rock cutting on Manhattan Island from the site of COLUMBIAN See 259 there will be tracks from AT aren Main o St. - Salt Lake City. Kansas City, Dallas. Portland, Denver, THE NEW Omaha, SOUTHERN We have a few left. First-class rooms at moderate prices. Hot and cold water on every floor. LElevator and bell service. UNDER NEW ee ee -Onahead of co statement is probsome respects the MANAGEMENT. 7 WEST 144 Phones: 1ST 1874 : Ind., SOUTH. 2389-Z " Bell. has > year | AN OPPORTUNITY contractors had a comparatively easy the bed of the job. The silt of whie Hudson is composed is not only soft homogeneous in texture >» to shore. The East River between Thirty-fourth = street Long Island City, contains a variety of material-sand, clay, gravel and bowlders. Moreover, the upper surface appears to be exceedingly irregular These two inequalities have embarrassed the engineers who are at work in that locality, and it is uncertain ever yet whether the difficulties which have een encountered there have been fully overcome. Still, there is little occasion for hurry. The utilization of the East River tunnel is as dependent on the completion of the crosstown tunnel and the West Side station as is that of the North River tunnel. you to MISS, or Wal- $12.50 @ CARTER JEWELRY Watchmakers, 324 Mtg. MAIN CoO., Jewelers, STREET. CLAYTON MUSIC C0., Utah' s Leading Wusic House 109-11-13 South Main Street, SALT LAKE CIry. Salina Call: Things political are, beginning to assume some ve tea teen in the County, and candidates for ® Various offices are being put forward by their friends and carte rers. Nov it seems to us that fair distribution of the offices ought to be made to all parts of the county and that no one fe a monopoly. men that the GOOD CHEER, for y« hurt ana ‘blue! Oo fairer weathe you i slip from sorrow" 8 tether, cre''s ub me lody of joy, "ure ong pert fect-s ans oy! Sing tis. a blithe ‘anine tu ne, Betstter lic *k Is coming soon Song, 2 s¢ mae 2 re omy, be of Grand Junction News: The Mesa county fair will be held in Grand Junction September 26, » 27 anand 28, one week later than last year in order to avold conflicting dates as much as possi An excellent program has been Prepared and She three days will round in offered, d the op eam list embraces a total of $2;5 which will bring out tahaeen eatletitn est and horticultural exhibit ever gathered together in the county Six sections county he are preparing exhibits which wil be extraordinary in quantity and quality. eos amusement anged as well as the progr fina which Seat will ai worth: the trip. An invita not 20 Year Guaranteed Cases | CHATS WITH EXCHANGES | should this be who are sent legislature, e county will judged, and rightly too, by the kind men it sends to the legislature. ought Ladies' 7-Jewel, Elgin tham Watches in question. ROAD'S e ee were And that the tariff to rest they it on what state, enough to, of pat and inconsolable. any go of min- ceremony, the were in The known and to could since been they had would issued. and another person. not reports they a town, been upon, perform for little had legal, Every made that single certificate, their called be a refused since at been in them license, trouble. invitations were comWhen the marriage had fee away. see was wedding advise ister to a there many marriage happily asked showed and the went parents Te: pure Olive 10 Fi he used ors me ‘i All hands,and in a minute they were| Hudson if the need of ‘any should be os . oy revealed in the next few days ; ae ¢ married. As . they never ees ee } a had been marIt is said that this section of the ried before they didn't know what had | ynderground oute of the Pennsyl- bined, Pi 5 Sa 0 sis Q s > aske hem | this city to the existing system of the paraee nu uere ropa ree Aare company. hese improvements. will if they intended to be married, and hardly be finished within the next two] when they said, somewhat surprised,|or three years, and there is ample| the} under alterations make to to clasp|time them told he did, they that the Se , Sia or are now needed, virtual comple- knew the father of the bride, and thus |them a mile long, before established a very good bunko man'‘s|a continuous route for s Angeles. O} C IS urily conveyed, news of their presence was|the proposed station on the peadt rae . . e 7 justice es 2 > Zast ver € Eas of the the p opening also }and of the fav > yeye BOW ENeR one ee oe 4 tunnel to Long Island City, there still peace, and he dropped in at the winremain three important undertakings The station Itself |to be consummated. engaged of the clerk's office, and dow pre a constructed be conversation. | must in people young the as S he ean must be cutdan between it and theeshentt river Among other things declared he FTE aA Here HT happened, nor what was the fee for|vania company a : 7 e se. and so they paid|finished almost a ae marHage jinene ; aad hict : oe tract time. The all that was