Show SALT LAKE THEATRES TO TONIGHT Orpheum Thomas Orpheum Thomas Keogh am and tl Iu Modern ern le Vaudeville a Grand l Magda la ta Lyric Lyric Bohemian Bohemian I ts Harper as Ia When hen Magda Is played one ouie l leave es a he lie theatre and and one goci goc cs csIck mck ack Ick to lo see the lie play again Miss Georgia Harper with sith wih a sup th last lal ort jort of uncommon str strength n might began beal a n week half en engagement It il the Grand in itt the lie man play pla has attracted the time attention oi ot othe he lie wc western tern world wand wOld and amid challenged tl lie of h humanity uma nl- nl Miss ls Harper the enviable position tas IS won very cry he ime occupies In ium her Imer art but she site never nevel lid more inure to confirm her imer title than thann 11 n ii the four bitt foU acts of that thai Impressive Irama trainee presented last night It I Is anaker a n nal of tempests In the tho human meart a distressing problem for fi the a h heartache artache for the time simple nd il it is doubtful upon which the time falls most severely se In tIme the thC beginning the tise cun construction If f the play pla would be he called fatally e If IC It II were we're anything but hut anything but bui Throughout th the he whole holo of the first act acl 10 1 Magda appears One hears of or her Imer if the wonderful position she has as a ti singer in er hat thaL she he Is coning corn com ng ns after afler lie years year's als absence to lal take lake lart In the tl festival fesl al of her native nath city clr a a city In Iii which her het old ole father once onceL i L soldier now no noa a paralytic still main main- aluis hi huts his rooftree That hat Colonel Swartz Is plC- plC pre pie by hy J J. J G 0 Harper and not even ecu in hO his most successful days eMs eM's ncr lived and moved tho the truth of the lie l ed In lit which he lie was cast cost than lid Mr Mi Ir Harper la last t night Joseph Detrick as ns the thc Past Pastor 0 was masterful ind 11 1 convincing at aL all al tiniest times und and the themo mo elem element clement nt of comedy which comedy which b by no e relieves the titi somber r color culot colO of oC the scenes c is cenes-is is provided by th the if f Harriet Brown BIown These are arc good The Iho re rest t are un adequate of girl too richly It Is the story stor a n bill l I with wih life held in leash b by atoo a 0 too oo o rigid 1111 paternal government a ti gill girl gin who SOP goon Into limb the tho world an and lives lit its is nad nail delirious joys forgetting et i lS everything every cry everything thing but list her youth and the thu lips liis of he ime man who hiss has deceived cil h her bet An Anthen And nd then lien 1 It I Is the story stO- stO stOof of the tho woman who luo luois Is left left left-as lef-as lef as Is the hue way of the world world- world to In cal carry alone allne the tho burden hUllen which life lays laN upon life How she ala sit rises Ii es from flom the lie day lla of pain Ilie year of ur lun hunger cr and nd Kings s her way wayLo Lo In L the lie worl worlds world's s 's command loving her child and caring for Cor it arid and Ind trusting no one how she he comes back to lo tho ho home and fares arcs through the mazes mazeR of oC conventionality in conflict with her own less les strict existence and how the puzzle that fate fale has woven wo Is 19 alone alon It could be he solved solved solved solved-as as I by y her Cathers Cather's death This Ihl Is I the stor story of t the he play lilay It IL I Is not funn funny NeIther I Is lr life But it IL J Is ns as true true- as ns are arc the heartbeats heart beats h by ty which we of or the audience measure the tho struggles of or th two those two strong people placed face to lo face face- face Magda and her rathe-I rathe father The rho hl same ame play will wi be presented again tonight Mile fe Oh ester who left lef y yesterday for forSan forSan San Francisco o where she he he Is billed hiCL to lo appear at nt the Orpheum with her statue dog lm has Imas a permit from roam the Oregon Short ShOt Line to lo ri ride e in tho the ha baggage a e cat car with wih time the do dog which shi does oes not nol allow alow to get gel out OUI of or her sight for long ll DIlly Billy II 11 I. I as this animal Is known 1 Is Is' the son 01 of or the original statue do log dog which lied dice led SI some four years arM ago aJo He lie le Jumped Into his sires sire's iLC acl after afler five f e days lays of 0 training Mile Ile I Chester has property to 0 the value of In the iho east every l' l IH pe IH of or which was wan earned b by those these two dogs during dui lUlng the past ten years cars Three w weeks els ago thc they landed In New ew York for 0 or the time third visit 11 to the lie United States In eight years Mile lc Chester who Is the wife of oC Dodd Relli Retti Peli the UI strong strongman t ong man was ivas wac the fh first l In Individual ual lo 10 o introduce in- in traduce the thC animal statuary act acl In iii any shape or at O form She Sime made male her bet fl