OCR Text |
Show f THE MINES Simsses"s | REPUBLICAN, MILLS | JENKINS Ae Si MS S i \ UTAH, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER, | ets Ee es eas a Grea | At EF J. the to utterance gave he, place hat with In a short above quoted he | expression. must -~power, cheap localities Stich. the from meh ding spe was he the|time solved has Electricity provided here concernaskedsabia when port, QE re DRIES, to "ity Maal bias OF power] large extent. aand RL to eM a eteGead problem Dee North-|tave to Same Rights There Is } | | i i forest . : mining on ft the cam . att . oe jof and oe Aura King mine the be a a * Oy ‘ ; Sept. Idaho, Boise, from come to continue reports been has space Considerable subject 23.-The aneitione Ths eee _ reserves recelved | Eee ta by Companies Eastern in an | Publication. eee Writer a as Big of Two Where) Comparison Within , No Timber oe Without. % will all be run over|glove prospectors. within ts mineral of ledge concentrated and ok 2 discovered . Y ene then tables. Ae approved there Is] where of no a reserve The|the limits most snthe ermitted be will one imber, concentrating r reo as p vitte 2c Pp one iting |n }no timb company has three big conce filing on a nearby a mineral ores The lion. the tq ei a cording= building : niefe < plans ge Consequentarg ae yeprejectec nick ena were nds It j was then proposed to have the ae Toe is start-| 5 just: " issued, Be = i ' i aT survey, ary.) Se0logieal perity. 5 i ‘ese veo . rthe in_that. y it: ‘enhanc ialas railing, aa? pe Ab nasa " : |; ton¢ : aes sere A Vet canyon singham n in the gem e mine dike .as the greatest daily capacity of 1,000 tons a. day : Cia: a rai s plates copper as of cheaper and smaller made prepared | building is report The world. but | entire daily, tons 800 it was . is ta s .Geor ge soreae t but bebefore 5 agreeing aterial, thisi gem ‘to the greatest: IF. Kunz, have | by::by) G » have material, ; alterations and additions recent ‘eall..on -. Mt :to: and~-hisireport;DrsStubbs:-deelded in havens expert it up to its present capacity . brought . . ee hav of|M Production "The 0 18 page ,}on | to endeavor : and more once é y auckay z FY nw 5 a the)" at wart fra gift "his mill completion increase him of company. have: work ‘advertise-\| great isa cases Bion such recious adis further claim a In his ae Utah e Copper ca aun workre on|developing loing Di his urd oe ee Morris, ip dottg aie ae ag weeks three about it}to as. Montana a Weeks ago ree svine northern 0 for kK : land INew.has York Boston ' and|ment the jt is at . than ‘ anced : : succeeded 75 gree of Segoe vcor authorization under ‘ M1 Poa aey directly having. Come: in' porphyry| ucceedec big the 1a his rights as One far ey so | likewise . > = Sites $100,it to No 2 on the east, and is a very' prom-|first man invarious 2 amount the increase Mackay is| and government $ States held United the will properties: the. both éwhich on 1¢ | deposit t the ae ne ay : meetings ae ne : fic Mack ow _: the ae . completed , When ieinig gigi: 000 sapphires} Of the or -| operate document public the hs repeal7 is far} 4 Utah ecuring the of is concerned, question E. F. by ' Mack-| new d the e romp Mascot, ; ‘ Iowa governThe States United the Saat owned Montana of lat-| the although Boston, the of ahead of act the of 4 is one } modification of section R. 8. Carmichael, and Wright makex F o of thesee Ty prop-|to nber 4 A number contains that b leasers.|tract by) worked be rcing se I ~asing . ( yee as ae leasing now oe Nae »yperties propertie will erties: i ‘ eek the with timber, lolegitimate the "a on) eer ormerly by introduced was matter The, Messrs. Frick and Guinen discovered | Fenn, and data was presented * work. steady L h 1 ikbeen(ee Reheat ar chs r rid Gapre Utah Mr | money which « willj be submitted to the President. s . . ; ow The to," " said referred seetion a four-foot ledge of red porphyry on| n Eagle, American. The their claim. eli as 7 i sles "< Se . oa "as: ores in. its small millyand roe a for the big concentrator money Mr.|. Hi ti hice" re tr aes seca hia the] has] if"Pheis se ‘ coat Ss > that Utah Copper would raped thus prophesied for municipal or mining purposes, are) conan Enies "lia In| the cnet Seba |retained by the Secretary of the In-| pay a dividend at no late date. s00n} juplic, b ar eT arilays. kit ae : just as feet|terior. This section grants to bene-| fact, it has been said thatbegins he ot Fea nae ‘ii por iGas its op- a eaoniek ap go ee per |ficiaries, duringgthe period of bene-]| as the big concentrator te : ba Co acer eration the Company will bé in a po-] ry et; "y nad) : "Mining® artz | ficial Use thereot a right of wayfor across] a an fine fo Orbe atone rea shareholders its give to sition such} reserves, forest through and dike, which the Horphyry near ledge eeinuing. wi fie anid Fnece precedes It is this provision | turn iB ee is known to carry rich values in gold.