demanded-which was ably true, but in nally : ‘ Gand the of a North River section of ee company's tunnels, this " Los entert: iin that are the to a few weeks Only apparently, for the coun- marriage s s and Marae : BYSABRU Sate OANA winks with which such Information iS) in in a ; absolutely i V4 ‘ OI Call safely Warne ae junction of the sett r bed, and also to Baaettaris pursued thereafter of | satisfactory result one is supposed to ee and his: young every where : . Iowa, ty stand- | to anticipate tubes under high its success receive the deserves will ard SE demanding ightest into the mother may little ones = oy eee An / and i he a in EET Made wer : Ch as AT the new Autumn pee of rinces ae re: SS wait tOnaeel loadec heavy voice, pealed From the en ' f ‘Ta= ef education" oO nae She oY Sing Aa locally seen Main. the Se nL: wor or ores van universa such} "he. eda et pleas Nearly 1@ one goy "| cesses In are They money will his peril of in Perhaps sued they of Shayne lesson all and life better impossible sumption of air. ease. people. than their frames. John be material They of more employed purpose demanded if and of If health reserve of lived, of them if they the a fresh hours with longer end in and Aid that a} at the eposec child. The nurse of the incess las All the little highnesses of the pica touching Europe form of courts BE daughter the eldest of Savoy, ande they as en low -d life, reg ul of a large sal- | ure the king of Italy, receives ary -" will be ‘given a pension when| are with the destinies of rations is her services no en eer will be re pir ed, their heritage and responsible directly The baotis is a complicates and indirectly for the Ifa of thousmony The little Hohenzolle rns are} ands people, ye deals. and innoeyes naive with as other children, cradle of Freder-| cent the engraved laid in of their parthe joy wa- | and pretty pranks, with baptized and Great the ick ter flowing from a fountain in a - ents. The populace views them with they the the this is aeiiean ind a magnificent can conserving moments are > grave of and ladies- is waiting . was he queen pageant , in 7 ind Guean Bex anit ra, ‘ge ‘a prince relia: as | in. the mor UE. ; accor am st° the easub¥Y was of king the and ivhe } sons, simplicity. real to accustomed household was manages ry wo ser- |,Jéct ted od the ii cone At 10 years was ee 1arles o erince 466 OF garments} tn clad was she and ants, sewed by her own queen mother. The} entered at the military seho t the choice of «a nurse for royal nur-|Same age the little Hohenkalle rns. were placed father their and officers. made is a It question. & momentous is sery point of honor for each province to them rer arrest ie tp che ae ro for the rule is y Seve lightly... found | more VII Edward King one furnish would many paarroes royal splendor as ill the royal them that mental get armed little the of the recreation. their and riage Instead blue pntcinatte ‘fhe tiny princesse royale, | rece FOES ur eee Ww A ens it thelr. daughter was given a mansion to runders no coun i 1a na iy ind it was decided to conduct it art gi this a" rent rie of in with the strictest economy-that is to}Hations love and. ectation, woul ae: they attached to her person bint Hnger through. a few ae a ot eighty» persons-gentlemen. and pages, | Neglect. and sorrow, ane 1en sink into en- faculties, men more are They for his The their it. of impor i whe pale to come! the princess old the | Beners als Ps: of, Louls XVI.and. today now been fate sensible stronger is and announce its not as of though its face be far from fair and di chee. nd Paris Hy 1¢@ suspense of | beathless, world A clever. from its mind: tee magnificence soon springs up. around | £4¥ns then, with redoubled th f Itbit forth the announcement 1e mperi titb 3 i : ‘rsal Lawyers have with military euy re ne pee carriage, a nm ss. The press of the country Byer d ur. "was..an De eae celebrates with great editorials, sufthrongs stood motionless fs eat fused with flatterles and complime nts, | Hs ngs Pi beg those a Py ee and all the maids of*honor and ladies- | thundering: in ie ir « mB oe in-waiting give out the most beautiful| a gun was f reat Gz 20 te reports of the comeliness and cle ver- | no intense beyont ARIES on have assurance they for ‘eterhof Se cushion and give his affiday as to whether poleon' 3 second. wife: eave) birth. to n| bl Act silk plush, trimmed in aa ep e naye Bean | boy <a 20, 1811 Ifun zethe child Empire Green ribbon and é Sad hag : he ne ( mother elress neta were "tee a isa Roses. eee Cena oe ato oe Oe existroyal life of moment first the ence is attended with unusual pomp SITS if a eae Ne opis wee wane A hundred and one cannon shots an- |? ©)0% a SOR MOM DE Eo as nounee the arrival of a prince, and) #Peused by the deep DOOMINE OL COD | ni LT have with and taken king of English arrangement shore life not an innocent little imposter even today custom. <-equires minister