OCR Text |
Show ~ INTER-MOUNTAIN 7 A. FE: BLUNCK, REPUBLICAN co. Pres. and Mer. ere 2. + ........ . e@ jens i " aD Tre yR PICTURES Ca FOR there of pieces will fort money club, a But . Bible : will that . be about ; : school e of of tion his will will pit him for ¥ to reecive live, and going | Patch Childhood finds these vistas "Master nyson's poems, , or Tolstoy's sloy's : "Pioc Kole "Cc " SOLVE of String." Childhood Seon finds it E ‘inPiece a plcPeers mie the br of declare cal . Lhe entire ig or three its dis- printed t pany, "sit comny See: }he 1 when ticatea tickets p e is where one of childhood catehing ife. ai those the opoor- may be aid- glimpses ake Se the ring circus? holders The of are the risked favored repert s lady ‘; : nyt Sacer: |. y the boasting are exchanges which Utah, is asting, aia hoa. Sd east of oo acon, of in- the|Wwho fee-devowing the and funds|/there. recommends ‘ " hold Soe the Valley is have time What all, after ex-|ers, legislative its of accounts itemized Re-| Inter-Mountain the of we. alcrops chase; iy " $5.- | pave over all salaries that ‘ when. to : rest. lave thistede bVvthe be fixed for penditures; publican must- have been grateful avaveeer. ¥ez xe 3 > rustees 2 ; four him ‘through: the'. year? not by a commitice or officer: President)and of statement clear the a to amended to the|that the rebate Jaw be opeer 2 & position in: regard Tteosevelt's railroad rate bill toat is now engag- make the receiver equally guilty with When congress tried to abslish the . t iver; th sy re > little ports of entry along the Canadian | een at tate ing the attention of congress, and of | pe ee ANeted::' D 18the country. Much has been said in} tributed annually and that the insur-|@% Mexican border, a brood of leech; mares. . other publications abeut the rate bill, ae "0 of ao30-callc ees deferred dividend }es that hand been fattening on the , uni eb : 2 ‘ wontet . 7 earned perquisites ef 5federal stations ny amtea? . Ss ane es Promina but so stated as to be purposely con- Conimission iss Ve . in this, as in "square | that a for ; everything else. com- to the injustice no proposes He asks President The is: deal"' oe i 3 ane eee, not ae be given) acces that stand pitt s fair to the railroads and at the same | time Will give the shippers,S, large and | arnt full justice. segarding the N Tich mooted EP eetnaar aie tic President, t i s un derstood. oc wishes: the bill to aviue fer the interstate eom-| to vate commission meree pares provision be of i made for the of the 3 _ been im ob- | ~ * They will . . com| jection, probably succeed in perpetuating a system which has been followed. ode If iries vs of emigrants, and' s, some. insuranceor trans- commodities the in dealing "of is ‘right. ened "ye spi nde 3 oe no means id it at: ; : a2 Whe Ihe aware were of of that that fact fact the! {eae nail 7 dl 5 a the: pallidstoniebie work'ag 1 me to : closed ing me, however. and believing ia ; and nS turned tat Pe ™ Soe tc . "Ix - panes his of phat an pee | we NE re-)1 Tanet peene 2 aneoe re- I it," , aabout heard hy I've . are worse than use- | strangely similar to that of the aan af with disgust. "They | brown whom we had seen disappear- before | ceive assassin the arrested ee Samar- of ey mn sents t with tables time same marble at the if brush, the quick, ¢ "o ell re jnarble f the: o top and reothie knowl- our ¢ the with fellow rar business ty that) a ‘manOdinzoft:scemed: hard-working WE saw. I opportunity an j haven't discovered who the fellow is|/ing in jyel. Why, if it had happened any-| The Was they'd Scotland, in but else where : tailor again. Ww a aiter . The sas BCCEPLENG, doing so Mure Muriel ar near ative" with ar ‘And the police A? 170 The | less," he declared to hat u » , 3 SEL ie ee. i. for by be afforded 48sassins Radeniuee Pot.-A to eh day!) 5) ery up at the wood the other ‘elmne Eons! 43- found murdered."jo fs. MOUN oe & , e 230% I'd much at 10 be here eae: pnlussed rely rem arked-- irl ae rae : "but ‘me "re ‘6 peliVuUt sometimes, but ofnothondonu often. side other the lives on Ue He'is:late -over at Camberwell."' His confidence Rannoeh Wood. suspicion held me breathless. this Russian endeavoring to de- Olinto that he declared when me es? this u would arrive In a few minutes? 1 t : now dead for the man I hear, "| scemed curious, stranger, entire an "He's I remarked And then added: "You | must, I reflected, have been away at absence his Surely rend ee ast eve no of an wood to the ae peo up the proprietor caused had work you | from It's fortunate ig after pigeons. pec yaiberey ie inconvenience? eh?" evening, that there not Were cone "the told) by a was Are hin Ges tas gone to pol as we hs ud ewe is of| feod of article bul) nothing is and caused him quick aire "Yes, ft eimile which he apprehension. should intended une oneermn uiter , suspected me me to vey might have "Yes, m'sicur.. But Emilo a very his Cool the like ofl In too much not do English uses hese he || that ing is honest, even to complain kly | 290d workman-and very con- thot igh T had constantly "They : > nk : farthat rato outside 3 ' grave : the sc to jmitted away dis- miles five about Gienlea, to fover . rive "st | cial position.these The men Whigscalled declared came forward quickly. han" . Ha a orig ye Sati a the | Muriel upon that whenever it had sayingof that uncle's my one |iNs meconta telegram, by over oo Stud In-by.thethe back back) : they . went president ee ee a eer .. or kitchen, so that they would not be | mabe - ans to given now is name The seen. Starting. of Idea His € advice of private body public by sought isIs oftenwhose affairs citizens |.) to open = an office Dr. Emdee-Going 3 2 ) ane >» > S a president, governor or mayor. erect eee youns rather seem Drugsist-You for a tamfly physician. Jews' Harp.