Show MILE 1500 VOYAGE i ON A SHIP J t Yankee Skipper Keeps Nerve J When Smallpox Breaks r J Out In Board Y VACCINATES VACCINATE HIS S FAMILY Some Som nf oi tim tho Negro ern Hand 1 OI Dip Others Other t 1 1 Work Vork ther the tho WI Whaling II r 1111 New ow cs York Feb 25 The ti-The The stor story of or a n Yankee shippers shipper's nerve nef came to town townS S yesterday It was WUN told by b Mrs M. M L F. F the skippers skipper's wi wife ft who arrived arrived atS ar at- S S rived with their little sons son S Sand and 10 years ears old on the steamship Hall Italian Prince from torn Rio mo de ue i Janeiro Mrs Irs Jn rt Is isS S wholesome ruddy cheeked young oung woman S 5 She he spoke of oC the thrilling Incidents of oC th thc voyage a as calmly as the a S S would tell tJI of oC a shopping trip S My h husband said saIt Mrs Irs Haggerty i S master of or the brig Sullivan We e c left leCt N New Bedford 13 last t May on u Il whaling whalin voyage onA voyageS S- S S that W was to last three years When hen we S arrived ll at t in the he Azores twenty of or the men before heron the mast told Capt Caz Haggerty that the they wanted to go hom home The They weren't rent good r for much anyhow I. I My I husband lot let th thorn them m go and sl signed nd S S S on 01 tr Fayal negros in their places S This Tills l i ft us UI iq with only half hair a dozen white men forward W We n cruised 1 south for or two 1 1 months month far tar down near nent Capo Horn but bul butS S we rot ot only one small whale One of or the negro hands complained d of oC of'S S 'S pIg bIng sick early In August and next day S one ne of or the mEll men inert came aft to s see e to my hus hus- had band ro Ha has Hns Smallpox I r That man has hris smallpox captain he sal sad Ve c have h lot lots of oC it at nt f S V- V VV 11 V husband sent the man forward In III InS Ina S a n huny S You and the children he said to toS tome S me will wm have e to stay well nfl alt Keep Keel S abaft the mainmast as long as the small small- l pov lasts S Then my husband went vent forward and quarantined the negro crew giving sl them orders not to come aft aCt of ot the foremast forema t. t The white men he brought nfl aft because S tho they had not been blen expo exposed ed to the smallpox small small- pox conditions at Fayal Capt found that three of oC the white men had hadS S had small pox and he put pul them in charge of nursing the sick Seven SI of oC the Fayal A were Wen down own with the smallpox S In It searching the medicine mt chest my myS S husband found Cound a doz dozen n am IJ Us of vaccine virus With these he vaccinated me th the children and the white men who had not hid h smallpox He vaccinated himself with the thc last The negroes were S mortally afraid of oC vaccination anyhow Wo Vo 0 were wei-e 1000 l. miles from Com Henna nuna Vista S Brazil th the tue nearest haret port The Sullivan IsS is S S forty orty years old and not very ven fast We Wever t tn n ein ver n n ii the doldrums too coo and It took us more than two weeks to make mak port People Stricken cn As AR As we came Into the harbor with the yellow flag flying th the people were panic- panic stricken The They wouldn't let nn any one from Crom the ship shin go o ashore ashore- hut hilt they hey gave saVe us n a a supply of medicine Thc They had no hospital hos hoe pital so we had to start for Cor Rio dc de JanIro Janeiro Jan Jan- tim eiro Iro GOO miles s away awny Up to lo this tins time the negroes had done fairly well but on the Ci out one on of oC the men died Within an hour th hOli body was sent overboard After Afler the death deato S the negroes were so CI frightened that It p II u and work the ship Another man tiled led on the second day dayS S O out The ne Ics were more mor scared than cv ever r hut but my husband l kept elt them under control B By this time four o of th the tho thIc sick Ic hands were WErt able to lo be he up tl and about nn anu mu that thal helped a D. Rood good deal deat At the end endS S of oC si a week k we arrived at tit Rio anti and our ourt ir t troubles w were re over When the plague had been heen stamped out my husband shipped a Q few Brazilians and Norwegians Norwegian had hall the ship shII thoroughly thorough thorough- ly h fumigated and started iI south a again aln S for or more mole whales The children and I IS S took S passage ge for home borne on this ship |