|ditches or works, ieiiente woe larger a other], on the. on production active begin to Consolidated, Boston ‘ i and is onerous ‘ ; The big new attics in the Jack Pot]of : the , law that is: most : A men, right se-| large ore : con- big of throes the in now is to mining burdensome Mr. values. in size and olds its own : Not only has Its stafflarontana. such works ts only desir-| struction work. Blewitt has just cut the vein in his|of way for the as a whole, the Yogo dike the installation of the big|~ concen hand continuance of opera-|on lower tunnel, showing a two and one-|ed during to be high-line railroad, which will encircle]:. jyaged by "qualified experts rights to its use would] and foot ledge of very rich ore, an|tions, ibe in the | ~_ gre: ree the jerhaps for rails of network a in property the & B from this rock, taken across the lapse when its use ceased.of the law," | the economic and 2) of handling ee four miles in some "Under ° Fenn Mr. per gold of ounces 13.60 gives led, O'Shea and C, & Snider have}cure a D. succeeded in tracing the source of the }quarter in ledge foot gold. free from prospector Columbia. a two and on up gold Dlacey. opened have' iond fale that is fabulously Mr. O'Shea Alaska, is and in ditch rich|the to old}|ney enthusiastic regarding the outcome of | terior department. ' the .c It adjoins the Jack Pot. have Dixon claims near the Aura ie looking axe fine ga-] Oceanic.|on is getting some his claim, the John Manh lena ore from HAL the fall into to nothing knows Ane 5 I purelyy some the at it which to the In- ar ho the Katpedite. Copper Utah while sae ; its is company £ Boston the opened by| Consolidat-| ‘There it is likely} ed is employing the open-cut system 2 3 same the Lake | the a clerk of matters, hands rs, who an d of such poi point, technical facets handling of | in the ores, ne and which as is used € system ore or yf of extends surface, the It on world length it but une; wilh Bentch be will obligea| being and ue (onaben dike, descends to an unto tad ah Ir ear limited depth a questionable, and at an becomes ing erage width of only six feet-al + ee of tire coe w ider-the ce ante approxin Would yards x . spe cial with though cality, the upon report full A Dower W- , ly en- reference lowhole Ke company's by property George prepared he area holdings of. comprises a total of Some 800 acres of | employ and underground use them into|}not take more than 15 minutes to au-|to w ho has come n fact, no man quartz ‘the under acres "construct . ‘such | What. is known as the caving system|land-300 ‘to' miners; |thorizethe camp and rustled/has gone away. 500 acres or more iron mines} claim. patent and in. those--Lake~ Superior sixnow it is good fortune are There patent. placer under A great many are fixing up to work all| works, while can workings. "underground have. which two in secured be if authority winter. work| teen patented quartz claims and one The amount of development patented There is no jumping allowed in the | years, and at a cost less than to secure thirteen and at the Boston im-]Uppatented done being If that camp and no trouble, The glad hand ja right of way for a railroad across a plies the expenditure of large amounts, Placer claims and one cape The ais "This © Independent, Elko cies anid from ph yus any whieh ing. W. ener eh ee ee we received a sampl of of TTO aa : i sf ane Nevada | ares (Do. Bt Pelerlgw a prominent Ridge, R. is able to amounts from its:sulphide| ay oe : planning] body, which has always been the bread | maker i of the property and5 butter ‘ ed Min Hump EEIATE these earn y > AVE DEVELOPMENT. company' the but cash, nee ae turns out as best est and expected, one of the largpaying ore bodies in the; world| operator, was in Salt Lake last| Bingham. canyon. ‘The mining of ore taken a ane the.< du r bebe te ed f * theon pining ek, looking into. the purchasing of | generally is inclined to hold the estiwhich the managetonnages hinery for the development of the | mated have The mie pe to ath predicted thet would be| uae ita wegiven property at Fairview in which he is| ment Mr. Owens an "sample:was within the next six. months] | shipping of propertysnipeconsists This Hip interested. %: yaa : hts a3 ear as over-enthusiastic, of ; one but as promedar * to|/i,, miner, Bennett, an old Alaska Mr. , e *y . dis-}to this time alone Fairview In the known best the aa Man both with Bie ceauit oe Thus work ae ple ana that reports Ridge Mr: aera | trict. reer = showing of fine > gold, will e fa- | the company most is progressing mine the on if oor ton, per $200 worth' at least te will working | ore bodies be on at least equal} Some of latter the worke were ‘ten, be foro abeete cibecverd were was traced to ae their of this| Importance the and realized, source in the Df NE are hal Cay issued for CITY NOTES These checks. will be sent toaul stockholders in nearly all states tesa < a PARK Company mon ae dike. Th nee dike} of the since and tracing outyears, Prospecting then went on for some no] has a taken IKkentucky 7 bond group of ae mare = on ship it. Ore that sent us, the owners do well to sack an run $200 to the will Dromedary : The a by: the Min- "Hump Dromedary valuable to throw | 128 SRE ae of which Mr. Ridge. is ton in gold is os mS Pree rent: WH. eaten way: hitmore, secretary, 2 Jie m:-thesdinple| The result obtaily andrec R, mS L. Douglas and J. P. Loftus, veri should convince me e! a ost that ‘Aura district offers an inviting le capital. = Is oh in gold and field Yor mining men but it 7 ee weathered Mr. ‘Tower's is oper1 mine Hump T SILVER |... Shipments lumbia directors, Great carloads z Congress. of CANADA, PROM -- Ore = Arrive s From . in Mont:, Falls, ore of silver ~ British OC Co- Montana. Sept. from 23.