-Tie name of this comDr. Emdee-Yes. I know: but I'm! mon musical instrument well known The ; to doctor children at first. | to children, is of doubtful origin. only going ph cr SS he ie put Siew remarked she bet the his At and mill, saw -a iy attribution : i hy Willinm Why Lost. sdiana' mi : Wea fe ane ‘ d Pe i- n fob a nee au @.2co 2@ f ae ars, "Wilts ea Saderey oh a know seat fifteen } - Cee companies have thriven, in petty grafts. as management unwise the of suchobserved, spite they have one conclu S ot. book niet iho that Ps : : y Now the campaign against railroad * st be the iwurance has been ida a as f hb loni ehens = ‘ or pe costing ia great de: al too much to the],;companies for dealing in the commod!- | ; they carry joined by the} yee <y ae . And ‘ne final result | ties Supreme ‘court' has of been the United" States: o 1¢ investigations should bee th Ep The inevitable peartye " result," says the court, reduction of that cos Life ---$ eee « » usa . < poh to. chorus, thenwait glane‘nn ental and "rit hn see him Ruasian ned, a side nly youth.the Sudde the! caused to have seemed edge 9)| greatest inva opeeneae Hedaoe his im cook |jnd should lest. evil her appre ‘hension ] I : : us | ° fall' | sofa us.< Then; as,.we turned away | with his master In French. ~He w: ar forty aBout Italian typical Leithcourt}a house, the to back 9} EQ rt a . staches ark *} said to. me- ret SEA, eer ee URW ae z "aAreless Gerk the. diseovall about know "You is coe Manner aAsSY-f « . ‘ = 1. oh ; Ne : a ale nance 4) 1 might 4) 13 , ts ey i In ate if he will i ie But I waited tant, and at noon at a spot previously| ¢ 4% old Scotch, town name ish Bt lichen} Cabinct.--\ we found the ladies await- |." order to ascertain the motive of the |en to a group of men who were often) vray god bearded Russian in leading me to be| under spread on public affairs by Presi- ing us with luncheon consulted || dent Jackson but who held ne ofti-| ne ince Re srs etc e approached jlieve that the young fellow would of nothing but illegal en-|~ productive that rules. so. clearly'| never : hur- | do, to: interposed and Washington, to pub-|vied -nothing was there "ere | ana prohibited, be s, i the transactions pe right have hes tee g eA can izes |. 1¢ 15 8mazlng no favoritism forfortheanyskippers, ponies, ho exceas' of advantage one. A cleaver statement than this:: ad story | bonuses simple and direct The fusing. ; | Ganada | a man a wiil pleasure, 1 ff ae 7} . . along nd. dub that, laughed at ny ike to The 1 and et ag «€ , cerlainly is a disagreeable af- oil or roe of ur e|; °* the fermented eaee wateh-passing2 outside ooo eee throng on one's |siurgeon, the busy > narrowly. 1}, |!%5 : prea him property," watehing said, tostillbappen al-| fair and ne salted much by being very sauerkraut: prepared oclock Ten Oak. towards at his side managed Muriel fe PIG is or sour, to churei, fromtoyala neighboring ingenuity to divert struck her feminine with then the | | And of it inThere manufaetories too only knowing waited, Tstill and' chandifferent the Great Lakes | the conversation into a man | United States, along river, in vain for a comand also in} net Next day I accompanied: the parts TokW BaerthatBodyI waited and: St. Lawrence had already sue eo officials to PT coming: ",i : little l}lowed large lare enter of some 50,000 acres of| yi" d that atock luvestments of the com-|redemption rere eer SOE . IDILIty witl terested in her children, Salt Lake is| panies be prohibited except in stocks | ayig land. of four|| possibility Jand, avid the | Crops limit™unicipal of. annual corporations; new' business that be fixed in a' with single:the ‘year. We heartiy Ikely) to second the work of the club |0f women, at $150,009,000; that a drastic meas-|congratulate the peopie of the region : : political to prevent ure be passed teal')on their deserved sgood fortune; but Ce tea that lobbyists gates eats Bee be regis}contributions: PRESIDENT VY THE oA and that each company submit} Ye Must sympathize with these farm\tered {ESIDENT. u PLAN O . Readers eh als cesaary: i) aI as | bene being g4| {1 : jpe I thewhere. drive het to-| . figure in-his the ondere-to ae me - mal. gel . POF | kniowy nie : to them. implicity, him trust ‘I identity | him, of the yet' |p.' she * ‘ 7 conspirators give me no elue 3 1bi ‘ 4d. ces 0 : : s fow : long has Olinto been T inquired jyou%" ; a. About : year-perhaps 1 : rthe-3 Pus: avealtt ¢ fata out aerae ag: vexteerhely ON merrily, | 40 erled- toake-one he. «Fd hiand. "Hulloa, his Gregg!" B7\¢3 extending s) patience, in. myself pose gbofavparty: to Glenlea tomorrow, won't} at strolled up and down. the restaurant, Paton and Phillips are coming 4) you? ; trafi watching es . on itching the » traflic Bind