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Show 6 THE INTER-MOUNTAIN REPUBLICAN, { les opted ir 2,000 SET owne rs. aving ) | N REFK Blt IR N F | IN EXPERT HANDS os He Control : of . went r) is oe management of mines ; out we &F ak j the other ven well fees peet me eormation pe In diva mill SaTceERht | : Rewarded-} is ;Finally I, a William 'T. Oster, whose in alle-| asserted during the day that a of One ex-| Newhouse, has poration owns six claims only 2,800 feet| season of away from the Montgomery-Shoshone, | °, and because of the active development| UVe one. History.‘ Nevada leases ane sessees continue ore of good tonnage spent wax do not ee should production r a two days - in-| cee a ie = ‘view oe that' the Mont. fine of the) road management transportation Js being responded PeT as ne permit. The suc-| crushed before contained :in . oi ‘ a eehiite: ‘all of the Tivearens S hi ive || irons : oe ide one of }|* Sougnne not not : matured uinto mines, 1 su <6 ae oe on but has me 1@ ores are among a the ee ee ches ie yhite| 13 those of Packer | oO} 1ONnLZing pc 1OSsSe Ryan, Cullen and others awe : tied : £o to the ewelatteroe up, been {60 the nen bs ae | Montgome ic Aenean cs Consolid aL ey rs. > ithehas | | |?with a iesespex aaa on ene with being in this city is 5 ve . eied MCAS CURIE DEG dIneB SHAUL pression that pee ing company In the 55 value share-par I Mr. Dick- toa all ot e: } the towns of ; £¢ It the: Pies roi here: (and@three. miles from' of ; the a halt |COPY, mile and Center.a at Gola Over Bull-'l R ni ite | homic on , the volume Jatest geology of Bingham been this. dom P blue the Salt of the return until delayed g& t a production 3 3 é acre raat consolid e RUSH ne wer Pressed Bi on the No. Tale nt . het supply CS 8 a will into asset, | S. Bitar taneled fan drills and with which to installed the with 1 the same locality some work on winter the during dene licen few a not while group, Sunset as soon as resume to preparing In properties under a ve that hewn) delayed. Just ss the the Gugee "rays" . engi- nhe im = | Mon to AD Oster 2. reports there though <under 3 a copy of |@bsence yah sh Vee > $50 than ter that per » s wndle ph Danie the | 1" having ling inte restinguins Bonanza ercunoiin wiifets 12 | Gold z a eiare pub Enough. ‘ o assayed. a to tohe,warrant Take. learned : . tae Rios 80'S, All 100 and | vanced J. is have who enormity the || all tend; e delayed, it, and w ho of the tsa to access have who long e been as -has) € fish a to of has 1ese up. from of ‘ vVisit- Park of West Belt Manhattan f Kirby, A. John foretell | was the most Tintic West Sa ane ming cent per ie. mehrE within 200 ally ance. sixty lave . that show who 5 served sensational open 1 cut Sy George it | when in performen a D4Ye She in' ore. "4 aes ‘isall oe aS a neat ng agement g ; a shark the Year Active Most a windfalls! endeavors a the that opinion in bonanza Scotia old short a is time, has just of ore,to body lent progress. with as new ore bodies are being opened Rich ore is now upon its dump up. with shipments improve- on follow to A short time ago ment in the roads. certain "parties who were interested $10,000 -hite|a the jall The as $6,000. |as much big a of attributes has property one, accord- eerie . He this left assume the company, Ww to state worth ok of $150,000. is said to run in the as high of |s#trong following 260 would be over-subscribed i dat ee partment, Recat nt. nen Republican, advertising or any woods. de- circulation San in this or Francisco neck Los Year| optilax 1986. road. 17 W. Tickets on sale today, naught of ean SALT a s¢ ried itl old | W east probable close to the Tonopak-Great where ft is thought others said colonel! The extends mines story oy last} | Tonopah|,... the of system ledge great je an that) éa attention. personal his | | He down which uncovered another decsclines Meanwhile camp pumd}|at the it was recently equipped is| ; : be} is sald to it ones. is wooing, W nile known he J5| property while300 thewithshaft of the excel-}one properties -| better the father Her leaving died little for was} she when mothe: her he of was the yas through shown . w peat Honerine. tonnage re Se and in ; oe small | eween Pe. Sandy it is to be limi ited the | jevel nite pe "the railway" be- and the camp a eat the at past Little small very shawed the! or Is {ta Vieliven: at are oo Serarall Epawerdvaing | hile trame is afforded all whoteams it, with more | ready to embrace onnly Bar', showed The Gaid ngineer. to'$3 per ton at first, but, 160 feet-in ir|than ever fo be operated this season. a tour months, the cartled } of $3 values only Angeles, | £omery-Shoshone per 18 ton, values showed ont | of ee To San Francisco or Los Angeles, Phones of gold found 5 at the surface, ore. $9,000 ®) The Givraltae feet atts in|street. "| 1986. Tickets on sale today. Phones - Beige ah ON of ay to Interests, this where Alta, he acquired has He will undertake the trip accompanied morning, by frie ak |in this city. !to George an Sutherland Senator That oftic "0is | assay in getting succeed for this the east city says special a is most dispatch likely. OF = se became in daughter ° Flectri¢ (0 celebration celebration ared mothe and