-Two the Con- report gives details the steel gallows ts to machinery one|of the facilitate greatly and|will the shaft sinking de-| } Clark- Vinee the At _ of workings of both the companies, | English company east of the cre est| =| + Ame i tae aeana Tors at oF Stn Sor anh) the the creek, levels resi running the Joe: a as ds Vv yords He fought uch Comes t to suc when m ingig itit ' "‘passed assistant surgeon." accept Bonaparte FEAL troller," Balakcat di- when done had he as miles south| CAGO CH f offew a ainuin Believe leaders 23.-Chicago Sept. Chicago, Recognized. Be Will They ] E VO TO EN WOM ned " Move arene : ment of Suffrage tae Leaders com- Mining Lake Mountain when wsmeraiaga in up is 12 2 Pinta statutes oany, a close corporation with head|in the woman's suffrage movement are quarters in Oakland, Cal., Dr. G. B.]>sonfident that the new elty charter -esident and manager, iv j F Reed, president and Manager, i is maak- | wwill give women» the right to vote in wife.) frame work leased copper, high-in claims, Rabinson below Como, near claims, | trict, and discovery rich The lease} and six auto- | municipal elections. Mrs. Catherine Waugh mine, MeCulloch Deitrick in o by the Scottish Chief, oon which, they re-} cently obtained a lez Ww r .. THe a ‘i use rf e laysate - sup‘American Flag "The ) ania the from water using ply, shafts and| tunnels, Extensive that to addition in them by the|owned in and driven, been have Daly-Judge the by them furnished ears or trier ahatis Liha she "Nevertheless," a adds, rights her basing ee ee ee De eee equal toward attitude dis- | 4pathetic caused has Nev., Suf| ference of leaders "I inmaythe sayEqual Been lopated for miles. the country in haswhich that Miss the discovery was | frage association, to stampede that section. and already begin | The claim and made is owned by Joseph-Dtetrick, forMcG Mr. to is under optioneM Cal n suerrin td e The led ledge has widened from four to} ne and| Townsend The dike runs nearly east and west/¢ H. Spriggs, H. But from terms: with Utah Copper. vorably, and. rich oreis being.encoun-| ns a been | seam of ore has others, a good widens eae ane ee lineata fact of its Immense op enings and ane . down. as it which Prospecting work is being car-}the struck; the Glined, fr ve saliestly 1 The*wock from which the sample tered. ot the early completion of its mill, which the for. outlook the and on, ried the over out of the Jack jubilant' wheeled are W leasers was talt&n The ait. ieee Pee Howse evavene Doe ee oie mame All the io Reine bushes w Arb the oht . . : " "| str : It may | Dromedary mine ts excellent. DASE e , s , Pot Smin anid thrown ‘away. e doings} © a has characterized at . wenbabdaaid agrh icgebtansi in sient tc > nes 2 In width it varies from four to ach is Rood Plex. Hall are loty Aree BES ETIUS, of the Utah management, it is-gener-| George tne Ait Spooner and HON the WA camp M. A. be considered valueless by the owners and is going ahead at a reto a | howing ‘some e fine aaatiy > specimens ally expected that it will get Into bear-| Sixteen feet, and in' texture it is easily s specimens i t OFe,!: of the mine, byt if it Is all as rich in markable rate of progress. ine of ing first. large extent soft, friable and c : taken out of] F gold as the Sample of the Taine soni wit the the public printer was The other day to spell compto continue instructed troller of the currency in the old-fash"conit to spell not and way foned let eS erica es cate springing ing rapid progress building an mobile road from Gibson to the been x ig viaod serail : which time (1901) there has used at the American Flag further extension of the dike recog-/merly engine, boilers, and complete set nized, and no other dikes have been}|new which be installed, main The vicinity. in the yas been quite thoroughlyas explored already determined, !ts extent "ibe _ oe ; : 5 ribed: In situated on the head of the Slate creek | »ne of those most prominently identiThis will be the first mine in this part] Sed with the movement, says frankiy of the country to employ automobiles| that there is much ground for eritiWork : .. f passen- | >is as well as freight to convey 5 suftrage eo yay aaa Sener ~ mine ir the ont and to ts gers or Minit convention er a wc » Mining | = Is hele¢ vi a share. | 76TheStock Nelson Queen will soon erecting laid as itles oe . : down The th ut. he ; beyed inatruetions Peao iiterally 4 meet ' ne