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Show Bays President Approves Raise In Freight Rates. Washington Reforrlng to his bill o provent rnllroails from raising .'rclght rates, Senator Culhorson of 1'exns on Thursday called tho attention atten-tion of tho sonato to nowBpnpor publications pub-lications to tho offect thnt tho railroads rail-roads of tho country, with tho np-proval np-proval of tho president nnd tiro Inter-jtato Inter-jtato commcrco commission, had lgreed to a genernl Incroaso of rates. Ho said It was stated In ono publication publi-cation that tho president had agreed :o this as an offset for his action In Dlocklng n genoral reduction or .vanos on tho railroads. This stato-nont, stato-nont, ho ndded, quoted Chairman Knnpp as In rnvor or tho ndvanco or rates. |