of ste ite be present. would usefulness. doing physieal their comes. simple the Calaya.) the would merciful pay. all and * he imbecile, doesn't do Van have a protocol merely the world In days of and position fair no may have lake would of most air find could the helpless the They never hopeless. possession years a is and he they get break wealth a And they on high joyed. day feel heart the years, much a fresh But bed drugs they the Shayne a ten as a they of recovery T. hour the to relaxation, that and then mo- demands, And possible. an held of of exball with upon never breath And gained in They a that night, themselves unceasingly what of at public nature anywhere. know of depend hour the dinner evening at to give an so busi- to ‘Then conferences which relaxation. can point back the the the vantage matters have the hurry where continuance the then, they for and its and in on and They then again, or men They club afternoon. effort, theatre, a coveted with haustive in and late ceremony or them. luncheon lead (By princes French palace was opened to all on the | man was completely birthday of a royal child, The public | manifested his due witness was deemed necessary to guar- | loud « ries antee that the new born was ideed 1} on patding the yee that proper They take their after too amount themselves can to penalty, physical, is safe the great exereise. cars This that unless that give do. beyond will, before the mind It continued, ness the associa- the to that a fight at of ha people. that next M consideration responds things movement nd secure for city tasks to the STATES. to and a fast. They devote themselves with an intensity of effort that is unparalleled Kansas, be the fact to as homes and thing down come limit healthful ness, T. broken has accomplish, their John him, have not in is mental to swiftly been Added work, they than if fit- good There they is more is before certainly the doubtful as duties. human and lead- influence is which others they of is general. Very 1 tlon man West unfortunate have of has the that eitizenship result and of whose It too he business the named all in insane, being one is a most a men fur of also be should strenuous. as part IN THE par- shrewd- years the good. burden is the For Chicago It he the It After will history of wisely both malady of been for Shayne. of probably could by will the The seek of business representing ad- superintendent flag, the pat- brought pronounced his manhood and by one head of has any part public event, who be will work has is Friday settlers, afternoon Saturday, to of city, limit. state. taking days first of organization known the that mem- while any day Interests been hard at the equa historical 300,000 the in war concerning LEGISLATION trader, grew cause They states case the the and himself, American the sad a the The and civil In people the Shayne, has be. will mat- state that 10 prominent early the 26, wives those the cele- other the the of to discussed the But the which best much stood organizations the peculiarly Hag Stripes and to from the afternoon Army, to the will in chief's the pected feud. A of by instruction States the Sunflower | Grand of on found citizenship, to devoted Pike and he is and very there con- the such and goyv- from legislation, without long in veterans education, in and the Indians, Pike show new September good of order sion, should the over made {in children way- Kansas late be the the By some were Stars and celebration, telling 1806, Pawnee purchase; radical all committed; is settled of at murders been members feel of diary, 29, argument speeches be at recently representing to his arrived temperance the of to so day," daughters clal to they the interesting listen the held Republic present floating until Thursday of be in with or some will Se and respite nterested of will Pike and last soil. Nad flag the hundredth Indians unfurling ters will one were Wednesday, bers during Louisiana After dresses of fact unfurling Spain "woman's of that whether to morning says the September Lieutenant This papers council which est of ago law of friends of one of the other candiAnd in obedidates. That is, unless the Mormons ealled upon to obey. themselves had opposed him. And if ence to that code, which they understand, and with which they very they did that, they proved they could large it. years The came down went up. unwritten precisely the same logic that either of |law. But he did not at all terminate his competitors, standing in his posi-|there the unhappy incident, for his tion, would have won against any op-/own sister killed him a few days after his release. She had been simply ponent. for book recorded her which Spanish be public sentiment kind it. village, on warriors. door, statutes torre good law |°2" invoke enough ly would not have been nominated at|th® the nian !t ‘s @ mighty St. by according Pike : "4 by text KANSAS. the on where, a ee eitorh