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Show TUFF VISITS U. S. BALLOl SCHOOL EX-PRESIDENT IMPRESSED WITH FORT OMAHA COLLEGE. EYES OF ARTILLERY Hi ACTION Eight Hundred Pupils Arc Undergoing Training for Places In Uncle Sam'8 Army of the Air. Field Open for Moro Applicants. Storllng Quail flcatlons Essential. Omaha, Oct. 23. Kx-Presldent Taft Inspected tho big balloon school at Port Omaha last week, saw the hug" suustiBc shaped forms carry the observers ob-servers -1,000 feet in thu air, from where they signalled tho activities of the occupants of trenches live or six miles away to tho dummy artillery, and at tho conclusion of his tour expressed ex-pressed his opinion of tho work of this new brunch of the service that has come to ho known as "tho eyes of tho artillery," as "wonderful." At Fort Omaha there are being trained nt present nearly S00 keen young Americans who will In the near future, from their lofty perches In tho clouds In I'm nee nnd IScIbIuih, direct thu fire of the American artillery thnt 1r to pave the way for tho drive to llcrlln. As tho men nt present I'l trnlnlnu at Fort Omaha leavo for active service, their plnccs nre being taken by men from all over tho country, und as tho quarters aro being constantly enlarged, en-larged, thcro Is still room for n considerable con-siderable number of men having tho proper qualifications. In answer to many Inquiries, tho commanding nlllcer of tho United Stntcs Army Ilnlloon School, nt Fort Oinnlin, says that tho qualifications of men applying for tho commission of 1st Lieutenant ns Observation Ilnlloon Pilots nro ns follows: Tho llalloon Servlco calls for n high class of wort nnd applicants for commissions com-missions In the lino must possess sterling quallflcatloni. First they must he citizens of United States nnd not under 10 years of ago and not over JW. The must ho energetic and forceful, and of good moral chnrncter nnd clean habits. After pasting tho examination required re-quired tho applicant Is enlisted ns n first clnss private In the aviation section sec-tion of the Signal Unlisted Reservo Corps. IIo Is thrn assigned to n school for training, nnd the time of trnluln depends de-pends upon the man's ability. After qunltf.vlnc ns nn observation bnlloon pilot ho Is cnmmlstloned ns a first lieutenant. Aviation Section Slciinl Officers Res'-rve Corps. From tho time of Ids entrance Into tho school until he Is commissioned he receives ?100 per month, quarters nnd fond allowance. As n first lieutenant lieuten-ant $2,000 n "year. Application blanks can he secured by addressing tho President Aviation Rxnmlnlng Rnnrd nt Fort Omaha, Neb. |