Christie marriage Ilttle the the litt n iin died and short a left all BANK rs to High Both STOCKS hus-| her On : 7 Market the - for All Kinds of ° 0 9 i ver nie 9. Is now in the market for all and Copper Ores at prices favorad COMMUNICATION ALL ware all Prien UNITED STATES mibiria SMELTING MELTING = When shipment re : Se ord Se mia hen ter Aihara Iver, pr able ADDRESS er 0 an €d 9 : {ts made, please © CO., notify o- Grade Investment Securiand 26 Sold. Bought ties Main St. 127. Phones = Now Is SUGAR AND oe " 1893.) BONDS (Established AND the JR : BANKER INVESTMENT . STOCKS = = St. South Ist CUTLER C JOHN weritedes i cens was the property from she inherited . Assortment of Motors on Hand, : oe Wiring a Specialty. West 51 lived her mother She and his widow. ago. months several until together bulk of The Mrs. Christie died) wjen the estate Good . Electric boardinearding after time his Power, marriage the least happy a . ‘ with + achinos the deyot7 and. 2. great Washing TO ows: Bingham us LAKE SALT teinnaiecd CITY, : Junction, Utah. promp designate which one: cued designpublic onesampler also aoe assayer. ts+ preferred, nate eara| He | - | Stl Have Wotor securities , aand estate Fle real ps with infatuated proposed | TRADE. . A | momber »w ai ‘Tin- of Chief Aer . showe fortune many as continue Operations years the) of future the establishes k a - Wo i wor iron s a Cs os M | CHICAG ‘0 BOARD | years ¢ old 25 years then vas then z G was Missss Graham until| Ch, hesitated in aceepUng himmother she had his promise that her The Voujq always be provided for. jarriage of May and December was a} house In ( ea 1 aes a a : @ ie : ‘cor. ci Meant ease y espondents, Alembers z ock a Brick exchange ca inxct i We han. Trade, Mining Board of Utah Chicago and all prominent dle Utah the : Executed Cot Priv ace | e that testimony ° ‘CITY LAKE Promptly Boots | - misulaicne See 8 tae ||} | CO & | J) fn-| o eae service POLLOCK ° SALT Btodkes. jo oO 90 00-1 0> 00 CO. Bankers and Brokers South Street, W. coe 6 Orders |) SUPPLY ST. MAIN -_-- A ° a had ee ELECTRIC "Private | Wire New JAS | Inspection considerable came| of the daughter's devotion in Graborn was Christie Mrs. child, ed Notes Siiniie | . coming| cona bia r worth 94 9 Pieces r tofaulty lh Christie Lh provision LAKE OP > abar 5 I. Alice Sp Mrs. Seg of mother i « Electric of bears is , 151 Devoted Mina Geyryvotion oe hp Is: need , In . work this you. to VOID of the ofcame because Metts stice | 404 tt joins the MeKane Mining company | daughter's estat It was during the It is the general district 6) the south. en-| most| Utah's South Lake 17 Route, the frat four months | $25.00, Salt €8 to $4 during Utah's most fromBonanza |$25.00, Salt Lake Route, Second Second W. road. Mountain carried only "trac eg | popular Bouth!,, virget. of bilan ; ae Bequest. BN ceurt for, a} -om- nly, of the famous Rell. Beginnings a ree |*08T™™ Some Modest i ee pee man- | district ich ail that will be required to dev@lop ,To 35190. ‘PITONES, Call 2190, either ‘phone, to get The Inter-Mountain new |gineer ounces as in the white metal to the ton. BOTH the neighborhood Some of the Scotia ore Our and | huppen HELD you e right. on surface st! question Are i FeuPeS 9% Wiking? seOur stock fs the best t+ : lect from and our prices are ln sat ¥ may : Deprived Daughter's i ore to erect a guaranteed Reve aatamery Seats SR oor into the region at this cone Montana-Tonopah | surface. while high grade orHl were Sule} are going Mereantile the of trating plant if they were granted alagement corresponding company is deing | ™M Tana. titat Rens |The Alta The as depth was gained. 6 a ate "le oP upon cértain parts of the mine |company‘s properties at Tonopah. has |ly-- developed tisfy yee es nayicd an . ane ea : one gl Stank oar bee ‘Moun- is business that wgee ee en‘The latter is said to con- |accepted the position of -and dump. sl¢ : we = i pretentious, nore some of @ sSurface.|bhitions tain the LOVE OF Mother Necd for ; Ne- et ase many there Ps been the had - whack: The Fi7 and as drudge, its kindnessra five ee toleration. | vate a> company ldeal of interest Js manifested ie athe lic. said an official of the main ore hag Companies operating there and active | yesterday, and, while the the unearthed, been not have is| bodies which by the company but 12d | movements eg hee _ bel Be nee is he company the of launching jthe out| to undertake it will be the signal for| condition at this hour is a very promered DY jassociated with a number ef the fore- SRI a area aaa ising one Mid Kirby, | that most of the big bonanza mines of the |}much reve |most men of the region, ae ae pt ma snow the eaiaral ding Mr. in |ing to the examination on which |Kirby's report was founded, and concen- | who he on asleep |LEGACY since ) prehending, in his opinion, the Manboem the and Jeffs, Mr. said facillties}camp, the by only season present been Incor-| yet oe fh P 4 I |hattan gold belt on its southern exjt No comye? y ee Tl the property, | ¢ tat transporte ition. hould foll the e present year 2a, _prese ollow shoule for its .