ao ns Loon we ladies are& ban and. the here, sharp | 71Then 10 ) "y) dad La 6« with a and < Cha. ak aerrork own lis thy = admls- | an seemed words she was aware that 17|:i 1g|- Beer , ; . Rus.S- Russian a ; Vegarigenenihan tga. hy gas ae ath | ehDrow r oa + eT as Gott, Bae aeby . the ress ae printrevealed ap trade, she ae. ney aay trap. One, very Her Slon the : ,/of 6) Would 8 went out and up; ‘ stWe -kenneis,> the to 15)r 16) gether M4)Vi 14) father, a tall "atsimposing Divine shootin. paket : 5 : 910] - I : an aie employ If nglish would ad not t come if I did.' to my shop I looked. me struck t and 1 iits 1d, iaround, K mainiy place the of trade the that f and /consisited of chopsps ane for stea ks teu and customers at mid-day, chance |) cake Aas a swarms cgercresiaaenn eX of women ss for a those i i cake é 22) ar 1 after each jwho ea ecegriey ne * | iene . ite ¥ of cain clays fyee upPhen | Mare "hoarsdly "erted she seo 15) 13} U5 23 Caviar. pee ovigit Russian jobs. Strawberry .-|. ; re there ‘ . border- to : As : world. not tl ; are alias ans z C the These "That was your cook, wasn't it? Phe He glanced at me quickly with his|_. lascertain the number of the deceascd.| quarrelsome?" is who Milanese ‘At length the tailor himself died, and | brows "slightly contracted, as though had door the side. when me. jiaughed, had' be-| he did not exactly comprehend what stranger ygbiring , remark | Closed. my that I saw instant In an neig hbor bit the houses on ‘permitted wionetully |Erants dyane- 13/ Soemnn & tp teady Arkansas as Canadian ¢ and 10 | 8 6. . . In 2 dare but a 13) Island Gone & cB td ald ache 8 Pope oy waiters waiter. his ; aac tweeds, ascarre ae a brown lel I~sald course,' Or WANT : cnealns a cemetet ctery. eats rate had | near livingPe leand, his | eal hanging pot earth ten fan bench into which he thie wa ttle stone | and | by: was carried corpse any when he counted| at the end of every month to | order in pot, his contents'of ithe an acre, and rising fast as sass gets goou. a Mexdlenin~ Mexiean tha ne an teat Billings, of miles ; of aLo- miles ten withi wit a ten in town thought. Snel | | $100 worth is land be- N and. seafarer. mysterious the. 3 sc j |*). °9) = . tenes . wireline: 5 vo sala lee is beet ‘and Sokof Tene a . nevEsi alaaee in on see aeeatukrnot, fon peril-peril in deadly both ‘of we are > well swith. the. cook==who' is Mi. people will /hesi- }n.. These 3) our« Cie s ; you and 1 are), 6) tate at nothing from Italians nese ! cae Le 13 | added he different quarrel," \ovinees always a! lanese. without them,' by down marked 13| in Italy you "If you Ilve eet nt fon rity laughing. nig bo aes ; We aes 27 | 3 " 5 ay ey I : at ork Carolina R hode house school Northern lady togks-the See The) : : Carolina uth i Dakota she | South madam it, -Toennessec IK UNC: THEN og |lave ness eer ennachoad Vi utah' Athie : . ' Crean Sea of wood, belonging ce the across the alle right is intensely interesthundred persons. It six defeated senate, hes of the | te insur- | #bolishing the Ji(tle custom r .. ry . O72 < Th more to say. Na =4 " in seafarer Seale cap?~ > < esles thing Mur- whom became 10) 10 : : sage "You can bor- Vermont replied the woman ‘ gins -s "Offec x at-lrons y Ww anton or arse come poe Net oe ee , | tea across: e street, flo and sugar é a big pile| Wiee Vem ES I ati the corner, and there's s school. slim 3 > peaked a1ke 8} a " on Meas eo want you JO asked. ARERML ERE ER ace seals ae "Well * ; was dearly Russian f;bd 13 : : Some is for : 5 nnsylvania An Drawn owned. mouse: : . ww8e pamore on | Ore looked | stranger the day next The "Perhaps ? 3 3}. i, 13) } 04, yi Poa one : ee N . : pecome. oe iow yee vo aivanonyer struck there us. LNovik Ce wy 2 look.:to:-me jas ievitios: nar gents of | noes snes . | Missouri ‘oruls E a ane hour pale-faced,.saying- at. me stared : ee Fj a+ haveoa watched must The c assassins : : : 194 | that we are aware, They crime?" of thelr then, pave knowledge 11} jus! 10 Ww a sh "'too.| Mississippi owner, ise > » , inddam..Atedoesn't. Whys ae Y Seo OL eee hee pages, and entitled "Sew- | four . buy a ea Washington's . ¢got a sprout and c high < ws co oo cupying theysive eel trees, cherry the / Do they at Tacoma boys e . the yelled high!" "Too oni officers. further 4 a . Minnesota high. too the and ail ‘ each following | . . . | Louisiana | Maine tino an locating res pilot-coa ~ 7 companion in , _ the in Bryer . | Kentucky Advantages of shoulders broad nized, nized, "ecoe ; is. : more inserutale. of four with Mackenzie, dawn Xt : men, examinaa thorough made his they although but wood, the of | on 5: Bh | a * y red nal go pas ‘until nee | continued: | nothing, neither was any 1ing heard hev they p : IKansas Bete > afl desirous of Seetni States ; Montana... fol ahaa ‘Y@ || Nepraska ae tcto church, wi on ee pishie roac the intervals Ss easy lO) Nevada with a fence peach-orchard ' Hampshire there| Now and city | get over close at hand, selevep : j seen jcemi: 0 oan" : = rhc Nes w Jersey Beat beer a RO ceeteeeD lots e es heli h if A for on wliday ha a oe teachers The birthday. birthday. The teachers change. che tp which in ft satis- id ee school they | © Notice." peo- |/N& to about A be ae ° Ate Plot Florida | Georgia in the | aake | 1ilinols eR