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Show NORTHWEST NOTES .ludgp Charles II. Laymen, former attorney general or Wyoming, died at lienton, 111., on May I, at the ago orCG. The1 Btate board or prison contractors contract-ors of Montana have nccepted tho bid of 39 cents a day of HenderBon & Wayman of Hittto for tho care of the prisoners or the stnte Institution. The bill or Senator Nixon of Nevada, authorizing the establishment of n llah culture station In Nevada, ban been reported favorably. Tho sum of $2G,()lil) Is appropriated for tho purpose pur-pose of carrying out the object of tho bill. Governor Norrla of Montana has of-fered of-fered a reward of $G00 for tho arrest ntul conviction of the person or persons per-sons who dynamited the llurllngton train on the Northern Paclllc tracks near Huttc. In which three persons were killed. Louis Ferris, who dynamited tho llurllngton ciiBtbound cxpreBH near Huttp on the night or May 1, has been formally charged with tho nt-tempt nt-tempt to wreck tho train. Under a statuto passed by tho last assembly the penalty Is death. ICdwnrd U. Hrennnii, a lawyer of Huttc, has been arrested 011 n chnrgo ol attempting to extort f 10,000 from F. Augustus Ilelnzo, on a complaint Hindu by Ilelnzo. Hrennnn Is 31 years old and his people aro said to be prominent residents or Indianapolis. Indianapo-lis. Tho various locals In Montana or tho Klectrlcal Workers aro taking 11 rererondiim vote on tho proposition of reaching an agreement for tho settlement set-tlement of the dllllcultles which have existed for a year past with the Kocky Mountain Hell Telcphono company. com-pany. Tho resignation of Michael Delaney, tho chief of pollco of Denver, has been nccepted by the llro and pollco bonrd. Delnuey Is under bond to appear ap-pear for trial on tho charge of assault as-sault with Intent to commit grcnt bodily bod-ily harm upon S. S. Matthows, n blacksmith. An nutoniobllo running at a speed ot llfty miles an hour dashed over an embankment nt Seattle, landing on u raft of logs In tho bay, seventy-llvo feet below. Tho four occupants, two young men and two young women, were badly Injured, tlie women probably prob-ably fatally. Tho dead body of M tb. Anna Al-drlch, Al-drlch, who had been missing for several sev-eral days, was discovered last week, bidden underneath tho roots of a trco on tho bank or the Coppel river, above Dixie. Wash., with tho skull fractured. Three men aro under nr-riBt, nr-riBt, charged with the murder of tho woman. Negotiations for tho purchase of tho alto of tho Moran company's ship building plant In Seattle by tho Chicago, Chi-cago, Mllwnukeo and St. Paul Railroad Rail-road company for terminal purposes nro in progross. Two million dollars Is tho offer mado, whllo tho company Is holding out for two und n half millions. W. a. Conrad, inultlnillllonnlro bnnkor, mine owner and rnnchmnn, who Is an avowed candidate for tho vlco prcBldcntlnl nomination on tho Domocrntlc ticket, has opened head-(piarters head-(piarters In Great FallB. Mont., and Wnrnor G. Stonsel or Now York has been engaged to manngo hia campaign. cam-paign. Tho nows comes from llasln, Vyo that water wus turned through tho entire flfty-rour miles of tlvo Illg Horn County canal for the first tlmo on Sunday. It will Irrlgato 30.000 acres of lnnd on tho west sldo of tho nig Horn river. Tho canal cost $400,000, and It reunited threo years to construct con-struct It. Howard Klllott, president of the Northern Pacific, announces that his company will throw open Immediately 200.000 acres of land nenr Glcndlvo. Mont., anil In the near future 500.000 acres near Hillings. Tho company will endeavor to bring In only nctunl settlers, the deedB being conditioned ou residence. Antono J. Siissoriie, 0110 of tho most prominent citizens of Pallsndo, Nevada, Ne-vada, becoming despondent over business busi-ness conditions, shot himself through tho temple with u tnrgct rlllo, death-being death-being Instantaneous. Snsserno wns tho proprietor of tho principal hotel at Pnllsado. Olo Johnson, a farmer from Minnesota, Minne-sota, who Is In Oregon looking for tanning lauds, ropovts that ho wns robbed of J3.000 on an Oregon Hnil-way Hnil-way & Navigation train botwoen Her-mlston Her-mlston and Portland. Ho belle vob tho money wns taken rrom him whllo ho was asleep. "Ited" (Uoy) HUlo hits been ar-rosted ar-rosted nt Denver on the charge ot murdering Chnrles Huntingdon Wright, tho Olobo express niessongor who was Bhot ntid killed In his car, nonr Donver. Hlalo is 27 years old and la said by tho pollco to linvo a criminal record. Tho stato board or railway commissioners commis-sioners of Montnna aro wrestling with tho problem of distance tariff rates. Tho rallroadB contend that tho rates proposed by tho commission would be of llttlo benefit, n largo proportion of tho biiBlnesa now being handled under un-der commodity rnteB. An Indian called Keno, whllo on n drunkon dobauch, beenmo entnnglcd In a barb wlro fenco about ton miles from Callento, nnd was out all night In tho snow and rain. When discovered discov-ered and taken to town for treatment, ho was In such condition thnt ho has small chanco of recovery. At a meeting In Salt I.ako City (if tho bonrd of directors of tho St. Anthony An-thony branch of tho Oregon 8hort Lino, called tho Yollowstono line, It was decldod to contlnuo tho surfacing and ballasting of tho road who.ro, It wns left off last fall whon the slump uffocted financial conditions. |