Show I SURGEONS SURGEON'S FEE ONE NICKEL Bo Boy its Insists on un Ins H Ills His AH Alt 1 for fm Setting Set Set- ting Ills His logs Dogs Jos os I 1 Philadelphia Pa Pa Feb 25 Carry Carr Carry Carrying ing InG a pet spaniel In his ann arms S year old Alexander Wilson of 42 York road soad walked into the accident room of the tIme Samaritan hospital and said appealingly to Dr Ralman Vont Wont you mend my dogs dog's leg He was run over o by a big wagon on the street Dr Raiman naiman tried to tell tel the child that the thc institution was not a veterinary am a ary hospital but the child pleaded so hard that the phy physician consented to operate on the Injured animal animal He lIe found foune that lint Jessie so the boy called his pet pct had huc sustained a fracture of tie the I left hind leg The Injured limb was wa soon oon set and done up LII In splints When the tile operation was vas over Alexander be began an to search ear h his pockets ond nd finally pl produced duc e a cent 3 cent piece all al his available a earth earthly wealth He lie le gravely presented It to Dr Ralman Raiman The physician told him him to put II it back In his pocket pocket The bo be boy Insisted but finally obeyed tho doctor As soon as the tIle accident room door leer closed cosec behind behind behind be be- hind him Alexander took the nickel el from hl his pocket rolled It I through the crack under the thc door doom coor Into the room and ran a 3 away ane Tho The physician Is thinking ng of having havinga having a a watch charm mace made of oC tho the nickel piece picco so that lint In after years year he can exhibit It I when he hu tells the time story of his first t fee Cee ll |