but municipal and | Places which are unknown to any one alien: immi- ; States except United eratlo to that | in the Obcdience : een : thing § enrichment which, . is because the the farm be made acause . within acre Land charge of | 4Montit. wand x never yom Corsican 5 , This exhibit in le for : should nies right. be Ie opera. grand ° for to to High Me Chief er recommendation Aeyas that funds of e hetha sid 1 by the ; 1 ; a Z ae . ee ee queen-mother as she pleaded with the reason : All We'll then. eae from took Le t Northern A services. his ten, it |#8n, a little would he that slated never -|has its ; . Q $150 ‘ rth kn ea aecauling pace mere le nm f ance o three-quarters Gravelotte, at vest ihe of one by and later, century a tunities the All the town, the in dee Pigures vote | Colorado ----------- orly were there and eligibles for receive tickets reporters companies life the "It's the town?" a anigma. | f and : ely Connecticut ----<$<-$-_---_ < 3 Facile Princeps. leading society paper e with me avers the for it, A we ; tee each stateate in| ‘ ox lene 1 disappeared, BOK the « Wday: hadi so#0 c whereupon : nion, ‘both in the» last decade and | ae ar table: 1s about furious so looking you Bertha? -_------- ---_ --- ick ¥| recommended col-| t net jel. no!« ac-) warden too being5 electoral "ts , istine . It gets much the > | ndiana "0. distinctly! gave a poverty social |.highest rates for leaving things out lowa . night, other The polding . company' ef anv that | 5 ae 1 «|| Alabama Se ete CUCE BI Mr. ManinS Bae particulars fuller For the holds. consult: your elder sister, who-what California a are was people news Ea rs SG . Da Dar ORCL the over (looking Tommy a of something. wit one take have to without myself, = Pa anc the 100} with as poe mountainsx W _ Pacts . hia | surprise, in gam the back | j over ‘were a game show e 1@ . | turned \ ‘ ie it in this way The deer oe be have supposedto Crossing eel Se Wan a Al the to range Western: the AI " mountal range): summer pes ntains Were i fro rom | pine athe £ -Je/G. a seen The time for1 eounts Sant. J a in sw he jis: hushed) RIMS team rule. burner. base a x re the ee The Ariz. is he = Utah, P the of by country. things the complete 4 @ seeds bloody. wth Wet nedeathered "ina that were Eat ee well?| Referred to Committee of One. ip ecaatr eRe ILE ME United | belong 1e . Equitable, and ; the there ‘ " Garland namedBs Pheenix, at committee | 9Pen shop in the Armstrong . : SS the bys informing work ‘ estee 7 Jur nee : a4 hai York state what New mutual! > Paul Morton, batts, Insa ineendiary #098 "It is a work that showid ; Worth, @ milestone in history as that | ‘alization. visit to Na-|%& dore with cvery Mfe company in the garden «queen-mother's the comAnd the richer the country. aPrance <nen tole ri By-tl : SI . the time when marking or'such of the oleon: o Pp ed the ail | that emotion great a ‘lala crisis - . seul Ge of tells that ture Of |Ple |caught to jasurance, concerning found had as to the best means had advised Ten- | 2Mong or Lives, murmur isa been It | head deer have some for . to. "bunches | three words the iy a turned will doubt "Ach no! But a kummel-yes And he filled and as|will have a kummel!"" o f | our glass "O r y at off his own tossed glasses, and rehad gone > they had we |= single gulp, x a ebine his lips after off. the ghastly iccarried as soon : er |lyou ; i head, joa tell, never can she ---_-- fairer : : : Spokane claims to be a musical + oo : sain because the people there bought served the deeps of | Of correcting the existing evils, the on ; the] finished itself se ‘s - a service- valuable a to book-Plutareh's a . come glimpses of a vista of beau- | they or of | 4nd mountain, impressive an memory. Ne -birds- has learned the = she all: . Ww ords aarti natal nh mit ! ; re ‘jumph, ‘Be! es yar be wins pts could gt Rg 2S : which i of | Make ee the When like a journey Life is something = § its At frregular in- | completed train. on a railway . unexpectedly, | legislature of always and tervals, there ty, of the Governor Johnson, of Minnesota, |] in asc san < Antonlo endeavored cat attr *| | Maryland Massachusetts : out a residence from' one > of |} chase man is : cnough for any: says , $10,000 Sh SR Eig te : . leading eftizens, but thought the price | Michigan . MUTUAL. THEM not that aac ie gain. e how Teli Oap "it : : d Washington the SS 7 new the erireeo ae author 1e 0 agency, oe news MAKE : . @ s@ scene that slirs sentiment, "h and coe‘fastens hance » news y live of |pelled Vil-Continued, Chapter ops handsome | 20-page | rhe pair had, Muriel and Republican in J poii-|Watened Phake Willam By nad loves his doko a "decoctic of f cara a ecoction of the poor woman:Who informed|remains, e a im cn ; Cioa ls e .are~bar . th: Way. secc . ae re were three bunches of deer.) heen so foully done to death. one bunch numbering by actual count 3 ‘ : he fellow fellow ain ds) nd Olinto servant, ESAECR GIES I ee RTA a good nN ne men-the the were who But in the that it is shptient and | his face i buries ac ur heart- throbs witile and | maemiic she znoush See, 1 Regent in these cascs, eee jogan, telling of the estab= = Salt ice asst a ia ee : i a as it. sent gratitude. ; oven An no matter) Tri}hatred fis a senator o Herald, the , . Even same the ONS ee ee Lee as long as he shall thanks his future occupation will ' his erase not unitmore a fin : er Or neds De este. nen the from cut ererence asure, 3 or old the ee morning, & LO, eae: ee ; done are fe whi ‘ for that = ok : ae States which have we nreennnan exhibited is even } tenderr the | Witn-a defy may which harvests of Lerd the i ‘ 7 aT vite dissipate Lolly can reir ascs, s oe me Sac, THE eee NEWS. Washington item c lis! an ishment oy) \ Ps |y oi. a result the canvas, the on seen is a by s revival. 