Show When V You Vou au Ride In Iii the Observation Car You See all that Is to be Se Seen Sen n When You Place Your Ad in n the Want Columns of the he Republican EVERYBODY EVER SEES I IT r FLORIST I 1 E. E EVANS 3 35 MAIN ST ST. both bOUl phones Wl I. I Res Ites 1472 1172 Indiana ave VOlt FOll S SALD HE JJ ESTATE A AI H HI CUTRIGHT OUTRIGHT I i. i Here la Is a list 1181 of ot the tho last of or Kf m- m jr qT nape Knaps for tor Hi 1 by 20 rd rd close elote In I 2500 on wo 6 C brick S. S E on terms lorms o 0 4 i tram frame rame S S. S E. E on terms term D i F. F Waterloo on terms 1111 o 4 concrete S. S E. E on terms lIn 7 7 brick S. S E. E on terms S oo 3 frame S. S I E. E on terms term 7 ion fl 9 brick on Canyon Conon road f S brick on Canyon rd mod o C G frame S. S E. E on terms Si WI 5 fi brick S. S E. E r 1 IO On C im frame S. S E. E on 01 on terms L' L For l exchange good ell city property properly t for r s small farms or small farms Cori for Cor f for Cor ell city property I Good mining stock for or cx- cx i h I I f A AI A. H HI H. CUTRIGHT OUTRIGHT r Room 12 Eagle Easla flock Block I UNION REAL ESTATE BUILDING and Investment Co It It will pay you to lo losee tolice see lice them for homes on the th installment plan Illan 3 W. W Second South Houth I LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US i W We do the r rest st st. Cannon Cannon 18 E E. South T Temple mple St. St nANCI REAL HEAL ESTATE AND INvestment IN IN- vestment Co ran can fit tIt you ou out with an anything any thing In the tho real estate line cult Bull D. D Do F F. o Walker block A BARGAIN 2 nODS HODS BEST DEST building lot Jot in the tle city Buy Duy direct from owner no commission 1 P. P O. O box ANCHOR REALTY KEALTY co CO ROOM 11 Ii l Bagle alle blk bik Homos homes on easy cany payments MARTINEAU AND ANn CLARK CLABE Real Estate Estale and Stocks If It you want the earth Peo eo eo us anOOS and anO SOS OS Herald block Both phones NO 40 43 E. E 20 SO WILL melt your property not long to wait walt HOARD AND ROOM ROOM nOO AND BOARD DOARD FOR GENTLE GENTLE- men Good home horn cooking Also table board E. E So rc Temple mple St. St t. t FOR FOIt SALE SALE MISCELLANEOUS US SECOND HAND RAILS nAILS AND PIPES I for sale Utah Junk Co M U East Eighth South T Tel I I GOOD CORN COHN HUSKS FOR TA TAMAL- TAMAL lee les 14 S. S East Bust Ind Phone tAL 1 WANTED WE BUY ALL LL KINDS OF Or- SECONDhand SECOND SECOND- hand Curn furniture It urt carpets stoves an and ranges Larsen Larson and Nealson 1 State Stalest st sL 10 o GIRLS IC YEARS OF OP AGE OR Ott t O over r no flU expedience necessary American Ameri Amerl- can an Linen Supply 1 IS West First So TEAMS TEA AT C. C S Sj SI MARTIN MAnTIN COAL CO yards ards MEN A. A AND ND D WOMEN TO LEARN BARber BAR BAR- DAR I tier ber trade a wages es while learning situations situations situations situa situa- furnished Moler's oler College 62 East First South st. st ALL KINDS OF SECOND HAND FURniture FUR- FUR Star t r Furniture Co 31 So Bo State Hat Bt It Bell Dell HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR HIDES S pelts scrap serap Iron old rubbers rubber rags g bottles bot bot- tIcs copper brass brans etc Utah Junk Co ca E E. EI Eighth South Tel Z ATTORNEYS