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Show Labor Legislation Suggested by Gom-pers. Gom-pers. Washington. President Gompers of tho Amerlcnn Fedorntlon of Labor, In ik lettor to Reprcsontatlvo Drunn of Ponnsylvanln, enumerates the following follow-ing ns tiro measures which labor will liiBlst shall bo enacted beroro adjournment: ad-journment: Tho AVIlson hill amending tho Sherman Sher-man anti-trust Inw. Tho Pearro bill regulating tho Issuing Issu-ing of tho Injunctive writ to Its original orig-inal and bonollcent purposes. ExtoiiBlon or the eight-hour law to all govornnient employes and to employes em-ployes or contractors or sub-contrnct-ors performing work for tho government. govern-ment. A genoral omployers' liability law appllcahlo to all workers so far as tho federal Jurisdiction oxtonds. |