| the prope deyelop mine and ait the todevelopment ¢ a ea as foundedad » , 2 tension, i and with them has work Is being dione | At the City R ota group, which rea ia a ¢ fon. . Utah avhin > which report of the s The annual . managethe hands, changed by the present owners who recently bond-| cently lo prosecute promises |companuy ligest ¢ hasty a which ef Bingham, of | market to « x 000. t ialong the most : energetic lines. | 24 the property for $159,000 Ww|werk Ie- | Inter-Mountain in The appeared tian "tn = ag aA ae AVA is one of the biggest group Rush Phe advices| to according |The company, afforded | mor ning yesterday publican conversant those by good an adterized Rush the of consists a mountain the on | about |fvom the locality, has acquired br discourse powerful most another the departure while its contents, POLE Index and Keystone, No. Ruan ledge | claim, the main |sixty acres of ground, camp big the of § n resources by . con.|the. will * fe etifeneal echumtetines were Incorporated toRuan Ift per|No.1. gold of $33 average an |showing located its properties are « | which a ‘ > ton, while the picked samples afforded | morrow, the entir » issue of treasury stock| 0 made eee! numely Bh1's eS Wears celebri-| " ve him ; to ofits,many added years a daughter's || of . Kangston, "good fellows," aggregation 5 BS her. aged; for | provide says bi ee seafow! _surprise Tono-| of the h's operations of number and bond upon the Prairie Bell prop- | ] erly In West Tintic is now driving a reater atua : tu nnel ag greate ledge the to tapI 95 feet2 of drifting . will * out 125 depth. be required to reach the ledge, and cn believes he will be Burrows Mr. then ore. good some out to take in shape show above ore the from Samples from 35 to 90 ounces silver, with good is | Burrows Mr. in lead. percentages be | | YS ~ her me s certz dea s ' Ss IS Justice | "This claus aie 1 : i He and Mr. Reilly yesterday be- | aah | ly lease. of out because Bet fa alee as stricken interested in ee financially came ae ea see setts ordere O the of {s north whieh claim, tal recourse | oniy the and ambiguity of | its {s the end-line its side-Iine ‘Tonopah, het is to sue has woman the aged group,| Ixtension Monarch-Pittsburg the Development, to whose affording Telling the biggest leadoy | handling without exe rtion the full flow | chacterizes as among ie ee and i the " Index. ure the is Denver aD inst camp I of bonanzas, has, with other inter-| . The. i. at ce he They tween \ sijver mines in the worl on management) the while and ec} or water, feet from a dozen a foothold| aye only in about tunnel) the secured operators, fevada of the channel but | ception at Sandy EEE is getting to She. com- | portal of the tunnel as yet, but they have Springs, a new camp |at Baxter to i the but way, of his stam- reo sone . which or lace, ae l if not eenCc fakaeevas serves brief story and a caree ¢§ and: iN i Its:is career the for a feature says the ete ity. in that camp, much Repor has a ‘lease who Burrows, ae ay of the a Vice-Presidents. Peabody, Ass't. Cashier ae Sut. fs . ; with habits eae in «a recent Goldfield. days Hee That figure in Mereur and 1| has made a hit in Ne- Ke | from vy i] se veral for E. Dorsey, George member W.‘of congress, = oo ioe "Col. the pte Territory physiognomy his diggings hav-| ALTA. well-directed fine dropping tles be- Peerless ‘The Noble 50 Si prowle1 four-knot bear wes » from being then,St so far Yhe shark, the novelpirate whieh ore-dyed las hatd-work3 A mere him Se | a _| s: . .~ 5 Adding ie : Lo awe Wantland: says Lewis A. Jeffs, the mining engineer) wealth with every bjdst'and that. it:ts undoubtedly one of the biggest Prop- | who has joined the large numbel now On the 200-| <eeking interests at Stockton, has Ye-| erties he has ever visited. that camp, and, while he| foot level below the tunnel the muan- turned from the] of name the divulge to wmacade Panats Saat baat EA tless. H. P. ‘ * water and the ugly, octopuslike imite locopowersrs of limited whose: squid, hungry| Nance to. our a give sui of | BUY. . Dorsey, EL. W. Years # prominent other Utah camps, vada, copy a for asa to" capture | Gasiona a) as fe world ee ee Co-|yequire at the conditions Oft admitent season. he was vhich c : wp Con,, histov ber lumbus \eBe = hegae a : oo ier ninety-four| now is veink the on and the it along, feet feet below Daly- | 3 the period ata City . A. ITE Bank. W. a» beorked chance any in his come may contents digestible Ordtviatiys of | ayie * whigh we ano Secures Colonel Col. ac are eee onlg -head mining NEVADA claw IRSEY'S ~, 7 The and at ie a that s not the Howell Joseph first page Sun. pab fan niche in oe NE DORSEY'S Gola] ue they rcuad Wantland, M. and eypetic cent-but) per 1¢ a ae lal ads on : The Inter-Mountain Republican ac-| to Co1 indebtedness its nowledges ‘The re com 4 on yard railroad FROM Its William she the Entering in days- for ople Now & {it % eee SP DOWN fe ad- but gressman ee fs si > ania? ns "operation worthy intereste a Al is o camp fea over | that ae ree 7€ as ean Teds ledre wall is | (ies and its ing c feet : « Sun. : a are te coe being sort-| the yall a poole ng secure is library, [ae eat reccive ror quarts. bet It the |}every one has Yair gress Ife in. congress | OF f (fs 3 Ife: ot milling. future and trackage Daseed: beyond | townsite SLOK