7 yesterday | syoe ¢ oe it " of : . some- tells,- . artis life in artist NG ee dies pictures -f great the ; iad egy to express n order the George : »y']z §Sutherland, 20lge a : CRED But if we can impress lic schools . & on one youthful mind the story whieh any 11 a old they ae 1 little a be favesea a |yoyIL ATED children pubthe to give going in fscauhation not are REY We will world to necessary the' up make will _ is ae preferSoeeo personal prestige. Presses ls resse it |} Deep where i: Cts Lak Sal S LeQuenz. Ceprtig ht 1905 by William LeQueuzf Its a]|" Cit Lake Salt at at started Bich niae ; seliishly : wet by tl con- revival away, fall they . Everyi price Is low, and the catalogue cost : a ‘ivn is trivial, but the . total of dimesPS and nickels 1 ed the the in as same the If * | whether issi «admission | »ethod "hoe The ako Lake. Salt In 5 |hEpaper does he think of his mother's eyes?) first issue Is a hair? | number, stalwart mother's of his that think roof does of thehe cradle fie . °% tics brimful and ies the air? through backward ard and does he think when her quick em-| ERY will be} then impressed, then helpful every | yy in wall one least at decorate } 5 of side The a convert 5 L 4 women good the for easy to elty a rcs be-2) von and today the emotional with vinced-Just and charges roy it make' none they And lhurricane. ¥ oq) manhood which more bad. cS to provide very be TALK not for of revaiobucs add some elements of strength to the : a = z oe the purchase of pictures for hanging A'exander| Mr. Torry and -Mr. chureh. . y ‘ an ki} It is to ‘Nil gopeat in the public school rooms, Phe: oalt» ach oa i q oee be hoped, in the interest of the chil- |, vt |). : . ‘eacher an | appeal to another.| Each Preaener will win & adherents And thre ren, : thatthe people: of. the city5 will|~) ale sale the it efforts the seconding each made 12] they . other) vet Ante F ra | ~ou" And the aestrong ones,: the really (days. Bea PATTY : The rest SE may work will "stick.". valuable,' nie If they do, thew will be not. enough | 0° M2 realize to made be from:admission . the than |@Utracted, week, present the accept ace ference , jonly diffevence. : cay TIT en ; on of first-class exhibit be an . netar, : . e ve ehietly copies of the master; ‘ ey ; efan and the world's art; will : pict ) oft 7 ms of | story is the So are ate. sins of Remission a a : he nuditors. Literary of evenings three paintings, reston Galves together, | eq himself question ignored." 5 "ld a n rather ‘ : PUPILS. : Rerieeetemes: 4 Zar e€ aie a. to eat kined niecething;| The only Killer 2 etre get image left will be the cigarette, the automo-| these And train fast. the and bile Now does he think hell go to sleep. : ( 1906.) ep shadows see the can may]T a state and grow may cily A : eellpse, in soft eyes oe r his bickerronal » of ; ayance |. their lives by measure lieve in it and rickel interna spite in advance his lips, his cheeks mad over Iver : < ic than ever before, tips finger -ve to his ern wrangstrife, continual internal ings, 1 it Gen Cats MwACA ROCIVG roes- < carte eee be,|,.ling may e 5 future, é ec goes he down sinking, |Softiy Some accusation ceaseless and goes- he he goes-down. roe 3 5 the intel'ectual '| places to deal with -- | will have have been so bountifully bless7 d weet repose ¥ TR [EOUNT ILD $ ye t jmen nen 26, Feb. Utah, City, Lake cres nes a 2 salt : in preaching. perm --- Building | "politely =<.) 117, Tribune ee York New Chieago Office .... 613 Marinette | Bullding Bostonms Office «.......+.--.. 2 Benton Street { we he destroyed, Pe was erie x cee Thea ean Se 2 j and the un-) { o¢ j § -|said that the miraculous Sue sighbor. had been dropped froin mod- Ne Duele 208 South West_ pleasant Block, 'Phones-3190. Both é é pr os ring general loss Offices, TempleoeSt. side. He maya. | ee shore ofand the alo gre at Unknown, and thewailing Blind from eee areas good as | pita the ifr he of day and | Out from the shore of ‘the unknown sea, they, and devices | wasWhen not one man nor ten who perVhat ot nen tarmo employPlOy-! | formed the : miracle of the ea rebuild- |iWWhat tia ke of Galve on : The |; revivals |.) 0) Galveston workAll the men of jing. : few speaker Lake § Salt , be will there Jed. 4.00 8.00 ......... advance ‘ @ theroT. | But, if dramatic: methods -75 || with thrills in them, are not ........