the spelling of certain official hanged that sec- s 1 from 2 f Hbeing } received ths at are eee from tears BT EELS eee The toe to about 1,060,000 pounds. | to have butSecretary he was was about | "past," its production on ‘ 23. - Public eS aire ate Sept. hee 7 te iny of the words were included in the He has 300 selected by the President. will herehe that just announced after stick to the naval code of spell- 900,000) , in- | soon about will of and rate month, Nevada county, dividend the necks cite the REFORM : on ant nenalit ‘ified by | months. greater y Biol i re ee Ree: ds : orse = fF bake Notes to be th the| tion it is destined sum be thethe scene to destined within pce (ELLgenuine s boom next contains this Besides $45,000. lto Se eo = ateKe igs Sean gems found the st > a is Mines..and.Much In5 Activity Tower B : Getting Under Way. discovHill Treasure. Uintah The the up year]. J as < J ull years ago, and Mr : sapphire first the that States cleaningi were OF made erjes KERR in Gare EEHINGS gold a ae ts wae te A oe inthews luty., iP er abreaks au SPELLING IN _ oe elena. Mining 3 ie the "day of. its since ‘Tod ic) aw ainiend be paid October 6 at] It will ‘lared. Gn; Fis will share, and » rate of ® five up initial a distribution, the cents this. i ing , i = r - is extended to every one and strangers | state." are well treated and shown vacant [ING LOOKING ground. 3 Ore from the Aura, Rich - ever = - who man dee of: r ) nae A the Government Officials Refuse to Accept Titles Under Revised Code, Se at advance|per to I pounds dollars were} which with while ihe and € : than HITCH Mex-| Mtsorwered et Snr Sous poe te eeu ey him he was dig-|crease this journeying toward {Bing for the dividends that he felt sure|In August Mic | covery. ecupic 1,000,000 roximate a wou eae % . te t it Is often much though In all. them eo ee Mackenzie's resoureefulness than Mr smelter of the Arizona) new The and energy began to show in all deat] York, He laid|Smelting company of New partments of the enterprise. cop-| MS plans before the people, obtained | Humboldt, Ariz:, Is now making money the operations, are e é "nse offense jaw? ee copper other ee Ely and thea eclipse may yerfected organization the was SES with districts 840,000 pounds, and a new copper furwere at hand. which in, blown being now is volum-|nace and early came His reward its] to addition a material make will was] he struck body ore The Inously. : Bee larggeand lav- | facilities, It hasatresponded rich. work- possible which below feet, 000 4 pete) world handling known to the pag e American will use}! Copper company mebigUtah steam shovels the see as the| has: lately been the jr. lt sensice > Superior iron Pp cheapest the provides re- turn the papers and the matter must] the same channels. |again go through trans|If matters of this kind were aonld fine some property has de-|, of degree the Utah Cop- per company of- land . local goes it also itt bu tonnages, mill construction, whieh it is pushing} rapidity in order the greatest with attor-| an employ detail, present after is very|fice, ‘to miner, the to it up bring to}to engineer an. describing | velopment exhibited by plats employ ™must and survey a ye, creek | Serake one-|ma an operation the " "a continued, right of way for a ditch a] of a mile In length in a re-| to x ‘ é of posits poise: to, three < ¢ . tiie ea ' wrath il Sa that but aining their output, -losing. its prestige' as] patt thee shins Sn 7" is. rapidly ate' maints develop a block of ground. ee No the se Mos. property hawk soono 1 <at Goldfield. I aw inte ntienioted erctatars cay THAT scale agree ae See oe ae a "pide yectorat on the Bie joor . er + i 2 ees buildings is: .not :enof; public ‘ oreed lies ; with those whose duty It by | !¢°, the" great copper belt of Lower] by California, Sonora and Sinaloa is al- ekenzie, FE. D. by ago ee was company Provides ia. Lesson. will) L ake rs, generally, er Salt de~} . ay and the rich copper «com- } f¢2d¥. famousMichoacan Guerrero], yee and Frances-Mohawk . Leasing he. . months coal Egstern. fhe' from Heman within five years be ahead of Montana. rapidly toward promises to move Utah are fortunes and protits which pany This of porphyry that runs $8 for looking but are hand, t in vata of Can: re the of the ‘ leader to Montana, and Arizonamay]is coming to the front, and rapidly Cee Nevada speed | RS aay Sept. 23.