Show FORMER PASTOR PREACHES SERMON Rev W. W H. H Bagby in Pulpit of Central Christian Church UPLIFTING OF HUMANITY Su Says Church Hint 1 limit Extends Warm Handclasps Is Mo t o l t Potent Factor For Im Good fc Rev William II I. I Bagby for three years rears pastor of the time Central Christian church chuich of this Ibis city cily but hut more recently recent recent- I ly 13 of Phoenix Ariz occupied his ol old pulpit Ja last t night and amid preached an aim impressive sermon from om the text I I unto If I be me mime lifted up will Avill wil draw mw all al men Time The purpose of the tIme sermon Ava wa to point out the characteristics nece necessary for Tor a Christian life a a. Christ Christian Christia l I church as set t forth b by the tue life and by hy the thc teachings of I the lie theastel Master astel Tin flit fIl sermon all al through was Illustrated with wih stories which added strength th to the thought which the time speaker ht to convey con and amid by y p poetic allusions which made malle of the time sermon ermon a beautiful one une A brief s synopsis nop ls of or the time sermon follows s folo The Thc lifting up UI of Jesus was th tIme the cruc crucis In the white while light Ight of that Her fiery trial stand tand out In Iii il bold relief the the truths of or Ills Ils charac- charac ter cr cm that constitute the drawing power that hat Jesus reIHe represents But lut for what lie Be le was but for 01 or what He lie proved Himsel Himself Himself Him Him- self sel to be in His Ills ministries among men and for COl men Ills His crucifixion would have meant no more to the thc iVOrid than that o of the tIme thieves who lied died cled by his side It I tool took the time stoop stoop- in ng suffering ser loving 10 Christ to o make malce that lint cross cros the magnet that Dial moves all men amen in Iii its direction mo es al Is cLon ilese c and all Province Plo of Church It I It Is time the the privilege c and th the province of the the church chulch of or Jesus Christ to lift Ui ip and keep before c the time eyes eyes of hi himi hi manit those virtues that shone out o 0 beautifully upon the tho cro cross And I 1 want vant to enumerate just a few of tho those c cirtus virtues that I regard as cardinal cardinalli li virtues vir- vir tues ties of Jesus that must h be he reproduced In our lives In order that we as individual Christians Christans may represent the he drawing power po el that it I was mani- mani estly esty Gods God's design that we should 1 In lii II the thc first place I mention menton the of Jesus as one une of the timIngs things that hat must be lifted Ife up miji You may riot not think very cry ClY much of or that hat virtue but butI butt It I t Is a I cardinal virtue and amid It constitutes con- con ou one of the thc ell elements of tl the tho I power 0 el elor of or Jesus of Nazareth It t hn has been beautifully Illustrated Inthe in he time hives li of if other great men inca and it I ought lo tu be e illustrated In the time lv lives of f all al true Christians We e do eu not a aV it H at its Hs true value Let me nie meL meay ay cay L right here there is absolutely no nn communion between true gl greatness and nd nd snobbery snobbery- Christianity does not know enow anything about snobbery The ll Lord Jesus Christ t was the tIme farthest t 10 re- from Crom toni snobbery and the church that uit wins must amusE come conic to be known fl asle as ns' the le approachable church The Sincerity of if Christ Then another thing thing that lint We e must lift Ift up UI In order older that we wc lift un U up Christ Christs ChrIstis t is s Ills His Ils sincerity The Time absolute slit slit- ecrU of the time Son on o of God was Avas what contrIbuted to Ills His Ils drawing power while He lie Ie wa iva here on earth Men Ien round found Him true and amid they were veme attracted to hint Him because Ho lie 10 was true rue Let Lei mo nie say sy this friends AH H IHl wi v can caum not nol bo ho and amid be servants ants for the Master as a churches we cannot b bl be sepulchers and amid draw elaw men Inca to lo Christ Ue We must bo be what we profess to o beThen beThen be Then we wo must lift up tip Christs Christ's pIety not not the sham piety of or the tIme Pharisees 01 or the lie 8 severe ele piety of the Puritan whose religion was so cold so to frigid that hat It was repellant to tu men who into had he warm blood circulating in iii II their but jut the piety of time the Lord Jesus Christ that hat charms charm the whole world There was vas never ne er a time when the time piety pit of or Jesus was was anything but hut charming to all al who beheld I it Time The whole world t oll lands with bowed head Jesus Josu Us Ills hand humid l resting upon th the head hend of the ho little child pr prays s h BecaUse Because Because Be Be- th tIme the back of that thai cause piety acc prayer was vas not the time sham ham piety o of the time see ee or 11 tIme thc cold of the Puritan 1 but ut it was wal the sincere the time Son of God that was beautiful There Thc must also be he lifted up the time divine lilt ni pity of time Iho Son Soum on of or God GOtI It I Is 18 not lot time the church that can boast of or wealth or prestige or 01 learning alone alun but ut the tile church Whose warm tt handclasp hand baud clasp clap can caum tal take hol hold of human hearts heats ind ind warm them them that draws chaw men's mens souls Bouls to lo it i. i This old ole world we wo live l c in ins Int t Is s a cold colI one there thoro are alc man many sad sat hearts heart in it I and antI you Ol know kumow that what men nen most mol want in lii this timEs world is moth moth- ering cring I Hearts Warmed by ly I. I c. lot I There Theme I is not a a heal t in this world that hat dues does not hot hun hunger el for fOI or mothering and amid that Is what the church is here for or And AnI that Is what W t Christ canto came Into nto time tlc world for COl It I was to 10 j warm he time hearts u of men to touch with wih a a ouch touch of sympathy and pity the lives l es that thai are arc dark and amid that aie ame frozen and ind to lo cause those lives l and amid ane tho those to blossom as the time Jowers and to come conic out and amid unfold all al their thel Friends If I we n as the followers of J Jesus su will wi reach out and amid touch the hearts of the time men nien who are all hungering for fur this mother love lo e we will wJ draw uncut men to lo Christ because e of lie tho lo love that He le laid hud in Itt His heart for fOI men muon Mr Ir Da Bagby who Is accompanied by Y Mrs Bagby will ivill wi be hu in lii the tIme cl city several sev sev- sc eral emai II-al II days days They rimey are aro on their way Avay to Missoula Mont where Mr II Bagby Da h ha ham acc accepted a call cal to the thc Christian Christan church TUe Tuesday lla evening of this week Mr Mm h Bagby laghy will trill wi give I e an nn Illustrated Illus ilius- lus- lus lecture at tIme the lw Contra ChrIstIan Christian Chris Chrls- tian Uan church chulch hero here on Ul time Iho Ion lon of ur the Dc el |