Daly, you "oe Sean tin, businesslike to eye ceen which | more new El, Dor about 124 | located The milies, are. ., Cali ‘fro miles "in a northwest-'| Caliente, om. |¢yi erly direction, and about twe ive miles} 78 oe GAs): OFA. The. casiest Springs. will be wae nthe Tono- | new discoveries have pah & Las Vegas railroad will highlyit inare which ; showing Reports between | is ae otwe wi feet. SO between} wide. fect: coveredHe' a vein .150° On each wall they have found| walls. White. tale -that.pans, prospects, and. as-| the Shoshone | Jt looks just I!ke says. ni rock-you could not tell them apart recently manner va ny aa interest their passe of Bono chorus A J. W National Commercial schoo)| | given : a common rirl was | 7, re git the it claim that that hotel and new/nights atcalledthethe Palace the negis largely indebted for % ae 6 not yet brought out| Aite as was rise in values has was |- | the Accidental, lor 1 ts then and sdueation a acade § an any offerings of shares fro m those on the} blood 2 education acgdemy ca an B- | was its Into ne inter-}and pouring now rt : 1 our Yence. ir "ir ob-| she where York, New to went became they that quite Eeatenntal that] from came-down arteries, IM |) ected confidence supreme heir oman ele ground. the loyment and ev over | ts twed - , amp again yesterday and with asso- ested pranenther re. na a eg Ay he h t I ‘ Fe Eee T S oo came Rellly Mr. and Dorsey Col. today return will tes from the east her mothoF Stener. ‘share fon, perinspire her salary with $2.50 Shaken, willand abalss she divided since W hich the| from Goldfield yesterday, the i ad a sellir any these her took she years several After lowa-Tonopah Mining company has been|/er, | Mr. Wantland, who was tied up lm orders. to New York and the latter mother Half the town assembles dally on the [locality for a week, says of the snOW | oy anized and plans made as to the fu-| started a boarding-house with the acfalling heavily for | ture policy of the company. Rush group of claims on Bonanze Moun-|that it has and.been cumulated savings of the girl Mr. Dorsey's time will be spent | "ytuch of Goldiield of the use will for the time powerthatplants | some work there. old 70 years then to watch Christie, George tain Rush as he 7 and Tonopah, be | jetween there pills and ago) was sold a month group development fhe d os one of the boarders. He poss the pres-| considering other investments| which will] |and development work was only recenlly| water in. great abundance to trip the oe Salt | Denver of number number making in eltizens best s} is met eS | vou. to sent was ver ye 5 ve: ae rine bee workin twe onninars ee ORE are miners Twenty \up rapidly. : av adtrenched ' They Rush on have night and une VE ive aayavy pL ‘Those Soe bn fors | Pany" While hourree here. properties i --_-_-____-_AT BAXTER KIRBY . ao ; ‘ - Poothold on Southern Extension | property the with alte the be to continues diggens completed, t.: are. ; miles asfront sixty 1 Indian Creek ' SIXt) line of : that voad. the is reached. !" , wee 7 ready h ate vy eae and ieee it. for a bid onmadeBonanza. mannii, ecauiin ener noe feo silver and gold copper for eee > v yi e Wtunne! LO Phe of the ¢ rontrol- | of much have .y Iost ae rk, "aahier Boe, ANZ "ACCOUN iT 2 condi an } insulting mesnot but} || bottle s; Sage anf to containing oF overboard the tTfinder: (thrown or a.sailor's wag) nautical some as the | by as well appearance ef} cap which has been lost In a. gale student to. the ny while the misled. the} Wing ; Laughlin and Dian - Center in the of advance that | Point ofeae Den | Camp and shar Peerless, Eclly ehre nicled of Gibraltar, Bika the @ 7 : lave Z merged express thes tat : UNC nit. ry. | tress 5 ; eo ahe : hp ni fe cael be = At Rerorie aia f at the 500-foo% be sunk -is tosufficient will there feet,' imlevel andunless provement in the showing before this | Gets level miles that _ erie are working camps Dwight | reduction B PEST la G Goldld Mint Com-= | opout ahi Mining Pease Victoria shalt tt a Sanene wake ‘ : . along » rs, ag fe. eon. oer Mero ? 7 r ai Vang2 the ~¢d pleased ¢lghty Is believed aod be will about It This road Is already making confor the transportation of Bullfrog| The The|. 2 - old- The buy. to of the owners each the of the mining Wes cate Oe iter sensation Incipient real are leaser; Goldtie ld fawited: Deen ;Hasilever le attend: ? a both s7u sample, ton per $200 splendid Center. srading by | #!ve $2,000 has | Of es than Interests zage no -ding sph ‘Ir stock ei ‘s ge won't part with any of ft. four Week. the taardon Ut Whe went. the a. small is: but era Teeth of . owners The in now 4and within Gold f the by sa 1 for treatment ore: ab the ‘Tenopah mers @. Mar @ Mills com many is Poe Goldfield broker, and| ‘ oe Hiliott,i thenamed |C-_4. compé 7 fcyea enn These Cushman. |@ "Rhyolite S attend- | stock, a ra si x a ; eet 2 ore without doing any Ro ead work, and even if it averages up ‘etter than $50 per ton it means that a nice nlec Bice they can pull down money on every shipment sent out. fro Rol S. R.am Be Mrs. bes ri out ore i re pihea , n es was Ks te he Sat BESrareoe 1 16 Aided ane se Nev. \Se neglected . less lucky the Rellly, it | J- head- is is an 7 During joom route: bet- of. Some as there course Cour grade. of this sate but, . of sour be went lot the | sas, aske ontgome | | tallroad Shoshone Na- experienced: Callente . ris Sta ione jhands of the vich, and no one here ever| day. other the a SORIA OAG Pastor On them. brothers, | expects to profit further from two Sulla soneh, pe am Eeveryit ts different Mountain knew this desert ceuntry like | Bonanza who )}2hd | on the ground still retains a big a trip ot | bos in from book, came an open there and every) Prospecting and they had samples that | terest in the properties the reent. 