-Theae eeraee Nev. ie soldfield, with twenty-eight have which with ea APs that sure be and notice take should com- United States and Mexico and the} that Mr. gers was too hasty in his 1 United Ty} Amet South J Andes-of. 2e¢ So America 1e nitec judgment of , Salt Lake; but the incieyd Ba oa | erates in excellent If lesson an furnishes lent opuper come i. a ee an visit cleanliness of matter he. that danger is sti Vere Ane produce visitors I . no the by a community judge so readily than] wep _ ne Rowanee more mere ippearance of its streets and buildings copper]1s for ES, search 1e jours Just. demand The besur <i take be. hi 1s Only care great not jhould is| demand 1e t gun aken. u : : ea to conducive: those appearances follow. ci | make 3 TILES . upply the pere some five, vears WWithire andthe corine® community‘ the of name good he some*o years 5S : . hii . ordi the that will} world the in. mines largest. the For- madein Nevada !s-well !lustrated the declaration today of a dividend Humboldt. Janiisan, and Sinclair, owners of the group, ia we ar . pp i ueg dei 1 Wieec . ‘ oT erra Alask: Pt Alaska mountains' Alaska, |vitas'of ks the 5 ‘ mountains Rocky the ada, GOOD MAKES of speed Illustration Feat companies two the of properties it|/the the sale of bonds, from raised been dike jurisdiction of gem-béaring the transfering upon In oii will|engaged which expense no only pans free-gold under now Interior|j<, yesterday, that not the from reserves forest eye]|the free gold te the naked but shows was 1901, a. has that it now D i ie rr 1901, ik Ipapait its earnings, megiveninsnn the re to date Agricultural to the that. all its soearnings is} department in its treasury piece.belt ‘This of the| geplete almost control depart-| fn provides as thevein.Jack|ment, mineral same every in the . "s ea wide nie Sa Mins New freely been it has reason this For |construetion of ditches, reservoirs, etc., and Ogden Luck, Big Diana, Pot, nd t i: one tare ae ec race Diana a to imited been has elopment A : y ; s x alities is places fey ‘ aratively thelr of corner thelr] publie very the with lecalities, ew 1 Ace but parative : e arrival the before clean and teat of cop-| importance the . tee eee and speedy, of gates. their vithin. it activity. : nas ining or "2 ' general PEF . , er geneoppe pessimistic time, the same aa es ae posits have|at rn masta SageBy nce Coes Se O5 8 ~ | PRANCES-MOIAWK rag tn hele es niet and ana Wiis Ss year istof ten th f the disposition statement ‘ dure ureau general from decency, common for regard ut little by of generation base the from miles i nd look they their pubthat upon the aid of copper metallic elreuits. The time is coming when railroads will be | lic buildings, with. very little respect cits he elty the in to remain Hod urged <electr When. . using of coal, and a instead ng electricity impreshis that learn to enough will be made upon | long still greater demand 2o7ers . fas one, ry . re : Mt » mines: fair a not was lon It is for-] opie ing the big ie he and so, do to inability lended our and et States United the that tunate \ that sure quite was he that _. and south p pos-}averred . ain to - the north neighbors be not would impression first his. quantities the} unlimited a almost ms ike om he * should much very hanged flelds copper the far So he copper crude r g L p ; daca a ew Lake of Salt Citles west visit. !onger Their de-| ly oo) Meds been . apa cone been opened up and sending forth} mining building will be one of the! have be] while there will their product, mining| complete most and finest scattered over It will be built | many smaller producers buildings on the coast. 2 of . Michigan area. . beThe mines wide |/o. ats }on the university : campus front j just in 1 front J ant re Stairs Blas ef-| ment re "port says st ee SOR ICE UNE hea eae a ieee ceecenr 15, 1905, which ELL Tete) ak ~ eek of the promising claims of the camp.|February SAT os aR ETE Ais cles uA Boni se- packer ay Le ORY OE gre M PP Three and one hale tons of good ga-|great hardship on miners without jlculech. t Da . Prat a: ited Cone Shia are being.and gradually any corresponding benefits to quirements, a good)guich taken out from a ten-]curing is having and THIRCES pelea lena ore was iwubl op ca ontana, shadttenti led success oc of service jeasure he | attention. assess much the doing » occupied ; service tnt hole while doing the assessment}the y Ns ave Seen mae a str ‘ ¥ Pecans like . City "to the Immediately vent On -his return ‘ounty building. part rot as possible. | Source of power, but the greater. one of the leading pro-| would-be started ‘a& soon ot the world Soda iz not neawthe street, having the man-| | ‘This will:mean that the building will deposits, and in order to compete umself any ey a hae aa la great deal of attention at the meetGLO RIRLCU SO SCOFGINg arp officials service forestry the of com- lings of chamber a received, cently week last here @/)ej¢ with organized been has merce before ;said, just Penn s Supervisor 2 aia | a rrgood : and membership, large with reserve leaving for the Sawtooth be will effort every and money of de t dvertise Aura and Northern | Pin-| Gifford service, of the chief the os ee ; adve te mace Elko county, and to bring in the car es : County and Boston | moters ot the eee by the EOS ,. | itow in that and $100,000, over min-| cost of successful of dozens issue}/agement In. an late of News Financial ana | constr icted according to the plans various) in ar-}ing and business ventures" following the it has week | of last the firm of by furnished and Mex-| Specifications one the f ‘i De | ticle: York shag New in crea White & Ce McKim swesedin Mead,UN orth