$ ¥ advance in advance in Year, ne in Months, Months, = Ssea or he & aan | wok . RATES: in advance Onc Month, on the other : . with him who he until But a Times-Herald, Dallas: If we abol-| ar Clot lige fighting, ‘blot oout prize ish football, pe aL squecich hazing and do away with war, | . follow that | bad Sens rifil the : bill, even cann | instruments ago york to-| Tossing & in in pitiful cannot iehts ; con-j| i all § ; empathy with them, ' work athy wi Lake | worse-they * ; ' y held. > MSAsa rule that Se shou roils and unknown pi sea tl Qo eel ls cinge The in sympathy jall rould they work over tims souls, [gether in the essentials, there will be Seales MulrHie Cie that vert never became a backslider | . es will be in} Barks that were loosed on the other side And the failure failure. As for the weak, who are not very} Wewspaper | The Ohio Steubenville, evald,| ebbing an on heaven from d ae oats | ‘ork ng Ww "atio + i probably no revival does th wicked, new | jis a Republican Inter-Mountain a The Only ees, Salt Lake Three when they got hold of a/any man | 08) go were man--a man who was 80 | have men him! himself made in him good the a baby thinks tell what links the gossamer a manikin feels his wi av Who can can py whieh Who at Salt matter. at the postofiice Entered City, Utah, as second-class . ~ SUBSCRIPTION heroic, but tice bad aa really rake a 7 : . E by Morning Every Exchanges. With Chat | THINKS BABY WAIAT No one of in team work. devised than to fit the food for the | effective » § alone 2 ba ; . . ‘hare | }them Strtrong ebai ; ne man who iss to takece It. ean win the » battle He : The | is against too many contending forces. acters are not easily conquered. | ' ‘ than! better away and far be methods of old Peter Cartwright were | He may } i Published nf a in a THE INTER-MOUNTAIN REPUBLICAN, SALT LAKE CITY, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1906. A \ 2 iy y sb: kind husband, about much ee we He Got ifow' met Some say as it e it‘ . from ame iene to ee Berne Odinzoff outside, went Presently ( upon o4rds him m two , boards with ith val rrying hich the menu of the "Eleht-penny hye "jaws tne pressed " yo} Age hope that t ce I should you'll Christians. A s -A_ name ni first first given ‘ avi'? woe wr in written was Day?" This to rR Se Road, "Was ee 1¢ or at em- is truthfully Veetena ats mi: » »¢ ee a . ot "- me re °° day y before: the Bee° ill away been e's ei your been master?" away, too. for sir." Tueher to pul any ao tine ed eas a ‘stions was ee He "And "He's my me, slii Aaya tens , = i] Santini | at Ital-| ee Gat a Camberwell: nee foe li Olinto Armida eee eee ere yany answer tell jNow, lT've oe ri conan s peuye eee ee ‘trompe." name s eae se Panera et " Luncheon? er. proceeded to and front serawly I OE GRAM eA ETionmarieannnel to the shop themcharacters, its | ey AC Cae ea er Leelee nts "hen oe r ms ae eis This was my opportunity, and quick at ain SAT | contents Sa ee thought I moved towards where the Cenee eee ee f wea | cou d command- ee youth was at work, and i must thego men, up to one London cif nl€-aesovereien TH oie yOu ans tonight." . ex- | y hispere | whereat | Oe " Made i of E England, it ises calleda a| inquiries marricd your servant French as the the same oe for the Russian re-entered at moment, and the youth busied that the followers of Jesus Christ at A-| ployed waiter Ferrari's restavrant,)bimself rubbing the front of the not Consu- lcounter in pretense that Lt had Grove »-British Barnabas | Westbourne and Paul tion, Syria preached: the gospel there in the year | jate, Leghorn.' ispoken to him. Indeed, I had some A. D. 42. and in the Acts pe ue an | The lunch wé merry one as | diffe ulty in ‘Mpping the pranviced tl Rete [.De 26 is the follow : And DOR De. luneheens as usually and are‘e, and} coin into his tb l ¢ rt me ee ceit Me pend St & momen' wien theeeedisciples 8 were cailed "C hristians | while w tees the k e acked bet ia A Antioch " ibaits sining basa Bi Sogcanabrain, ane-| | taure Then pmesd apena ae first in i ie ne Then, ie ©I eee up and down ie res00k k.-One -- ‘ ; F Pee | deeerie whctha al cenk of Emilio eS os amp ues of the strong5 | hen we could wander away alone toring whether theic absence a et 1 . ly gle tragedy the with connection that Muriel neice . to I . explained a of | Veneer struggles car nation the: in' American for free- Francisco, | Rare the fetant San instrument castle lic ‘Teaving 1 ul : party Lelthcourt's lan- |:| turn only in the English jewsize oe athurs Satiaaeen ee it no | friendly set, and at heart | a5 : atl S f the Yet |to leavere Scotland. race, Jewish with Setheeen connection eee There. in the & a etwee but the north fly-|«prump." itnaninienl : T ; 7 Ciaiects, the Dutehb, the Trish | 1¢ and the negro dialects: produce tauEN | pas pana they are instances of d ormec anguage. All stamme ring | ‘ cores. ries will will produce laughter, too, on | account of the deformity langua: ae he almpleut inetdent, of if ane 1|* dialect, will produce * laughter, ehte For nstance: upetancs ‘wo Germans of s&, on-~ the} any had ea upon by the federal court. The ics eMCk gaa a Ay ae ported by the carrier, would be to con- | After affectionate greeting, the follow- | om. It was his ship the "Liberty," liter a oy ae anor Edcbor tibet ae | Penne peed eee a eat thi ENiv. aINOr hi | Saker ; ; when which caused a viot in Boston, ; |centrate in its own-hands commodities | {ug dialogue ensued nam hy, peuce e that ought] for an appeal cause and entered, man dressed | Eee os the regarding vestigations ayes ma : , Kcnize <o annul Tay s Tie "i e pert ef his duty jit is no Sut bill mea for in the previded eating himself