evidence punished the will situation STRAIN. T. Chicago, ap- protected Eastern The probably, controversy. MUCH John limit, few expected requirement some by the the TOO or IN suc- Republican Special Service London, Sept. 22-Little In the alone. celebrate, flag to books, Pawnee brate. and of all will sound not white child born in Kanliving there. And now held denies text-books,"' violation conserve the far Zebulon a heen! anything of the kind. It hag been patie ceded, Fe asta teat to one of with be can freight will commission a work none better people, latheir that prior and together not the that rallroad the crowned here. them is commemoration old cluded law, raltlroads leave September, when rights situation to is of ernment or judge- recognizes the it Is now present a nearer that be two- For a_ the for rate the ronize a2 be a of to for as be the of the on a for considered cause. writers allegiance jurisprud- legislative which the first still chiefs, a Utah many law to be same can only county, lawyer from Louisiana in which he pointed out the of This tion, would have been defeated. It 18) ne peril existing in what is called the » known fact that circumstances have, | unwritten law. "We have in this counwithout that the possible for legislation laboring low It PIKE American STATUTE. in such scanning law Kansas a and No not fact re- cess, thing week and at the recent session of the Nation- Judge Frick, indeed, | very any church domina-|+eaq written people What the Indiana commission things soon is can anniversary you influence, strength a re law. Have seems that the sas was 2% independent as they are any- many, Mor- sante right wrong American are bors it good unwritten One party affairs in Utah elsewhere; good GENERAL It Is time Amerikearns the them- in a demand companies as well and it is believed but best danger. the events pas- Are shippers, that parties been of condition into the a long both that of unwritten, is Is a for by both both unequivocally railroad written be very is the ex- to be the utterance of a Mormon who |'* N° Place for one who loves the Rewould be a delegate to the convention, | PUbIcan party of the nation, It is time in not of is rates, corresponding does the Every stam- in people <And Every of of law. the called it The and really logte into will that is facts has man contingency covered the of be conven- at bench. prove written It time state + of re- in their platforms, and the fare legislature of that state will next winof the peoexpress the sentiment ter ple Sons and Daughters 0 f Royalty in These Times Strictly Brought up, Having Much Work and Few Indulgences. Little those has beneficial. the had slain there state are in contradiction. companies Both political have incorporated years imme- suffering sentiment other- been selves sults Have is increased logic and to them There of a the Purple Yo Gasy Oime of ev Rorn com- to commission betterment + he he stacks And and 8s the in cent + + + + report is the senger and freight; travelers and the + + + + + + + v8 + + + + + che a the of Caidren 1906. 24, SEPTEMBER, passenger force. defies + + + in There work sulted + unwritten And and every is There and disputing railroad a two-cent put which a + the beneficial state been earning + + of been that statistics land, day held of barn slayer. enacted law. Saturday has no + + prosperous of the sons sorrow sound as his dictaone the judgment may least in fare The + line his one his people name the Probably in tation. Supreme of be can- as he succeeds schemes in be of rival squarely the to It those-and Men nom- fire So work has And +e + the mission time that on acquitted after arise will the the of inches killed the was acquitted on, certain the and may of the justness of they less diately set and In He all affront belleved, club law. <And seven verily a neighbor, and Judge be he line that the the families. that would was sitting not ae it is time to laugh at this Jack-o'-lantern bogey of church dic- none there fence, law. nomination tenhia, the horning Morse poorer. ab- ation of Mr. Howell for congress, was a fairly safe guess, you will remember were constantly the He the of could ijove that + iv + m2 people the exfor Ohio, In themselves. panies railroad biggest the of three ample, companies have stated emphatically of +++ + H+ ++ ttt +++ ttt it is so. He will never be considerate of the wishes friends, for too habit he IT are protected by til a demonstration is accepted by such constituents, e to except their lives in congress-and form a majority of the to go contrary to the views of the men to whom they are accountable As the Benjamin Butterworth number of years creditably represented one of the Cincinnatl districts in the house of representatives, has tersely stated: "Congress Is a sounding board, a cave of echoes, an assemblage of unpatented graphophones repeating what talked into them by heir constituents.' These members