I Ij Hiram E Eo E. E Booth E. E O. O L Lee I j BOOTH AND LEE Attorneys and Counselors Auerbach ld I Telephone i I Benjamin L L. Rich Atty Notary Public I S ALEXANDER OPTICAL CO ANY lens ins duplicated 2 1 Atlas block OSTEOPATHY GA GAMBLE IDLE GAMBLE OSTEOPATHS 2 Constitution k MRS lItS GRACE STRATTON OSTRO path Constitution bids bId Phone Bell 2523 2323 K M. M L 1 OSTI- OSTI OSTEOPATH 12 Scott ell phones lk res HELP WANTED WANTED MALE A TEU LE AL L BRIGHT OFFICE BOY DOY MUST hEAVE HAVE Y wheel Apply Republican office CARRIERS FOR HORSE HOnSE ROUTES Apply at once Republican office I 15 GOOD BOYS DOYS APPLY AT ONCE J. J G. G McDonald Candy Co W. W Yo 3rd So I LIVE ENERGETIC TRUSTWORTHY men to represent Mountain Inter-Mountain lican Apply Circulation Dept between tween I 10 and 11 a. a a. a m. m U. U HELP hELl WANTED JEU FE FEMALE I. I R RA A GOOD COO WASHERWOMAN IAN AT c street streeL GIRLS WANTED IMMEDIATELY Dt Z C. C M. M I. I I. I Overall O Factory Liberal wa wages es for operators operator ARCHITECTS I F. F M. M UI IEH j 5 DOOLY BUILDING Salt Lake Lako City Utah lud md phone I 13 t. II I ASSAYERS i CRIS CRISMON ION AND NICHOLS ASSAYers ASSAY ASSAY- ers ere and chemists So West Vest Temple J. J Assayer 46 Richards st et titlE STOHl A S. S WM W A. A HARRIS HAUntS SPECIAL CABINET work worle W W. So Temple Phones BUYING BUYING SEIJI SELLING G GALL ALL KINDS SECOND-HAND SECOND CLOTH- CLOTH Ing trunks valises best lt prices paid 23 Com Corn st. st Send postal card phone K CARPENTER AND ANI JOINER A. A L. L REAR REAn 2 3 S. S MAIN Ind phone 1411 1 residence 2579 E. E N. N RACE nACE REAR HEAR 23 21 W W. SECOND South Bouth Ind md Grit CI CLEANING EA ING CARPETS CARLETS AND RUGS CALLED FOR FORand FORand and delivered LII Like e new National House Cleaning Co Both phones HOUSE CLEANING OF ALL KINDS WINDOWS WOOD WOODWORK ETC scrubbing WALL PAPER WAXED FLOORS RUGS CLEANED BY TIlE THE MONTH National house Cleaning Co 63 53 E. E 1st tat So St. St CLEANING AND DYEING I UTAH STEAM 1 DYE WORKS W U E. E Third South Telephone I CLEANING NING AND PRESSING I CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED 15 mo Work ock called for tor delivered Templeton Tern Tem Cleaning log E 2 So So both phones COAL AND D KINDLING A. A I. I L. L Halsett E. E 3rd So Bell Dell 2437 2 I DETECTIVE I E AGENCIES J PETERSEN'S DETECTIVE SERVICE Co We e We are arc now located here permanently per per- and are aro prepared to undertake undertake under under- take all proper detective business entrusted entrusted en- en trusted to us by corporations an and In In- In Can take lake up work on short notice and anti can furnish references and give gl bond in cases where It is required Shadowing and securing of or evidence a aMp Mp specialty We 0 also work on divorce cases Wo can ron furnish any number r of ot detectives you may muy want Wo 0 h have he e eI men with years of experience in this line tine of or work Come and tell us your I trouble Op Open n day I a and night Consultation Consul Consul- tation Ion and advice free We Ve operate everywhere t Both Iloth phones phone Independent dent ilent Bell 1316 Offices 3 DP D D. I P F. Walker Val Salt alt Lake City Utah Ulah b Where Men Get tiet Cured This well