upon one of the. plush : for an alleged easton of the. laws s [altar leventoatas aid you hey arrived? of others held for shipment, making ope dein ye Fo if the President's ideas prevail. be the | the s daladnt' te establishment of a rate which arash c : pany 5<410,-)itiselt the sole sellers at the' points las ; _ ike bw ; e was was one' of the commissioners . | j course, This puzzled her,to for IT had not, of | lounges hisat bowler the further reand endordered hat had|moved I that her ealed reve he and around? Horn dat come lean ' a $100,000 contribute year, a 000° d i ft to <confiscation GMBONER to. BUONeTOLeraAlitond:|;. Swoon? , where the goods were to be marketed, who demande? the removal of the |jdentified Olinto. Yet I managed to|from the p : gee and oop make such excuses and promises to re- af tea. ne hen tei Boston mas"on! I see; you come dot isthmus | Pritish troops after the an absolute to ercate other words-And<on: legisof corrupting the give is belieye1|¥¢@r Presidenteee ake Ht SRE aaa tome. ad- atures,for nor money from. the in monopoly." that'. logie..they across?" sacre, on Maroh 5, 1770. He was #|iurn that J think allayed her suspic- | from his pocket, he ettled hineeit io ene Ranover. a ae ig i aoe company treasury for the influencing hay 1 1 oe Tes =v "No. signer of the De claration of Independ|jons, and that. night.Mackenzie, after calling|read, apparentlyb oblivious : to hiss surI took | roundings the detective, come dot land over?" | ence, and his name appears written in |upon den you be to vate into court shall stand adjudicated, And if ' a ere a rateDeath is ie red © is oa the eng rge | charge _ re until ; the : courts ne reverse ofa enjoy. Rtas dent. Age Rta It It is is it. te right t \. been ga trom have deserted ae work.of team play the aftisrts to a nicety that his Me v |. RBVIVALS, OLD AND NEW. Among the religious addresses-or not be; a difference-delivered in Salt last . Sunday was une which are Lake te deprecated the time ‘revivalist, methods ho ding harm than good. "Well: It may be. the heof did Maybe the far he would aes ee would other the need to be ; less practiced |i: the to each sinking of shall say eee tatt Be nat <i tha the ae. to] provlem, ‘a construction. es sea-level It all the He make based |Jatest |these ve |level. less | In| old-|the more |!ost team-man, the game. made better plays, and | of to ip, nt Preside "nt cunal, and the old the Suez them in nacre Roosevelt points to communication fall of the tides sides side of therises Isthmus. cific from There is a lesson for Salt Lake and | féet, ' newer|Utah people in the little trial of skill +2 while two. congress in of : like current on the fect. "are not dees! the best it any ways. better And yet it is|only plan has been gether when those in harmony; interested when toil they the two he canal. that one Faken ut Guif side it is not|There A sea-level canal ok in hs big5 document this." letters that fs, on this jd| Notes E.® About to B.BR. would ers lead and ie encourage HEA: week - anyone ¥ e are anxiots in the year. is enougio nere ‘wholesome Osborne, Osborne, and the In view Dover, to yh) to einen: We | through : bat ala a I xa ore .oir S Seaae OMe ee Doukhobors. of of the frequeney England, the local ee a make the Intoe | 248 reperted eo world is ar of | Great Britain. betterment of a manPe Peere z kia I >Ser yor hianti. who | |tomatocs. who Notables. eee |"&Vlans, Germans and | t° fillRete thisial the reading ways public nobler a We "Ae ot way A nas romantic case ah Australia > tour of United hae States suicide clergy commls. overnmen tnvestigation and cr ande is told very of the 1 ate} day he took crete closed : whi ts ee nd aliaspees rated the. waved boning BANS Westbourne Whiteley's, Grove, small 1a a near- | of place |)jy plice joints small chump-chops, and Emflio, It was soon after 9 o'clock |tomer entered the on Bg long shop with] ea on oie oe ie An swecping lad -dwas plush. sleeves 1bis the and . i Tsaw that peupe general appearancn egret his i eyes were , Ee eetus a > stood polishing the ea some er small forks cep that the . back the man She fork cus- tenth ‘to. tube was 7 interest a Coat MESH ae - oout ut a,a sank oss apks > "up > looked Susslan's [eo ae kee1 heat eG chop .the with ee. knife, ut the i apspiet and spread he he spread placed ;a small } cruet. Placed and bread before him un-/%|and never s out Nat beutaad, reAKoby-tnee a aan big the place, following Tia' Utter were | ments. Sweets' and for ae wil a ai re of topetner sether | Fre " order order alale ar necked in the preasy lounge looking healthy > place w in shirt counter pa An, Oh). GLter' the tunred.. Then in sudan the eee place, oar nee. oo ih to see him. Signor Fer rari," 1 | Scotland mre. Mackenzle hadre telagve phe eaeto egraphed~ Yard, addressing Mie. customer: ait~ ane, e re "There {s no Ferrar{, he Is dead, w|i ting ¥ there » dete had who e eRe ‘tc inveatinutk said, Lesponded veh in man the Pgh Ps ame broken. Is ee L o. on placewre from n©-"ou Fuaslan. "Polish, Europe that by far the forin emost| the! of the general postoffice,| staxy up opposite PI i [where splayed Aone | with care < According Bed ntnadacan I : lectured recent!y VISTA at the Royal Colonial| iwhen 4. institute, London, Canada's