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Show MASTODON BOWES REVEALED BY DREDGE AT WORK NEAR AURORA, ILL. r One Tooth Measures ..32jj(jx4' Inches, While a Huge Knee Joint Is Sixteen Inches Acrois . Puzzle to Finders. ; Aurora, 1 1 J . Tho, digging of tho drainage ditch out In tho flats at Oswego Os-wego was Interrupted tho othor morning morn-ing by the finding of a series of peculiar pe-culiar objects In tho urdlnury run 'of clay nnd sand which Is being thrown up duy after day. The objects wo'ro ,so extraordinary- In uppcaranco. that' Iffe" died;o force laid off nnd held -an" Impromptu quiz lu 7oolog. "Whnt lh this truck, unywuy7-'' asked the englneei. "Something there In Unit corner looks like a tooth," ' "Hones," unswcicd hit; assistant, In the su'pulc'htal touii wlilcli tlio word Inspfrcfc "'by'foriio of association. "Sure?"' queried tho'' skeptical' engineer.- ' "Whatever thoy tiro they nro awful spongey and dec"i(yiiUJkui" ' "Ileen there n long'Mitno probably; naturally 'would' but" commented, Ui other. "Well, they can't bo horso bones, nnd they can't bo cow bones. They aro too big. Lot's ask tho bosB.". C. A. Prout, a Whenton contractor, who Is In charge of tho work, and William Wil-liam M. Cory looked tho bones over. "Must bo u mastodon's," snld ono of ihom. "I've heard of Instances whero dredges dug up bones of .prehistoric .prehis-toric beasts." No one being nblo to contradict this statement, and thero holng no evidence evi-dence offered by nny othor mombors of the quiz clusd, tho inustodon mo tlon carried without n dissenting voice. Tho find wns carefully scheduled, so thnt tho scientific world might know thereof, to-wlt: Ono mastodon's tooth. Dimensions ono foot, by-six' Inches, by four InchoB. Ouo plcco of back bone, a foot across lu Its largest radius, and live Inches through tho smaller nulllis. Unco Joint, 1C Inches across, with ends of leg bones' adhering .thereto. ' Proof positive .of tho. , mastodon theory was had when sbmo Of tho unclassified un-classified bits crumbled. when exposed to (ho air. Mastodon's boifes always havo been burled for' so jnuny ng;H' f i om tho harsh air of tho outor. world that thoy Invariably .crumble. At considerable expense of. time nnd effort the Important elements of 'thu find' wore cqnted with liellac .Tho.' discoverers ore' now looking for ' a zoological- collection wlujre tho relict may rcposo in peace add sop'o as. exhibits, ex-hibits, of tho worliVs woiidoiful past. |