known and reliable curative e Institution the tho COOK COUK MEDIC MEDICAL MEDIC AL CO Is a permanent fixture of or Salt Sail Lake City It has stood the tho test of ot time and will continue to stand as a Mecca of hope for tor afflicted men hereabouts From time to time It has been remodeled In all aU Its departments which are thoroughly equipped with every scientific tine instrument apparatus and device essential to our modern methods method of or specialty practice Its Ill financial responsibility is as solid n as goM while the treatment It administers as lee legions Ions of ot Its cured patients know is ie skillful scientific and suc sue We Invite In vile all nU afflicted men who really tIe dc- sire u a L euro cure to inspect our offices office and to hon honestly Investigate us A private consultation a n careful with scientific examination together a M. M D. D personal W. W v. v A. A COOK of ot will w cost OU OUI I and honest opinion your our cn case you youL I L Founder of ot the nothing and a perfect cure If It you ou decide to take tako t Cook Medical Co 00 It It will not bo be more moro than you ou will m bo be willing to tolay pay lay for Cor tho the conferred d. d We WP treat and cure by the latest and best methods known to medical science STRICTURE SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON VITAL NERVO-VITAL DEBILITY BlAD BLADDER D ER and KID KIDNEY N EY troubles and all associate diseases diseases diseases dis dis- dis- dis eases and reflex complications TATION FREE CONFIDENTIAL AND INVITED A p perIs personal per per- r- r examination Is required though h It If thorough h and full tull description ot of your trouble Office OrTIe hours I a.m. a. a ss lent to to call write me fL a Sundays from 9 to Address or call m. m to o 8 1 p. p rn m. except COOK MEDICAL CO a S. S Main FOUNDRY Fou AND AtI STO STOVE III r O. O D. D LOVETT ALL MAKES RE- RE paired Foundry 44 N. N Seventh West Weal phone 2304 2354 HAT PJ UTAH HAT FACTORY nE REMOVED to 37 31 Eagle Engle Block lock annex Phone 1354 Y hOME COOKING GOOD HOME HOMB COOKED FOOD 1000 HER HER- ved from 7 a. a m. m till 9 p. p m. m 18 W. W ird rd So ICE CHE CREAM 1 MANUFACTURERS TIlE THE I KEELEY CO PURE ICE cream and sherbets prompt delivery 26 Richards st. st Both phon phones s r 23 L KEY FITTING LOCKSMITH LOCKSMITH G W. W l F. F MAIN 31 SO 80 W. W TEMPLE TB THE TILE STAR STAn NOVELTY AND REPAIR Works I W Second South LAWN IiA N MOWERS MOVERS SIL KNUDSENS KNUDSEN'S NOVELTY CO bicycles s. s gun repairing keys fitted I Phone Y 1052 2 E. E 2nd So i LOANS NS TIlE THE STRINGER CO 70 W. W SECOND So Oldest st company In Utah Loan on any property properly You retain possession LOST A CO- CO CONN SLIDE TROMBONE TRO B. B REturn UPturn RE- RE turn lurn 21 J South EI Eighth East EURL Reward ONE BI DJu CK IRISH SETTER DOG DOO answers to the tue name of or roots Toots owners owner's name namo on collar Return to owner and receive recel reward res J. J A. A Monroe Bingham Canyon Canon LOST BAG OF 01 PLASTERERS PLASTERER'S TOOLS In Eleventh East street between Third and anal Fourth South Thursday evening Return to Eleventh Ele East Reward MACI MACHINIST JOLt JOB WORK A SPECIALTY lions perfected drafting pat pattern lern