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Show A Saxon-French Cigar Lighter. Several years ago the then new i til it-Ister it-Ister of France, M. Klotz, decided to Imposo n tax of two francs, or -10 cents American money, on each cigar llBbter used In that country. Tho rcn-sou rcn-sou for this Is that tho salo of matches In France Is In the hands of the gov-eminent gov-eminent monopoly and tho portahln lighters Interfered with tho sale of tho matches. On tho other hand tho matches have become so bad In quality that they nre subject of complaint and ridicule. The law has become tuipopu-lar tuipopu-lar and there Is nil effort now belnii mado to have the order rescinded. Not withstanding tho fact that an In-creased In-creased tax was placed on tobacco by the French government several years ago, It has caused a tendency to In-crease In-crease smoking and that is proven by the many smokers to bu seen in pulillo places and thoroughfares. |