Morrow} talis| Vhs Mr. time sniditen. king, present a A 3 DIBtheRSRORvOr hes . Consollfoston of P the x : Ros The shares The | the for the contract has which | pany, to. revolutionize threatens which quite a litle uplift}ings shown have | dated while ae and w hich will bring miilions|) construction of the government build; | {during the present movement, dorabane ice: te its owners tailings containing PRES ing, also has the contract for the mintes brace ot building, and will immediately preof-1..per cent copper-be e-quarters Pa t OST Be |ing ; e. vi ite Near In-} reserves, the on = mining that of ar signs to show begun just tal that is necessary a to make» atsone of ls|chot, have ; = to begin work " new) pare the under profit. with : worked ‘ling . iY + & j is the air ati ' Sa ; s TetbIE: | ait ayes Ney. Bets S ECL ae ess ) visited oe run . Stubbs 2 Dr. Bree. ago eine months " Serta Ss i le Some J ares age ts . ay ‘Os. eta x. oe ‘ cate alker : e stv, { ¢ respects), after conferring and many : York, in are exico, | New: inanea, shares la The < with re sstrictions | no after kK, and | were |There iabsolutely treated ¢ has < and i summer &all points of), stes many steadilyy are there but similar, + ‘ » | tn having 2 > -Mackay succeeded That . Clarence' > a which} ; and, 5 $100,000, ‘ cost ne e * On oe ec pioneerld | € ~ Comstock dissimilarity great Pen peaieSs of the the son $50,000 as areas i ers »°} mini a it eoartvan toward and 1 ia eee er |}donate plyan a MorMr. ge uerantar, ol é rery sauUsts most ane i ery the Vay ler s pee we is prebably build; mining Utah $ Copper oe a f to : right pUUN. te samer the have a of j|Prospectors mrs 4 8d a the rich ore e from in i treating proposition begin up How opened Mr thoroughly of Nevada. within mines jing for the University develop the by and working srospect it i be ke oer yh eat It has WN ad canyon. plans the ¢ Schley mine Bingham had the then without| Mackay ave ek that Saserves Sereat in imontn piece next in' of ja oth a suchinery. < ea : eee i Me ae a i a ‘ ; . ny Ocathe wy for s Bidnis, 5 é ‘ rildt Amertean ni }t the the with submitted and .to In connection building hem six be, d.to x } Sroundaworkings; ss ie Dieta Se ne cstimas is Aa, sa Sap w alt t for / them. is ready7 mill, . and " King miles s in length, and is now the Aura work the for bid who prospectors will not on- | teen Legitimate DEG jcontractors, and | WAP, is on 7: YOR roof. new : Monee The pa belts e jts big mill of if'[ that |!ng for the completion "but found continued, contractors2 whe the of whieh} All in and is completed lly be S igeed aera J mat big penstock et " a Sabi tae upon ~lwou enter to 4 ‘ Utah, e > Garfield, 2 at to com. kid ‘ $100,600. against nearly take protected be will they heavily inter-| would bulturn-out eget! os to z ec e ready will Ba they unwonted - prosIf a period of the most For ‘instance, the ee Be over all there but. years twenty: or ten. |Past: t Ww eae puilldingn | Eee the iInwhere a period has been never ashRogers of So said Apes , : ‘ vy "world . dostrial responsible fo hee hs dustrial ea eer ee p DEO D ington, the deviaad and dortion "of large a vogers Mt yeste area Bal Salt in]'" but be to yet as electricity appears U Lins between time a. short but. coal: is ‘obtain- | 084 Whérever it: infancy 4 a Ea to inspect in: which the is still it price a cheap at able ance Jood ‘ be- and spit City your of the). oo goors during rapidly increased. the into true insight the town, of tobacco found I cause public town's a of eondition, "The buildings gives a general condition supply the and multiplied been also' enough | 8 advance een no previous time of eopthe Jmportance has world as alt recognized so generally been. uses of copper The time... present succeeded | have has' Hurry Tn. Blows of history the in a in Easterner simistie aapelahiedi 23.-President Mackay Mr, |in having Mrs. to meet » » ‘Sa; a . » PePesUp1 Before to Clean Notice Given Up. Opened |} the Nevada, of University. Dem Clar-| with conferring the Neto the new regard building." mining | vada this arrived city this of resident Have Not- Yet. Been morning from New York out. the construction of his‘in=|money:to.carry here, and to look after ¥Y |] Morrow the} to according building mining ithe this section in te eee ey.a, §§ nt O x rkte plans1 originali Wall| on it ~ | office an Morrow Ir. é é has af trort tolhe tant -recelve a a night last. in; another and York, New treet, this| of. him Stubbs te ing Colonel! President with is connected He Paris | notityand. Mr..Mackavy''s of a num-|decision and king copper the Greene, that the work: on the building | jing him men mining millionaire ee o oer devoted . County i" Front, Elko ern Bring to Made Being Effort f Se CITIES ARE WARNED COAST Continent the Over All Fields Many Kind Its of in5 Any Part of . the We West. £2 Sept Reno, Sept..23.