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Show PROCLAMATION Ipotnnt ns tho manufacturing Industry In-dustry hatt nlwnyH bean to tho welfare wel-fare of tho state and nation tho ncccsaltlcH of tho. world-wldn war have mdo thin Industry absolutely jltal to the life of tho Btato and na-jtlonnd na-jtlonnd niigontlnl to tho success ot 'our army In the fields. The development develop-ment and ttBlOB: of our manufsi. tiirlj IihVo, VsiC pare' tltui -tho war" vt-ioTis ndvancfltitint t inuda in -othtr lines of )ndeavnf throughout this re-l public. 1 In tho organization of our national rrsources for sorvlce In this hour or need of the democratic natlonH of tho world, thn manufacturing Interests Inter-ests havn had a most Important part. Tho call for n stupendous Increase In thn nation's production has been responded to most patriotically by the manufacturers. In Utah nur manufacturing industry has grown rapidly In recent years and hns become a most Important factor in th development tf our state, llellovlng that every legitimate means should bn omployed to foster and oncourago manufacturing In our state, and that a campaign of education educa-tion pointing out the value uf this Industry and encouraging Its support should bo mado. I. SIMON IlAMIlEItOKIt, Governor f Utah, do hereby proclaim and set apart tho week of November 1117. 1917, as Utah Products Week. I recommend that during this week tho public co-operate with the Manufacturers' Association of Utah and tliu various civic organizations in giving n state-wldo significance to tho movomont to purchaso goods mado in Utah. I would suggost that emphasis bo laid on tho Importance of encouraging encourag-ing and developing tho manufacturing manufactur-ing Industry through addresses and exorcises In tho schools and churches of tho stato and at public gatherings. I would further, suggest that ut-ratctlve ut-ratctlve displays of Utah-made goods be mado by morchnnts throughout tho stato. I bospeak for tho purposes of 'tils week's observance tho generous cooperation co-operation of tho press of tho stni.-eao stni.-eao shrdl sl.rdlu mh shrdlti mh !nn e shrdlu' cmfwyp mbh mwy cmfwyh In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to bo affixed On. great Se.il of the State of Utoh. Done at Salt Lake, tho Capital, this 20th day of October, A. D., 1917. SIMON IlAMHEftQlCR, Governor. Dy tho-Governor, HARDEN DENNION, Secretary of State, |