Show IUSI FOR FOr NEW I to Ix Experience I a 1 in ii i Incipient Boom the lr Week experienced a rea real J old old- fashioned stampede the lie other Ila day ilay John Juhn and anti Smith two brothers and aul who know this his d desert sert country like an open book bool came caine In from a trip of prospecting and ant the they hail had samples Saml that lint did th the tue work tork the Ild WoI says sas Express of that thrifty metropolis on the he San Pedro route II It I was ms learned that th the lie samples went venI 71 in both gold and anil silver NI cr and sample for copp copper r was sas sent to Salt Sai Lake to tt be l assayed ed Enough was wu learned to lo warrant a number of our nU best beat citizens in making the lie trip to lo the lie new El EI Dorado Dondo The rhe mines are arc located locatell about 1 miles mies from In a northwesterly northwest northwest- erly orly 11 d direction and about aboul l t twelve miles mils mil's I east cast of oC what is known as ms Summit Springs 8 The easiest way to these new mew 11 discoveries cn will trill wi be when the Tonopah Tonopah Tono- Tono pah palm Las Vc Vegas as railroad will wl have Im been completed as aR the iho liggens are arc about aboul sixty miles mies from flom Indian Creel Creek along the tho line hue lne of that road roal |