3 weeks of couple ton. high as went ore t states and a out sent was Steinws ay: is now has been now, to Up orously. awaited. vicar rawayee FIND. NEW says the the work Kennear om inetropoils |tnritty ore | qjq carload a ofcheck the received for Mr. porter. Monday on ago, ‘awalte Experiences vi . Ore, on lease Kennear-Parker The out, of Silver City, ‘Tintic: Undine, ey At ok ts alt ata . ‘Aa gion, a Deine. On! Beene ue : j Pe Tx sgt fy ad eee which ‘it Beveagerly, HU rTTS 7 ‘ FOR RUSH , Good Mighty With party which OAKEY w ea Reporting Proposition ‘ City the by and CGalfontc bee fi 7 . Silver - Old which camps |®, een ee which |owners of the controlling CAS as : well as in= east > for the UNDINE, OF RICHES the of e company. be|been spent to open up the property. itinerary, the of results al- the 4 agai sy 11e. lime shor ee that belief a Mining In ae gennes ) |< aoe ri? ae eres a oe a have 2) tober. tracts paptinaaiion work eal awe be g atanesod ie& the In. fire. rapid interest.j in the interest uch much Mr. : quiet, oppressively is interest Dat = mal Bank. there} to as in this state were |S well at idle miso oun camp them, po negotiation > if the as Evoke alle the | :Wound sence up regio: region, Cree Creek Loon the ecirtrolitiier di- is not |!8 Not Known whether the.stop in this} present, operations are to be resumed or not. that. at Ely is to precede pny course, the atspring. therehe during is exciting the pilgrimage gate-|Of City, Custer interests wayay 2 Ganriar 7 | Really a Hard Worker. by Prof.-Samuel FP. Emmons: is. one 3 . can not that of carefully | accumulation arge With failtk to . Instruct as a nterests. sYOV this p ilagtencawiian nthe contents of coe eink proves; 2 ole, thatey there eB etitetusively iso }eone no mines his command at camp. volume are, as a eer of. Gepper pereat the J pper need be | tar of fact: only two articles;of his that to those of Messrs. ihe reuiaete beeause of their Ss aabed ~ | ty-five Indian Creek and grading Gold Center mae miles of have been com; : aC ne , isis now é ‘ atter the receiving camps, other the services of Mr.| Krum tant it LR akine een eee That orone aia ~ pletod tion it has long deserved. indi-| would added been have Mathez PareneEeeiwe eoaae Se DE |The Montgomery the does. it as devel- | adjo!nin it is one of extensive that cate ale this oie tats officials cing The Progress, the Bullfrog | £94 2 Mountain Mining company's, Meanwhile the oftictals o opment. of Ludlow. from miles , 2 I f th sondistate emphatically that the road will Bullfrog's Crystal the Bank's, National to to a dispatch according |company, by Ocdistrict Bullfrog the it)ee suut into s (which ku ie the and (merged), are Republican, |the Inter-Mountain talent is Czizek, Mr. of mahagement » is under which and the Montana in which tana group is interested > . while © and, up Ne d oO _opent - "eo cently and has | moving in the direction of the legal talent accompanying re- wit than was of ore of better quality hitherto encountered rushing, 5 Jordan on group a fine Gable, Mr. Sunbeam the by managed k, body been are oprespondingly has the are| the} permit. shall weather ‘any th progres fine plant this from is Sram eas. operate and Cashi er scsieleielw es © ss aya ais a et eee ees the volume rea have | ach, consisting mainly of carrion of) ort ; ae SE eT. one tare kind, ail give the clearest olfacor the | every compensatec an More 9eeN ' < g& dt. bere a | tory evidence that the alee owners| Hever cana naa elites ae eee ead long wait. - fact. were In addition to the labors imposed lee them were not alive-in 1,075,000| here as on the eve of gathering in a formarine this eee: merger, anTid. ¢ ie altace iesce ceinaaiiee Railroad Approaching. a 18 that air surrounding properties have i ul 1% per cent advance coming to them. too. gall In read} and Tonopah The Las. Vegas share has| cents perinterests tha the Schwab shown by it {8 défferéd et ee haw ne as is Saparied f been OO! Creek, forty-three mile vt o Ve- is being ent. R 2,625 000 | veel had |had been cameniied to mission Mr. Oster says he sees how into service by A. Ches-| the property is to be made one of the | been pressed . abl To enable | in in Idah ti |tcr Beatty, . representing the Guggent Idaho. most interesting of | an examination 1 to prosceut if the managementof Fe a oO of copper scale, energetic more a on wolor naticamp into which so eae energies Hill QEAN Guggenheim Experts. has been dead-when much have } very which and Boutwell, Mr upon near fn the that t is "announced Set ture. Total ‘ddatendes A‘dispatch fr Bix Ely, Nev... to this | very rich ore