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Show ALLIES TO KEEP UP FIGHTLL WINTER MILITARY EXPERTS LOOK FOR INCREASING ATTACK UPON THE WAVERING GERMAN LINES. MfcBndno Her Llnes ln ths East BHVny Has Merely Added to Her Hdens and Increased Con- flHrnf nf Altlrft. vnr secretary declares It npparent thai ho German high command planned the eccnt expedition against tho Hussions n tho Hlga sector In order to bolster ip mornlo nnd meet Impending Internal In-ternal difficulties. Hy extending her lines In tho east, he adds, Germany has merely ndded to tho length of her lino of communications anil Increased conlldencc In tho Until allies' victory. Along tho western front, trench raids, us well as tho usual artillery duels, nro reported. Isolated counterattacks counter-attacks were conducted by tho enemy in such u manner as to Indicate that no renl success was expected, but merely servo to keep up tho nggros-slvo nggros-slvo spirit of tho troops. Humors of an Impending Austrian offensive directed against Italy have been current during tho past week. Heports of concentrations ot Austrian nnd German divisions to take part In this attack are noted. Any ono familiar fa-miliar with tho situation can nt once dctcrmlno these rumors nro exaggerated. ex-aggerated. Hvcn should tho sensoii permit It, tho conccntatlon of the number of fresh enemy divisions, estimated esti-mated ns high us forty, could not, as n physical possibility, tako place ln the narrow Trentlno valley, fed by a slnglo rnllrond system. An Interesting summary of troop movements ln the Unitid States sUows Hint since tho prifuentlnoblllzntloirbo-fgnn prifuentlnoblllzntloirbo-fgnn 01-1,103 persons I.nvo been transported trans-ported by tho rnllroads for tho war department, of whom 250,815 were transported In standard or tourist sleepers, tho remainder In ordlnnry day coaches. This vast movement 1ms been conducted by the railroads without with-out n slnglo serious uccldent nnd the co-opcrntlon between tho rnllroads and tho department has been most cordial and effective |