first t appearance In lit Toronto Canada In this i act wih with Billy I 1 a little over O eleven years nS ago J. J A A. A Murphy who appeared last week at the tIme urn with l Willard In The Phrenologist Phrenologist Is stilt still t i laughing over a unique letter leter received from Crom a n Salt Sail talt Lake lale girl with an ambition to go on aim the stage anti and who suggested sug that as she had no wardrobe of or her own she he could borrow Miss S arll Willards dresses dresse until sonic some could be made for her In reciting the time incident Ilci ent alter afler are lh th thi lights were out lat last night Mr r Murphy said il as Rait Requests of oC in this Is sort are h by no nn means confined to dwellers in mean homes homes They limey he come conic from al sorts and con conditions llon o of men nn and women nn and scarcely a da day passes pas without bringing bringinG a query or 01 two of the following na nature nature uma- uma ture tune What hat would be le a 0 good Joke te to tell ten at nt a palt party parly 1 Plea Please e e send scud me a 0 few so I can caum select elect I 1 would like a good comic song gon to I sing at nl an entertainment Prefer Preel one that Is Is sun sung on the stage tale as ac th they I seem to lo take th time the best If It you IU kne know w wa a good one and anti it il is nol not published llla please c write It for rime me me I I 1 am sin In itt the real meal estate business business- here but bUl do not like it H. I think I would woul like Ite to travel with a show sho something In the comic line I w preferred as ns I am naturally Yr very humorous Who 1 should I consult regarding the matter and Is an any special form lumi of oC al application lout tion ton necessary nece ary I have ha written a very funny Cunny song sons and 1 I want some annie comic dialogue uc to tofil tofit toft fit fil ft into il it I. I Do you 0 mind If I I lust use some ome of yours yours' I 1 like that one Ole about tho the ravine hut but It il Is too loo hard hart to lo l remember le- le member PIa Please e write II It I out for 01 mime me n Thomas Thoma Keo Keogh h anti and company presenting 11 tire pre The Tho Way Vay He lie le Von AVon OJ Her will willbe wi I be the Iho headliner on the new bill hi atthe at atI atthe I the tie Orpheum week lCk which will vill willbe wi be he presented p for Cor th tho lie first tune time to- to night The other f on cat u will ivill wi he in I. I Fernando May a Trio frio In and paper manipulators Twin mandolin deti duellists t Gaylord time the tw girl nirl irl from frum Posey Po e county count the great s novelty jumping ehy 10 Fred und 1 0 Annie lot Pc-lot coin coin- f nn and th the m tl mc I Captain Paul Patti Gilmore's Oil Gil- Gi- Gi mores more's now famous romantic comedy t which will ui wi reintroduce this timis t young star at the Salt Sail Sni Lake Lala tl theatre on Thursday evening presents several SO I uncommonly scenes On One or of the tho 11 most I n I ores ting ting- Is a garden guden part hart at nt one ouie of or the time finest homes In him old New Nets ew York overlooking o time the Hudson river Into the fri oli frivolity of ef the Dutch swains and nd dam ls steps time the intrepid French gallant Llant Louis le he IE with wih all al of oC his grace and aHl courtliness I He lIe comes come to te win the time hand of th lie tho betrothed of tim the Dutch gen attorney n- n eral ral a a girl whom he lie has never ne I soon ln but with wih whom hom ho ito declares In Inc Inlove love ite l c because of ot her imer resemblance to lo an aim ancient miniature long Jong In his posses O sion slon hail had hat learned In Qu Quebec hc where his his- regiment the Car- Car was it-as stationed that hint a maiden nou h like the picture to tobe tobe tobe be its ls original was In itt the city far to tn tolie the lie south On Ott not riot more than five tin minutes minutes' minutEs minutEs' notice he Ito started for New Xe Amsterdam wagering 2 2000 00 0 crowns that he lie would return before Christmas Christ Christ- runs mas night with wih the lad lady either as hl his wife Ife or 0 his Imis betrothed An And he lie le wins the lie wager The he sale of or seats seals opens t today Margaret ton Arthur B Byron Bon on George Par Parsons ons Grace Grce Thorn Thome Joseph Flora Plot Juliet Julet Down Downey Florence Flornce Flor Flor- lice ence Gerald A A S. S Edith shayne W W. V IL II Burton Lillian Dix Dx and P. P S. S Barrett will 1 be seen een In itt the company compan that Is to appear app nr at the hue Salt Sal Lake e theatre April 30 30 0 when H Henry I BHarris B. B Harris Harris' v. v wil ill present for rol or time the first tune time item hero Charles Charl Kleins Klein's latest play The Tim Lion and antl the lie Mouse Iou The power exel ex- ex el by wealth In Iii political affairs tota today in iti America is the lie theme trenchantly tren tren- chanty chantly treated by Mr Mi rr Klein who has hitta brought forth tim Its Is serious an and amid humorous humor humor- flu ous aspects aspect wilh wih fine skill sli |