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Show I Local Happenings. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE GLOBE F. D. liaird transacted business busi-ness in Ogden Tuesday. Mrs. Fred Coffnian vlsiteu Ogden last Saturday. Mrs. P. C. Petterson was an Ogdcu visitor Sunday. Mrs. Carrie Perkins was a passenger to Ogden Sunday. Miss Ada Umpey was a passenger pas-senger to Salt Lalio Monday. Mr. and Mrs. 0. L. Winters were In Ogden last Saturday. Mrs. Chris Anderson and daughter went to Ogdcu Sunday. Sun-day. Mrs. Azar Evans visited iriends in BrJghain City last Saturday. Mrs. 0 L. Winters is visiting . her daughter in Price, Mrs. '' Italph Stayner. Mrs. E. V. Schneider trans-acted trans-acted business hi the state capi-tal capi-tal last Saturday. H Mrs. W. G. Wallace left Tues- day to spend a week with rela-Uvea rela-Uvea in Boise, Idaho. Mrs. Dixie Shclton and Mrs. James C. Coombs visited the state capital Tuesday. Harry T. Martin has accepted a position at the Manuusa pool Jiall and will spend the winter in Garland. fl Mrs. J. C. Wheelon visited her daughter In Ogden, Mrs. David P. Squires, the Unit of the week. Miss Emily Manning left last Friday for Ogden where she has entered the Dee Hospital to complete her course in nursing. A fine daughter arrived at the 9 home of Agent Sam McMurdy and wife of the 0. L. & I. Ry. at Dowcyvllle Monday morning of this week. At 0 o'clock Monday morn-Ing morn-Ing of this week, a lino daugh- .' ter blessed the lvomo of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Manausa of this city. Everything lovely. Miss Llllle Shlpp spent lust Saturday In Brlghnm City and Kj returned to Garland Monday M.- evening to tako her part in the fl' Shlpp-Jeppson-Pack concert. Luther B. Sasscr, wife and , children, of Holbrook, Idaho, motored to town the first of the week qnd visited relatives here. They left for their Idaho home yesterday. 1 Wm, E. McKell, representing the American Surety Co. ot 1 New York, with headquarters at Salt Lake, was In Garland In 1 the Interest of tho Insurance business Tuesday of this week. H The school teachei-s of this city and valley attended the regular monthly teachers' insti- H tute, held in Brlghnm City last H Saturday. Quito a number of cases of H scarlet fever are reported in H Fielding, but the physicians and H ' health offlcers are preventing H further spread of the disease. H Brigham has u few cases. H There are none In this city so H for. H Mrs. Vlggo Nelson of this H city underwent an operation for H tonsilitls at the Merrell Hospl- B tal In Trcaonion Monday of this week. Dr. J E. Pay was H tho attendant physician. She H Is recovering tho operation and H setting along nicely. H John J. Shumway has about H completed a new residence on H the Rice Hotel corner on West H Cutler street Contractor M. W. H Laney has charge of tho work. H When the building Is completed H the residence and lot will lie H! sold to Dean MoBrlde of Blue Creek, who will move his fam- H 1 lly here to reside. Hi The firm of Gephart Bros, of H Tremonton is enlarging the , husiness quarters of its store in j f the addition of a large and H roomy rear structure which, j when completed, will give the Arm about twice the present , room and create for that town ' one of tho most modern depart- ment stores in Box Elder Coun- 1 ly. Both buildings will be i thrown into one large merchan- dlslng house, covering probably H about one-fourth acre. For real i Jive business men, Gephart Brothers have but few equals. I I r BIm'w"'?''"" - Mrs. A. S. Hulsi was n passenger pas-senger to tho state capital yesterday. yes-terday. Engineer J. C. Wheelon of the Utah-Idaho Sugar Co., Garland department, transacted business busi-ness In tho state capital Tuesday Tues-day and Wednesday. Glen Hardy of Fielding underwent un-derwent an operation at the Merrill Hospital Saturday last He was taken to tho hospital by Dr. J. E. Day; M. Foisted, manager of the Garland Milling Co., was a passenger to Salt Luke yesterday, yester-day, where ho went on business connected with tho company. Mrs. L. W. Preston visited Ogden lust Saturday and spent Sunday with relatives In Brig-ham Brig-ham City. Mr. Preston motored to Brigham Sunday and returned return-ed In the evening accompanied by Mrs. Preston. Supt 0. II. Skldmore of the public schools of Box Elder County, accompanied by Prof. 0. A. Whlttakcr and Miss Laura Lovendale, primary supervisor, stopped over hi Garland Monday Mon-day evening on a return trip from visiting the schools or Plymouth and Riverside. They spent Tuesday In the schools at Fielding. A visit of tho schools of this city is to be made in the very near future. Joseph Jensen, wlfo and children, chil-dren, took leave of their many friends in this city Monday of this week and departed for St. Anthony, Idaho, where they will make their future home. Moroni Jensen of Brigham City purchased their home In this city and presented . to his daughter, Mrs. George Gleason. Mr. and Mrs. Gleason and children chil-dren moved into their new home Tuesday. Mr. Jensen will engage en-gage In tho furniture business at St. Anthony in connection with his brother-in-law, Alvin Keller, formerly of Tremonton. He promised to visit us occasionally occa-sionally and renew old acquaintances. ac-quaintances. In fact, tho Bear River stako presidency, of which re was second councilor, council-or, will necessitate a reorganization reorgani-zation in tho very near future, and he will likely be present on that occasion. Wo wish them every success in their new locality. Mrs. Joo Johnson, who recently re-cently gavo birth to a baby at the Swinyard Hospital, accompanied accom-panied by her baby arid her sister,' sis-ter,' returned to her home In Salt Lake yesterday. S. C. Wlxom, foreman of the Box Elder News office at Brigham, Brig-ham, spent part of Wednesday in Garland with his brother, ye editor. He came out to assist us In our "troubles" rush work and worry. Mrs. G. R. Cole and Mrs. Dixie Shelton, representing the Ladles' Self-Culture 'Club of Garland, attended the meetings of tho State Federation of Women's Wo-men's Clubs, held in Salt Lake City yesterday and today. Mr. and Mrs. Wi T.. Gldnoy and Mrs. Faulkner of Brigham City, who came out to attend tho dance at the Palace last Saturday night, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. II. Edwards on Saturday night and until Sunday Sun-day noon. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Cunningham Cunning-ham entertained a iew friends at a very pleasant "houBe warming" party Thursday evening of last week. A very enjoyable evening was the outcome out-come and delicate refreshments wre served. The social had a two-fold purpose first a reception recep-tion to friends to their newly completed home and second In honor of the birthday of Mr. Cunningham. |