of congress are indeed amenable to public opinion, and that is the very reason we must not expect the representatives of districts, whose interests are supposed to be attacked, to look with favor upon this proposal. With them it Is a question upon which their political life depends; question of their view they are occupying the position that many of the opponents of the duty would take, were positions reversed, smitten is far His BY + took posi- Influence felt and It in PROFIT Tt is not well to declare that the ee reap no_ benefit from the duty on hides; for until that is demonstrated to their satisfaction-something which ve t has not been done-it will be impossible to dislodge a conviction which has already befixed in their minds. The ties for county. place His misfortune more FARMERS com- railroad the for and a MONDAY, UTAH, CITY, LAKE SALT + + + + + + + + + + e nominations Lake people. it Z any man ial at. ant he would. rule of that ingrained, he tion that his Im- every apology has solute his no The these is if |SUCh unsavory ago to to ae aleigh, man_to Tom and opposition known dictate of dictator. is a men, his of Salt sort it Tom two REPUBLICAN, FHF Ft t s+ ee eee ett as man didates' en- those Mr as long Mr. Ameri- nomination, submit the bossing It of it. people quit of and we not of they sagacibus person other candidates. There It was certain, positive, known, the of unnone told done, weeks cover happened. the Sd to lighteners ‘of the voter knew. so much matter to Saturday on well about the the w ho com- as what by brutal are Smootjordered | ¢ea@rdful These:same so reasonable new shin nown tion but injustice been Reed but on those fright three, their and else sort a is well, an a party And prothat they persons told'that Senator of nomination the Mormon church controlled the ac- | State that tion of the Republican convention last |#7¥Y More Thursday really place Pitt made statements certainly-inflicts his decision. Many persons the most the well the who testimony certain believes; false unintentionally-but less who Mr, friends of the was dictation. the on and juror on could they like we And weigh hears; a juror before true, in he like The which the in properly verdict true. it not that he nounces for decision is the And and |!" ml «| his to out- beginning not one you causes condition an be. Weber |Patient speak- convince is tal by true, were for matter for that grounds. no "hier- statements the all support time make by and guessed cer- nar indorse- were jack-o''-lantern§ Kearns' a unfortunate, made There bench, demand ee ee they would at another to an such candidates to a the simply would for ere than voter of nomination if that from calmly In papers party = But that ‘ by his was make of a po-|Kearns earnestness to foun- But certainly that sort of evidence does not may It a on declare ; selection known earried is it be voter convention, chosen candidates three acu irftense to the performance the that a who have Press Association. persons should And the blatantly of men LANTERN, campaign Salt man statement, to after power, the Aare the do, the No moment truth convention side raabesl naaeome In one did to in Republican truth. proceed and pellers litleal a to man ]/archy," Sekt Lake City, Utah, Sept. 24, 1906 sincere wanted contrary the easy, Supreme JACK-O' which held wants of is 2.00]/tain Block, 208 South West Both Phones-3190. Publishers' convention, Thursday. for any be year didn't -‘Momber been himself by not attempted. free delegates last by justice. 4-00 crac Year.. McAlister, General Offices-Dooly Temple St. has matter delegates convention who misled would a INTER-MOUNTAIN no been were of the that theatre this 016 ....ccecsceceeees as was It Six Months ....0-.ececeeeeeee+ One) VOSh ae. .c ce ee cerincescs have there Lake permit The Only Republican Daily Newspaper in Salt Lake City. dictation, convention exactly party at jit may If ever by Official Organ of the ot er ae in the State of Utah attempt aoe © THE any FHF TTF HHH HHH FTE FH HH FHF +++ HHH FEF FFF + FFF HH s+ ++ sso te tes 4 EE ee = ° ee If your trouble should be. ty hat old trouble-brin ger- : oO it friends have hurt Jou: vadiy Y adly S 5 ing this smile inv "Better luck is Heart aches une, soon'™ miine come , and t if your =e sual, whistle! 7€ ike? quiver, ver "- ‘Better luck sin is com or ng js dee will lull abidin - eroon, soon!" to sinep pain On & coming soon!" -Berton res D Every visitor will receive a weaker ton Grand Valley fruit fresh froom the heavily ladened orchards, that would tempt the palate of a monarch. Very ‘low aaa secured on the ample accomm be provided for those israel tend. Braley. "It broadens one! S horizon, so to veak, does it not," inquired the man studying municipal condiserve ‘the c ity in the capacity of alderman? don't eine about that," the other man noticed ave Stes ut that it generally proade ns his equator. : -Chicago Tribun |