making malIn mak mal In log ing Small castings a s In iii brass anti and iron E. E GO N N. W. W Ind md MID MIDWIFE IFE MRS LIZZIE GEISLER W. W 3rd North private home honne for tor confinement cases eases Bell Dell I phone hone C Kl-K Kl MRS A A. A M. M OLSEN'S NS N'S MATERNITY Ionic ilonie nome E. E Eighth South Bell Dell phone No o Y PASTURAGE J. FOR HORSES mS FINE FEED PEED AND w vater t r Big DIG Cottonwood Apply 23 W W. th South PRINTING TING STAR PRINTING CO BOOK AND ANDoh Joi Joh oh printing book binding binding and paper poper ruling 3 38 8 State at st Telephone lOG Y 1064 Y PACKAGE GE DELIVERY DELI PACKAGES DELIVERED ALL PARTS PAnTS of or the tho city b by special messengers 1 Merchants Merchants' Special Pk Del Phones Bell Uell Ind md S 3 m Constitution P PAINTING AN AND AXI I PAPER IL hANGING BAT BATT AND BrO J. J LEAD AD Nf oil paints paints- Bell 4 42 Y Y Ind md W. W 33 So W. W T. T lI A I. I DR CECELIA GU GUSTAF OF STOCK- STOCK holm holni Sweden t eliaL in ned medium I urn can UP it P consulted on un nh nil all affairs affair of life lire lias has a wonderful power has hus rN read raJ people ever since o she sine was wasI 4 I years old oid her predictions predictions Lions are art reliable Studied In iii Bombay llombay India Room 43 Constitution bl SCAVENGER CITY SCAVENGER CO CO 1155 So 2nd East Phones Bell Dell Y Y Ind md CITY SCAVENGER Rn CO Ui CO-Ui E. E TH STU So Phones Bell Den Z 2316 Ind md SHOES FOR DEFORMED ED FEET PEET SOLID COMFORT CO FOR TilE THE hEARD HARD to fit nt Special cast made Scientific shoe making Gus Gua P. P Olson Olsen S. S State S SPilt il it lISTS CECELIA F WILL GIVE ILlustrated IL- IL ILlustrated lectures on occult science and soul traveling lIng Tuesday and Friday Frida evenings Dark circle Sunday night c c. c Con Constitution building TAILORS H. H F. F CLARK UG W. W SO TEMPLE N. N P. P ANDERSON 24 E. E SO TEMPLE TE st. st Low prices good work werk Dell Bell 2221 WALLPAPER CLEANING NATIONAL HOUSE CLEANING CO 53 59 East 1st tat So st st. both bOlh phones KAPLAN HOUSE CLEANING CO Rooms JI l J up satisfaction guaranteed 31 31 Main both phones Y WELL Eld DRIVING WELL DRIVING WE DRIVING WE DRIVE WELLS In all ill parts of ur the city Morgan Co Coo COS West Vest Raxton L e Phone X N. WHERE TO STOP TIlE THE E EMPIRE nOO ROOMING tING HOUSE newly n furnished has bath rooms on 01 southeast corner of ot South Temple am arul antil hIt 1st st West c t us you ou come como from O O. S. S I. I L. L I dpI depot Rates from frum f 2 i per week Wc-ek up Caland Call Cal Calland and see us I I I The Oldest and LArgest R. R G. G DUN CO GEORGE RUST General r rI JI h Idaho Wyoming antI amI Ne Nevail I Offices In Progress RaJa Rail Lake City SURETY BONDS FIDELITY AX AND Nl DEPOSIT CO OF OF MARYLAND AH ANDERS ANDERSON CALLISTER ER CO General C I A Rents Agents 1 STATE STREET r II I I i EXCURSION TO OGDEN I. I 1 I SEPT 24 1 C fOR EOR THE ROUND TRIP Oo Go W With ith th the Press Club AND SEE i iTHE THE OLD BEDSTEAD I n r t Positively the thc last performance of this I screaming burlesque with the original cast and scenery Leave Salt Lake 1 1 45 p. p rn m. and m.-and mid and 6 p. p m. m Rel Returning riling I leave leav av Ogden 1 1115 1 1 15 5 p. p m. m G ft |