-John| Mont., Falls, the of of) Stubbs superintendent formerly arene been has in} who smelter Monten & apo edn in Mackay a/lence vears fourteen for and vals, Great: : OF : CONSTRUCTION METHOD ss ~ Seeing Tobacco Stains at Joint Building, Quits Town in Disgust. creased Rapidly. Complete Most Be | Day, Per Tons | MATTER | BISCUSS OFFICIALS ORGANIZED WELL IS CAMP . » ot . Over» n; . Hundred Seale to [Is on Mining for Erected Be to | Plant | and. Legitimate pretentirs Will Be Both Have Shown an Uplift in| Which =-~ Present Movement Encouraged as Wellas : Is ae Due. ieee: | j ini Milli Machinery i on WorkR Going idl apidly. New 1906. University. | { 24, | WILL BE GREAT INDUSTRY WILL COST OVER $100,000|TO BE IN GREATER DEMAND FOREST | RESERVES. B AURA KING MINE! | CITY, Gradually De Developed. ] \ LAKE Has Doubled Uses of Red Metal Have MultiSapphire Workings at Yogo Clarence - Mackay 4 i : . plied and Supply Has InHis Gift to the Gulch, Montana, Are Being me ae SALT | GREATEST GEM MINE NEVADA WILL HAVE VALUE OF COPPER TOURIST TAKES 1SRECOGNIZED! SNAP JUDGMENT --INENTIRE WORLD = MINING BUILDING "AND PROSPECTS » Edited by by JOSEPH T. ; | INTER-MOUNTAIN | Jane Addams our movement ment mre When the new others and So far there is no] 20" i ga i tna fon, ranging wall. foreman of | "5 Of the formerly Howell, B. J. room, is here | ane Times composing hself ¢ where Utah, rom di obese " ne fees er Tom this| of proprietor ier . paper, are conducting with much suecass the affairs of :the ‘Red "Jacket a |, ~ oore ; Raper ee i; ae rie a that final to vote your to friends. It fairly represents the people a Ittheis not and of ItUtah. of Salt Lake truth tells Hate of fearlessly, prints all the news that's fit : 7 . ba print, and commends where it can, Journal The Republican never knocks. eae pevelopment ae Work neue |. 1 a tunnel.--Cripple Creek Tones' ; ' UNKNOWN in prominent i agr agree with me charter ts in Sts right us the it wil give |form© ' six feet, " and . in two places the assays , questions being | On all municipal he tunnel ton. per $97 were of at a depth ledge the tap will run . ss > 0 REPUBLICAN THE Send a: Sys or average the a ais and a | JAS CYCLIST KILLED Private New 3 . A Wire POLLOCK Gerviee & co . and Brok Bankers Second South ‘Stress, W. , LAKE . BALT Orders pane pty, Executes am i Fr Swe ore housemineisS| | Swerve building of another Stocks. . besides a . number" of * trial shafts) of j Automobile and ings, of > The commence a ae 1 Prone ‘The immediately. the/to oyt of nature's dig o regards gia es Mr. Tower pits. and wires Private leased Provisions. : eee ene oe box. strong twrdtold division! af working. a: is looking better than it ever | did. eeevine CorBRYAN, AND LOGAN with un23.-An N. Y., Sept. ---Rochester, the for ore of shipment second i The & ad pes ieee eS ane ore first the being York for smelting, ena | Members New intelligent an respondents, about by bring to down. is run month, was bicyclist BASIN. identified STANLEY IN ORE month was completed today. The| vises some form of consolidation and) Cottos York New Exchange, revision of the mining Jaws through} shipped over the line for years. Stock rt killed instantly. and automobile 2 | greatly hill are The leasers on Seott the at «work of Boston Stock Exchange, concentration are, Bes the as, in. bond, shipped ares aL longer this is no park Valley Genesee { | "the vhich practical mining operation may | ore of. conditions the Cen by ! encouraged ‘the at duty of one| American company's openings i te die TE eee -re-| formerly, but. is taxed a unnecessary are. bel «|The victim of the accident had eviwhich Ogden People Opening Some Vepy Val-| not be hindered by claim, on Yogo creek,! overal properties Mtoe Utah Mining and Conmupangin in one-half cents eet pound on the} Fourth of July cently been hunting, as he viata ae Goclinaki thé Robart Strictions and at the same time shall} and operated, agp - ble Property There the tunnels here to be made Pollock mew Our Mr. e protected against fraudulent mining | pure lead, when smelte f from Salt Lake, has ‘done con-| Punting costume and had a gun with J: C;,E. Barker, official government| thoroughfare for the entire group of) 7.) The congress CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADR Witnesses of the fatality say he Ogden men are apparently getting|and promoting schemes. region of late|2™ that in work ouie 7 the) "Here eastward. the to workings and Montana of district the for de-|*ssayer automobile and swerved in front of the Bie and safe a foothold in .the|aiso advocates the creation of a a8 mse that a. ship=| creek yields abundant water for wash-!neofnite: reports of rich ana was struck before the machine could gold sections of Idaho as they] partment of mines in the federal goy-| Idaho, has been notified', ore has been | hs at all seasons, and the American pected dally. 8 are CX! rich eS ment of 1,000 tons of this be brought to a halt ; are bn ‘California and the gold regions | ernment. Into the country for reduc-| company ‘has run over 2,000 feet of ae neck was broken. when the car hese objects are to be highly com- | Ordered the 668 G. H. Jones of Ogden.