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Show Stevenson Planned Much Work. Bj Considering Hobcrt Louis Steven- BJ son's short life, ho wrote n great deal, but ho planned still more. A writer BJ who bus been delving Into his record offers what ho says Is a hitherto unpublished un-published list ot "two novels and. tides," which Stevenson meant to-write, to-write, but never did. It runs thus: Tho Indian Mutiny, Sarannc Lake, 1883; Cannnnmllls, probably Sarnunc Lake, 1888; Tho Hlslng Sun, at Sen. (Pacific), 1800; Dyco of Ython, Samon, 1802; Tho Shovels of Nctwon French, Samoa, 1802 ; Tho Ucach-Combcrs, Samoa, Sa-moa, 1803; Sophia Scarlet, Samoa, 1S03; Tho Owl, Samoa. 1S03; Death In tho Pot, Samoa, 1803; Tho Steeper Awakened, Samoa, 1893. Stevenson planned other work not In thu lino ot Action. They were: A. Hlogrnphy of tho Duke ot Wellington, a Hlogrnphy of Hiulltt, a history or tho Indian Mutiny, un English Grammar, Gram-mar, to bo Illustrated from tho English Eng-lish Clnsslcs. Ho also begnn and, for ono reason or another, uover completed complet-ed theso stories: Tho Grent North Hond, Bournemouth, Bourne-mouth, 1881; Tho Young Chuvnller, 1803; Ileothercnt, Samoa, 1803; The-(io-Hetween, Samoa, 1803; St. Ives, ,'jiimon, 1891; Weir ot Hermlston, Samoa, Sa-moa, 1894. |