that was brought ant. along beim inspe ptoe him. | sanitary by executed been so intellige ntly to organized be will a company .. +. $10,000,000 | ruture ; Crone Se , otal aa Kat Wavelionaa." ‘Samuel | advised Was {t before reduction for market ifsances as the !condemning ‘the on a section includes volume inter-|the various and control these manage anon, oe d was oelt at Led - comet niGinie ine tne decided to construct a smelter, and to | custe Week: reinternal a ‘his oan them moved | Arthur by camp the of geology public|real the that and Center Gola in ests r| 2S sold one ae ontgomery-Shosh yeer who was recently detailed by aj has added resources the company's | fuse bin . while the introduetory chanter, Keith. the in join to opportunity an given « be will | 'at or 25, ‘tL. at 2 Polaris aan pa Sa ne . antic pro 5 examine > to 4 srties . With the furnace in com-|former new mine, compressor or f a ‘fish shark thisvand) that beef corned | battered reg- popular his ass istand Boutwell Mr. ee W in will feel that detailed, te. ve fe to. hauling surthe veaptured any Open proof clear find will the} and seology, that in 500,000.00 £25 0,000.00 Appetite. Omnivorous him- him) his} In 8S. E ag Cee e J. reality i ; . ‘Yo prey of | 7 library Utah xe Bo dees Your him hunible primarily, canbe and will fin a mit,never (ounterest region. City, enosit 1) Edgar scur-|{ 3. be fn a Lake aa ae hobo manner eet canie Ny that nm eae ov appreciate to the Bullfrog dis- is the gateway down-hill easy within and trict of producer every. of $ 6.300.000| distance bi the those Gole railroad: the of) arrival | itorols ~E 7 Itself the ares ~ pea pg boing gn ans aggregates} y convert eaeer: 8popular Wo, the interested sein aa has who cnacer is person : ay that a upon EAscouses tg com- The Or (a ie pe al er Th big oe eae ie oy e } miner yaune eek i ‘; Be on sie 1g iY ap which the on Center lowS-| j} every ise a work scak arge mines. Rae 1¢ SS waterue : er ai . one the|¢ash for _ cant 26 ¥ 1,050,000 ‘shares issued Shoshone per she Polaris at $2.50 1,000,000 shares fasted of B wlifrog Crystal at $1.0714 per share...... by Service Into 7 put out|and of. $10,000, 000 i agen ent in abode Tonopah-Gold-| permane nt a. on great of number Consolidated | = , pane Par value of | Sin 400 been ee Sake aes ELY. TO to development Das } PAY townsite, z ne ""Y r the of and'It of Dretis:thene, big mountain of per-| a question be simply a in | make Deal. tu oP 2 te uation. cee: deposits for day UninitsSCE in Big he Montgomery- -Shoshone incorporated or &: 000. 7 shares is deRobbins Saturday Mr. ae of ore in what Is| channel gp, new } The 7 tunnel. Fresh indedenvant of that which productive of not a little up a new as known ohenaelte Mirty re aera the expert conduct those negotiating for the e thathis region, coal of the opened resources to the has management add the there is thea liveliest interest| : Ses ya ia eens county as well as in this city to of tates in the | pared gold | great | apps ars epee is| sistent Pa ore aicn 7 Law-|Partment at. Washington, W.'D. . ' 1 Ait dy ; Dern ae sandsof dollars in devele Montgomery these ¥. Willams, . associates ea: and the sreatest St} ec sh in the of all for predicted the F. Ss of vicinity are company, Mining Steinway and bank is|#ountain the | National it are These east, |@emand. of In perfected. follow, | to. matte silver-bearing to while property while tative Lpa-a furnace €cns Acai 7 into commission with of high grade copper, to go on : ie LS | Meiklejohn, Stock Philadelphia aee the! and as transfer the been has a|Preperties company of which control is exercise d Tre »ports area Ivers and others of this |i Iron by James the Oster says O01 Mr. padacine city, he ' ae ready x é while in the of the properties latter be. will lThe said, by operate sd Packer, Lost the | sale of strong one. Plant at Packer. is.a New the and. ee « ‘ Ss that parallels Jedge.which Packer, Te ar hil At Shake- | iron mines - ec a 1d by his brother, | Properties lying In the he was eae to de-| that unablealthough said, he he leftwascamp. hewhen VaNGG nein ntedntne | Montgomery-Shoshone ETON A ae oHASAAT e the ‘the of strike the of extent speare, 254. | who peruseful public servant none | trog iblict-B ullfrog, Rhyolite, Gold|and Bullfrog, which has been selected as| "ecelved, is boring into it with omni-1- |lean of has not had an analysis | an is the representative anit: ‘hile | forms uncomplainingly the duties con. | Compiled by. John om terminal for the railroad that is com-|Vorous zeal. The brokers here} the Beatty. and | Other than the big steel company, and Perce of th ont veauite obtained at « amp are ted with the sanitation of the Bullfrog. district from Salt |son Boutwell of the Geological Survey | connec The day and night shifts and|ing into the shark fs the common scavail fa mai ble in c ymmert fal contents. | Hat the e xamination fs being made In|4re Working keep up with the work cut} Lake City, tremendous activity Is appar-|at Washington, after the most SxHintis. |} seas. }can hardly c | behe oS of that stupendous concern ou etl 7 on a With fim h undertaker general « ot thhe aker and : @oSer | un; is it 1 2 " region, Bros : that in ; qoubteal | researches grade low big prob-|tive many as all are in that are} ability It there transpires now "eaught ly apparent-|ent. farts teeniethat tack whe n Peay them.on,"Theahd eastthe hasbrokers for ofof wiwhicj ‘he in = Chartie the appearence samples, yesterday said was Whiker c t reasons, for is not, He oarance it is struct ive » |;ocean rice the rs easons, con‘ { propositic < . : nos ‘ v as. there5 are | 20" tedly3 one of the most Center ; : in Gola sie : : : j al apeae y "picking get ‘ +.) speed be | Ni moderate will his very with and these de- | nected the by big values, undertaken) been dicates has p,|that ert Se ‘ sp ranroL ao ons hs on} hy ee ; ae eo up all ee him carried The | York poe today furnace the through put termine CO. lL. S. Hills President ee raven pene si?' abe SP iace s .. + Vice-President | Moses "thatcher defender sane Is TRANSFER ™ en Phones Mer. "tee a veces ii Oise : 3 Capital: Surplus ety Sa and at 1rown bogie morna by E S E RET {. Because water D a "dog: a In the released U. §. DEPOSITORY. opis called or the seas," wrens finds this! lines Hard eco- | has he és se it stic LAKE Pee: Sims, A. | Geo: OCEAN : S nue as of (SALT ane ch | other any en a Rapp ns Mudie ae a- « the mining |} and at. . a|™ost by7 whom inclement weather was painter the asser-by {ti was soon discovered, mad become hadhe that hi nwever, His four of his torture, result !4@8 the tivals have been arrested, | mai on "Is undoubtedly' ie of to in this poaltion al}. night, exposed esasup NATIONAL put tl hs of Effort Hard Work + sdidy . The miner and investor, a li | engineer, and Vy mining oar jman Ore TC. o { in of the Survey. Incorporated : Most Instructive Volume. a9 ain Mountain A) A™M .Pl gai _ Results being| now. use popular for made {is camps surrounding ited |and c rejuvenation of spirit. a eaeaie E Have . name a bad } with the "tiger probriously s oS . or foe," on ame s sailor's . ra "~- Night, . te loaded ts Lue Own Vield shark ane BINGHAM OF ee local firm of map-makers de-G| ie pply Serum, and the3 Strict, the rT ie: nronenties e. Ls THe a || ed fact that a the find ee maps for |mand eis . ph? aie eile con-| the of Montgomery " , transfer the‘ ocin ati to the An-|?* ference made. been have bids tempting interest from the region | other .arrival inc 2 says< the} @olling e : 4 ae | oe e successfu thea Walker + Pitas Estate ; save Oster Mr. foane neste arospected, ance eddy, EB. Clatence A from ‘the AW selves on a eompanion The latter, a house painter, was more successful in his love affairs than his rivals, who, in f him, tied him to a tree to punish order he was compelled that a way in such him The y left one' foot on to stand as Pacific Western the of line number) a down rock the to convey with | quarry and today, crushe Rock the ext: telion of | Smelters. Rock us an kbe will sock crushers as means for its|)and run by steam and the rock will GEOLOGY by possibilities is evidenced | alive to the with is hatching deal some that several|¢d which for city and inis op Idaho) {o the producers of was, added surveyed One on Stand - Poot - men young 24.-Four Feb. terlin, a just adopted have chenbach of ae strange method of revenging them- a limited | the ing the South} used be smelters Garfield the ae- | for an be . The the} will and quality fat. day eating accompanied by C hi is. | ing ee a See st of Chi- | gomery-Shoshone was wired here by | most east trate a mS amber et Sane Rien | ent year, while a favorable working | | charge at the sme else rs is doing> much"Sharks ears deve rtles adjacent, and tha ‘re J W | Malcolm Macdonald. the sampling of the erruginous Of the region into} cago, } Gable arid wife. MY. | ent work will fn. all FAB ley re veal | to encourage othe While here } Johnson : wasBees inquiries by been to bebedsfollowed |deposits tz wie nt has stimto Ser tere ne: pe oh &acat Lake ale the coal that have lon chaperoned DY Di: Hi | the presence of a large number of divi | : gs into Packe Lost the since founc 1 its WayWay sine : rai a under t the alcontrol of Don C. Robbins} Feery of Salt Lake, and it is rumor-/dend payers. That eastern investors are| a ae taking out of . | - tts | Ustrtet | a Tim Mate . . : Transe ript nels ey h,| cars.- Pooe done has ¢ omp ny or the lity als | cess Heli vel ye. | some ry sey RE hn Montgom on properties the Jron|speeting in mines iron the of |amination others to enter the Feelon -anne ee Ee : te of | to ; induce language in. the that. and vide. Spec- | fe: and surroundings. es- | ery mountain Walker the in embraced county, are city of this number Jarge ma and Q utler, "as the vein does up, it must ih Johnson Mr, allow to permission this hour|ial at prosecuted is being | tate, OF THE. SCAVENGERS | Good time pe ah SHES interested faulting no is there that and wn o lz Pape MOLE OR ee APL ica Sites puelia a prominent Dickman, N. R. ly the pr ex- | from heard We is to Springs district-it| entire the In observed 1© " Ss A l: : Syste 4 3 | re warded been just it has to giance in Shake-! disclosure by a sensational been he has on which speare ground during ae his researches prosecuting yes from camp winter, came down Spe wv Reporter eat to begin is send they are | { hiquit 1 is to in which ork on this property, miners additional Of it Is a| sh'fts of miners, pete sine pe M 25.