| of Nevada. East: Helena smelter,.and} tunnels into the dike rock, The mining industry is one| tion at was the Smyth Frank it. over passed with on experience in the mines of{ pended. ra They CUT e: large size. JOHN were and cuts to:prove its extent, in ~which" car, the of duty to make: an assay |shatts his ‘culls,' | er auifeur be Will from. !t | range country hey this in ze. fmportant large ; most the advises, of Tower absence} an ‘Mr. after back tunnels, is These states, fine shipment the of lots | various of the to LER, JR, largely contributes which one Helayng of some months in Stanley basin. connected with} used for watch jJewels.and other me-| riding several local wholesale clothing It has in the past suffered | Upon the returns of which: the gov-|Stould be extended-and OY Cmarehtiees hia Was the orgenizer, with Ogden capi- itp wealth. | manufacturers the openings eastward of the hill, thus chanical purposes, to gems averaging, To duty will be collected BONDS, SUGAN removed to a morgue, ‘The body was a carat to two or; tal, of the Single Gold Standard Min-)inych in reputation and in influence | Crnment eee assare'fromand half K - 3 ros and doingnowaway systemof hoisting one forming, tariff, pera} with. icents present tthe According varely up, to:.0ve ol Wheres avcalta iden tifient ion. | | fake of tree' promotion in-) fraudulent he the|5y expense on the that states He company. one-half ing and Inv estmeote Grade Anything which can be done| 4uty of one High Other pe ek Good: Luck; onevof the claims, where] ites free | brilliant, Bo are color, six.' company's} English h in volved ranging collected on ttethis of good and they flawsgems from As pound on leadars will be ala of the business ars but sunk, been ught and Sold ' a shaft ; : ‘ *° nine the standards shaft) of thetwenty-|,, rich.deep- bl ue! "WEDDING he bottom tes she .entive re ae has hast f from Neht mor has| % Main st. ‘Phones 127. Both (eo"The American company'svo work silver.or duty) on' two DAY" there yeingwillsno comprise repre- | import. ligh Kgplone es to the rich to-give it the benefit of direct 4 The ore. which and of an Ss sentatton in the government that» it carries one and aiemut cul0 =in| ie in ore and i" peaod: ‘@ eR ot PROVO TO for development been chiefly. EXCURSION hitherto shipped} beine is loads, eT train te more. | which proc by iaws taken orc being revisione ne gems of intelll in output ton, its only the in Moyie, one-half ounces of gold of per Lake Moyie. on from" at ands te Vaulted may enterprpe and atlyer, to six ounces wddition > M apy $4 oar fies ate! = at oe fromrage $2-to eS ~ Eee Sr ahaa hav-/| - But property In this process. British Columbia,| qut part of protected | Seuthern sell Immec lately have ‘obtained in the Little Pete values| (yO tiie time the investor Fae tent and richness of the is being line, and INVESTMENTS. the boundary INING near 23 Via Salt Lake Route Sept, 25, uesday, io chaniicanele eatetit ‘fully Hetuirnativect. they are/ ounce, and advance orders can be rad as 104 ounces in gold per ton. as high as é be i sent out ver the Canadian Paclfic ‘to| ing: -been ‘ ei . traud ae Soe Za. Kirk. is-one of .the shareholders against Quotations and informati ation given on D. others, Two of this property. Hurtt and W. H. Stone, both Southers put - their who: conductors, Pacific over a year into the business money The Mining One of the objects of the ; American] hold 4its| Mining congress, which isto next| ninth annual session at Denver Br Street You L rn eect aace Journal, oe 7 dress well can are. UC Oe at half course at the pric3 eW. after and are; ago. First a North. A|333 outlook. with Mr. theJones, pleased With highlyvoriirned ae -- + f seven men ‘are now at work 54 Jeweler, MecConahay, on the claims.-Challis Messenger. \ former) comsolidated Mining yand Smelting any. of Moyle, B. C., arrived in the city last evening. and went on to Hel- where it is turned over to} Lethbridge, the Alberta railway and then brought to there line, boundary to the down the| of possession the into given p« & Great Northern "Keister," | Montana assays ae The government from samples taken from. Main St. upon their arrival at East without the | crystals on for mining This plant a erecting will} tons per day 100 scale of the previous output of both} ¢ hanical quadruple to} in. their promises and: together companies - De i apparent eer an have ne an ast uses over is largely which form, traln "$1.26 Saltround: ago | Yeme-| Return-} m. ‘6:00 P. Special Lake trip, leaves Ask m. p. 11:15 Provo leaves stones|ing, short}/our agent a Wi okab. porp or rhomboh<ar seh, mining .avery} they sapphire Montana eae! terminations' gem Ltprismatic In American factor important be made, make pa ed less cutting for eoek purposes as cara| production. the Helena. "The stones obtained are. not of) wat h jewels and the - Eee aRA Keister" Se a ania agutions ap 28 urns the eyes of half a gown town. cequest. WEEKLY Testied: MARKEY v ae Frid LETTER ear WM. A TIBBALS. etBrok er, 02-3 Herald none TELEPHON . 1082. =! |