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Show LADIES' SELF-CULTURE CLUB. A very Intcrertlng session of the L. 8. C. C. was held at tho home of Mrs. Agnes Wheolon Thursday afternoon 10 members and the following visitors were present: Mrs. Galpln nnd Mrq. McClurc of Trcmont, Mr. Francke, Mrs. Essio Foulgcr and Mrs. Leo Clayton. Mrs. Esther Evaus presided. Evangeline was completed, Mrs Hilda Nordquist doing tho reading. The following fol-lowing subjects wcro treated as current topics by Mrs Lucy A Clark: "Woman's Clubs on Education," "Children's Play droumls In San Famclsco." Tho Klndegarten quostlon was discussed dis-cussed and tho following ladles appointed appoint-ed a committee to investigate the matter of organizing a Kindergarten in this city: Hose Vanlleet, chairman, Esther Evans, Lucy A Clark, Lottie I! Smith, Nclllo Itosoand Hilda Nordquist. During tho afternoon the following musical program was rendered: Solo, Mrs. Essio Foulgcr. Solq, Mrs. Mario Wing. Piano Solo, Mrs. McClurc. Piano Solo, Mrs. .Hilda Nordquist. Piano Solo, Miss Sarah Fowler. Dainty refreshments wcro served and tho Club adjourned for two weeks to meet at thu homo of Mrs. Maud Soiuscu. |