immigrants er of presence never print}at |that we can for the improvement Alek ane name Is something that: .we would not atto the use funerals the prayer book of those of burial order agreed are} | have hearts lighter, i. lives sir ownown lives. take is someunt s who have if it: have taken their : ; : and. It your few print every herto bold characters, the first on | the slee »xing-car express for Eusto ' rant anion . Hutcheson FEuten on | overandthe yett no ag which The ate restaurant | gave circumstance latter fully taking 1 found, situated about} was, "Put [naar ated n; p tine @.expression: eeee the‘Thisfecommon "Put wi hy Nia in Jehn 7 s person, are be ee of some That onto the Pa- @ud that arity tae the iets twelye sixteen/out the part good ofand aoverlook bed. tg- | th@ state of the tide at the Pacific end prove | of a_ to fect in the rise | #0ciety on name ae the in and |the fireside children and ladies, we hiseos good revival is the better thing in the newer | and agility by these light-footed young | could be constructed, but there would 4 day. TE human nature changes with|men. States are made and cities| always be a swift current through It, every . se thie beat wr old revivai ways|reach the full of their possibijities| one way or the other, depending on oy doubtful of out; somethin |tmat would it not be if niceit isto read about a make ur sign print.,,If neyo! we cnet, hurt the... ; it feel-Is fai Mould ap ; pe and we leave that | paper But at Panama there a difference of many 4d |jaee orof ings aera list. the ie rise toon * Than 5 Bad Good items few a always regeherees More tive the|glad others world. out waters be no connect . would canals There on judgment their2 through them. less trained Individual voted ieee in favor of a sea-level. baked Tice large, dot through wis- Marshall John and Jay them? PRs arrived?" heyref notuvived. you ;,Den yes, "Oh, ‘ome I come es, 1 hefarvived 4 =e 9 leave anyone whoIf it-is mightsomething read. it Is : that the , Panama canal|we it out. equipped with locks, and that would reflect Onone. me ae a' be not the | Success was|known : there. In company. other, the ; just|They the pass withrerehis eyes shut, so far as |CoMfidence were concerned. The local7 |#ccustomed hall of for | Mexi xico Ali'the expert. opinion ofeigs Ameri¢an a ele-| Ohio who met with Europe, with | cugineers from knew) the American engineers to study the have and could He him. see i & : Oh! New & York Chesapeake : being their el!| istisXa a Hitej curious that nearly effort, vidual " one the familiar Each was , Each his fellows. how Wi 3 soy team | cugineers Lake |Should be he could shift the labor and when responsibility to another, And he may or| Men. ‘may rae score, anc superiority ; didn't : addresses on religion; there close : the goods . in the.carriers dealing 2 common. are dom ; of John ; with perished Goaisinin ENRieriin sur sure - tt a by ment of: thelr th Y | oe others past. the and New the forbidden |;9° :continue. they which they evening , 2 evening, a basicetball Chicago defeated « Salt he|team S supporting regret of matter than past > in less Atme) the Y. M.; C. A. building.z on Neither! , that appreciably atta Ener matterieof - gratifi ca tae a are a a their all using are "parrly eaalend a et sik ; have will stand | recent e vc ttoy of tho. Pres: " - bushwhacke rs who - nutshell aoe iaoua that order tlle oe him. be ree : 1 stai Is-sustained, anf fairoe rate may| be ordered-and Haven thes must ec 5 , are avoided thethese cost things of carrying carrying risksin the the risks % tnethe | ace the Ditaretes 2 Getoer future, and en the schedule ¢ommission-made. old rates, lave arant atin air brought : appre i shal) Ste MEIN ‘the railroads in th we He I had had was too broad. ee om mi'aiedee was and too bulky, flat. I bong wads Varia from he thewasfirstno seon that met and. Eng ~ benome the counter th F we when proprietor. Be & | , ent axtraw moment aw fh i ie fate niae k Jack | ehat coats iene a ante k step. behind © tur me en hat theand ae Signor Padrone! earath Agure;of ee "he: cried. "I, have come . after a |celved _ waiter have! to inquireSeay aStaggered blow as though I had Italian nated Sabi a tee was eee an) Olinto rSantini in the flesh é B hanewant years, aud TV natur- var eee for cts some: antares in him fs : enough of pain a and sorrow | deep rsalutation. He never enter ed the. mean: Olinto? ni?" he He repeated. « "Oh! . , xnHe is no t here ; er per a eee joithout OT: e ne pacnpant was a lady to|}comes at 10 o'clock.' ee ee Chapter eae VIII. of words No; minalae ane aiken oe |shame and regret by parading the | married, ee ee mea RereS Ae ee This reply surprised me. T had ex-|! faced the man. whom faults of those who err. That is our|smee. Before parting they arranged Peete er ee ates keeper to ex- ae aod and dead upon that Baie ey eae te the pe ne aime vou: pe paar In ae he should pass|he spoke as though he had. been ‘at ft ies paar et GR bee gten GOCE.to an OUCS. oldSays testisy|| eek as usual on the hh i ones Sema ere ) We are glad 7"to hear you say so.-Citi-|Hi mony love Ang) was this] faithful! have thatc a liquer zen, American Fork. carried out. oer es aaeade DP auieebrandy?" ge anal pe eee r ued re- Sos. ae Hy gray Tomorrow morning) " |