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Show LIGHT VOTE CAST" I II UTAHPRIWIARY I LISTLESS CONTESTS IN THE SE-LECTION SE-LECTION OF CANDIDATES RE-SULT RE-SULT OF NEW LAW. Less Than Thirty Per Cent of the M Registered Vote Cast at Salt Lake, While In Other Utah Towns Voters Failed to Come to Polls. Salt Luke City. The corrupt prnc-tlccs prnc-tlccs law Is blamed for tlio lightest vote ever east ut a primary election In W Utah, the election on Tuesday being ono of the quietest In the history of the With less tluiii ,"0 per cent of tho registered vote east, Suit Initio voters Tuesday iiiiinlnateil cniiilldutes fur two city cnmmtsslouershliH nnd elty 'The total vote oust wns 7fil!, or a little mure tbnn hulf of the vole pulled ut the primary election In It) in. Siephi'ii It. .Newman led In the rure, A. II. Crnbe being second, ('. Nuslen third, ami lleher M. Wells fourth. These four eiiudhhites will light It out at the regular election, two to bo i:. A. Iloek. present city auditor, and J, I,. Mny Jr., were tho successful candidates for nudllor. Voting was light In every pnrt of the city, duo to tho luck of orgunlzn-thins orgunlzn-thins ami the absence of oiirrluges und niitoiiii. biles for hauling voters to tho Hcywood Winner at Ogden. Ogden. In one of the closest races thnt has ever featured nn election ut Ogden. Mayor A. It. I ley w mil and T. S. Hrownlng, former elty eommlssloii-or, eommlssloii-or, ipinlltleil In the municipal primaries for the nomliiutliiii for mayor. Frank Francis, editor of the Ogden Standard. was third In the nice, und S. A. Israel-son, Israel-son, .Socialist, was fourth. Commissioner Chris Flygnro nnd A. K. Weatherby will be tho candidates for commissioner for tho four-yenr term ut the full election. Flygnro tin-Ished tin-Ished far uhend of bis principal op-poiicnt, op-poiicnt, while Job I'lugree, Jr., und (ienrgo Hanson, Socialist, received only 11 few hundred votes each. City Auditor A. F. Larson qutilltlcil for the limits by receiving more votes tbnn his three opponents combined. I. eroy Farley will be Ids opponent, bo having ipinlltleil over John W. Heeve. Judge George F. Harker and W. J. vH Stone, Socialist, for municipal Judge, ,' , bad no competllloii. v Duo largely to the fact thut.lL.Avus s tho llrst municipal election under the corrupt pruetlees net the total volo of :i.7:i gives little more than f0 per cent of thnt east ut the muiilelpnl primary of two years ago. Light Vote for Provo. I'rovo. There was little Interest In the lirlmury election, mainly because nil the cnudldntcs for mayor and nudl-tor nudl-tor will bo plaeed on the ticket regard-less regard-less of Tuesday's vote, mid thero wus no very strong light for or ngalns(,nnjv . of tho ciitidldtites for commissioner. Tho overshadowing Interest In the war nnd the Liberty loan bond eunvnss nlso hud sometbliig to do with tho small WU vote, us did tho fuet thnt no carriage wero used to convey voters to mid from tho Tho volo wus us follows: For mayor I.cltoy nixou, ;iS,'t; Wit- M limn I), ltoherts, 'Su. M For commlssloiier .loseph II, Heck, ill; Albert S. Jones, 111; Albert Man- waring, ICO; Thomas C. Thompson, M 200. For auditor Mary Hushnnl, -W; W Allco Hrowu, 370. Little Interest at Logan. Tiguu. A record light volo wis polled nt tho primaries hero. The re suits follow: Mayor Hoy llullen. 100; Henry. M Hayball, Commissioner John A. Crockett, M L'07; William ICvnns, Sr., MP; liny H. Auditor William II. litrscn, ftr ; M Williams Kvans, Jr., 2; Wlllaiil Men- MM Results at Murray. Murray. With nn unusually light vote tho following nro thu results of tho primary held hero: Mayor Fred l'eters, 150; N. W. M Krekson. lilt. Commissioner Jumes H. Clay, 110: M II. N. Olsen, John W. Iiwson, 15. Auditor Sarah A. Mumforil, U0,1; Ivlre Attwood, SO. |