-M. for 1 Whos | these on the ground tr: auction oars A enter ; wah ¢ of ‘etSamuel}. harply wi tc hin the development of the} ore will be as rapid Feb. Nev., Pullfrog, ' s~hicf ans engineer chief Johnson, 5 post was) itj to be professing persons By formati ' | session of positive 1} information Bullfrog : in rious His Holdings ial a of ation | Creek, the birth of Loon of , copper, . &gold and} camp at : at Hourly-Boom Examin- in: Assist to ai Activities ; Beds} Coal ; of‘ Owner ‘ South Goes Discoverics. Creck : Robbins. Don | Jordan on Operations Present Idaho, as state ata. een the tld Tae a f |S ompunions Lith ha: eae , Swansea mine at Silver City . » , 4 ¢ e < and mountains the from in Miners organwas which While the company vein.) aes ti; Se me rani eat erat on that say gulches the from |ranchers ago, months several city in this j ized Tbe ie quie uly picked at Bg ae Sree. } mining | is but a YUUFLAI EY, the properties show | the snow has slid to the bottom of the! men Prof. Balle the conten engl: 5 Phi & couside rat deve laprin nt and, with | ravines and mountains, and that rule abund > F > of ater is erefore assure fo ment‘ W ork in ee near future on} Per cent ad, divide nds should not a I Ae ACapeTrt s lying betweenPea Mont-| remote. In the same locality a great | this aint o falls, toe men aps and Indian Springs,| ' deal of development is in progress Mr 5 ts has ake f rsSz EBllerbeck Mr. : at < ‘ ; ; omery-Shoshone , are Pea Pail lime a up ken | the over ihe outlet ee an ay a with ra S and, a hour, this alta the| this all ore foothills: reveal a] will and miles away, route, four alone. Lake. Salt - Inereasing . || way the of is} rails The whole of this section canmpay Ve Gu Keele Tha to live, | everybody permits that tariff up rap-| well and is being opened looking DeliMost idly. The Pittsburg-Bullfrog Mining cor-| jp 4)) 2 >) yon ts rock is considered of a a | ES a . Oster Some ky ate « - CULLEN INTERESTS |UNITS IN SHOSHONE DEAL ‘rpottuon ches ii thi opinint that [Mek thay arrords 4h average of sist) |W hotmelt before ute At IN SHAKESPEARE|RYAN "Billee" Sia SNOW an place We er ctric ne aie Nee > staxted « March.-Tintic the a tai * . . »} ag a3 z pan and | campaign. of production. consist of co ntitiniie product' lead heavy. of the| Very. be same diree- | some silver, with small values in gold a relative: providing vesult the will the cstate, fo: er i ot ane machinery at Go- | MAN TORTURED GOES MAD | y & the company Which wide"and| They and lie ~vy acne ahh ae proper snid Messrs of the offi- + | ‘ Is ¢ ore - of | *7' the co- oper ition. of many | promised ‘ shiquits 2Xlthe leading officials. some of whom Spring ~ j live interests in western li as j day, the . < during oer: ; Seater : household, to be ane elt!es an mish n} ere shbipapraine. of oO 3 » ig : Ne ote ar x made until the } eck olbert of St. Claire, Mien, and shi divided" hivhonghi: . arriv ci ie the north and, as aj' hey. contested the clause with Woman, the aged Plag- | for in the Consolidated | sharcholder of out ‘thrown was It the|that to his.way Is on of Alta, | + tal Lake erties of the company. 1Ma Graham will sue the Springs. of the of Good developing their mine, naces the BES sent week, grade intact The few | Oberndorfer and Joseph, rade are from} { st an average that| Nev. 18 9, begin the active fora (een 'sncountered,' feeton: wi NoW is the Group. Big Customers. n Easter . That 7 a STRIKE silver, iy Packel Lost } After For Dickman N. . R. By in Rock Gold and ° . Indications i that 1906. Salt From Interests at Good runs that streak ore 26, ; SHIP. TO Coming Begin 2 to ore TA Melwinthe of Levin Erick Suppt. from | to be wagoned this side, and fon Se eee RT which | through rock the | ley miles, ten lthat the point, lto tracks a ofdistance the Salt of Lake route he issaysnow thatdrifting contains iron and | Shoshone North ns able activity has been noted in| To accomplish this the management that there has been a noticeable im- | ne Malatriet lying north of the Montgom-| has already succeeded in the purchase | provement in the showing during the | ery- nil hoshone, embracing the properties of | of a dozen burros to be. used on the | Past few days. The tunnel is now In) the methyst, Bu roe Mining and the}; | 5 a distanee of over 900 feet and the ali ‘ : a aan lfc out is and mountain, the over rail 7 sera 10 £-Bullfrog ab 11 an TI orbs el ee Aeneete Eve ches a: ie ies MOPee CIEE, sega. a a3 eee tam being rananee Bullfrog Intic |} ireka .o weporter ores with | S-? The a train of twent ford Hav veins Two formation the cutting | | oe Being of till high A trl will ren be ré he -_ - Copper j exanmnniion of Rich Channel New are the ue lnehe me nts | WINNING ITS SPURS sacks eke ee Bee i : « HIQU that runs from h streak pon Tye The $3,000 Denver has shipped is ae to nt r true! now | Sn rec nine Py ROUT The!) wide. feet opened to OW veins live up,| Ore twenty-inch a has and i FEBRUARY | andthe same is iines. The Rus sh ter body hafrom now150 Show: eden ledge a ltar, | in Gibrs D 5 AL SALT LAKE CITY, MONDAY, eExnerienc rly all of ie is } t as |