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Show ANDREW SCHENCK. Preiident of the Germanin Fire In-Nsurance In-Nsurance Co., Recommends Chamber-kilt's Chamber-kilt's Cough Remedy. j I have used Chnmberlnln's Cough Remedy In my family for over n year and can say that It hns never failed to euro tho most stubborn cough or cold. I can recommend It to any family as n sure und snfo children's rough remedy. Andrew Schenck, Ayton, Ont. This remedy Is for sale by Utter Bros. Drug Store. rifwffi'.mrtft)fvf!ifmifiifii H You can Look the Country Over mid not find IlETTEIt STATIONERY or sh varied und Up-to.Dnte supply . H you will find at all times at this Ktoro, We rater to thu Private Desk, thu OlUce, Store and Counting Houmi with H everything lu blank books, stationery, B t)y:wrltlug supplies, etc., etc. utter Bros. Dnifl Go. Logan and Garland, Utah, Frankljn, preaton and Montpulier, H Garland Hotel fl S. DRAKE, Prpp. Regular Meals Served Nice Airy Rooms Neat office and Large Dining Room, t-2 Block North of the Bank. I State Bank of Brigham City I BRIGHAM CITY, UTAH I 3 if The strength of a financial institution is in its $ ft capital, its assets, its honorable record and the g jjj ability, character and standing of the men who Jjj conduct its affairs. X X X X T Possessing these essential qualities, this bank in m ji vites additional accounts and offers the best of g service alike to those of large or small means, 2 1 . 8 . i 4 p j"J DAVID ECCI.ES, lWdent. Jg M. H. DU0WN1N0, Vlce-I'realdcnt, & j5 n. I- FIStinURN, JR.. Vlce.Preil.lenl. g hf J. K. IIALVKR80N. Conhler, S3 j Yf. T. DAVIS, AuliUnt Cnnhler. j J 1 1 I A Criminal Attack. j on nn Inoffenslvo citizen Ih frequent, ly made In that nppnrently usoless llttlo tube called tho "appendix." It's generally tho rosult of protrncted con-stlpntlon, con-stlpntlon, following liver torpor. Dr. King's Now Llfo Pills regulate tho llvor, provont nppondlcttls nnd establish estab-lish regular habits of the bowels. 2Gc at niter Dros. drug store. -- t EVERYBODY KNOWS JTTHEjT Clayton House &.! The Heat Hotel lu Town.3 Nice Airy Itooms Hot and cold water Electric Lights - Krco Samplo ltoom We Keep Nothing but the Best. Hatos HcH90tiftble S, M. OLAYTON, Prop. A wenk Stomach, causing dyspepsia, a weak heart with pnlpltntlon or Intermittent pulse, nlwnys means weak stomach nerves or weak heart nerves, Strengthen Stren-gthen these inside or controlling nerves ner-ves with Dr. Shoop's Restorative nnd see how quickly these ailments disappear. dis-appear. Dr. Shoop of Raclno, Wis., will mnll samples freo. Wrlto for thorn. A test will toll. Your' health Is certnlnly worth this slmplo trial. Sold by all dealers. For Chronio Diarrhoea. "While In tho army in 1863 I was taken with chronic diarrhoea," says Qeorgo M. Folton, of South Gibson, Pn. "I hnvo since tried mnny remedies reme-dies but without nny pormnnent relief re-lief until Mr. A. W. Miles of this place persuaded mo to try Chumberlnln's Colic, Cholorn nnd Diarrhoea Remedy, ono bottlo of which stopped it nt once." For snle by Rltor llros. Drug Store. Sale of Animals for Damages. State oflltah. ) County of Uox Elder. ) Town of (Inrlnnd, Sunset precinct. I have In my possession the following described cstray animals which, if not claimed and taken away, will be sold nt public atiLtlon to the highest cash bidder nt the Garland Livery stablo in said town on .Monday, the 28th day of Oct., 1907, nt the hour of 10 a. in. i IIKSrilUTIOK OK AMMAI.H. One white and red row, crop oil right ear upper crop off left; no brands visible. One white and red ti-year old heifer, upper crop oil both ears; blotch brand on ribs. One white anil red 2-year old steer, upper crop off both ears; no brands visible. vis-ible. Snld nnlmnls nro held by me to stcuro payment of 8.00 damages done by said animals upou the premises of X I, drown, Itussull and James Jardiue, T. L. Snook, IPoundkccper for Garland lu Sunset Precinct. KILLthe cough and CURE THE LUNCS W,TH Dr. King's New Discovery rnn Consumption phc. FOR I OUGHlMd 50c $1.00 WU Froo Trial. Guaranteed for all THROAT and I I.TJNO TBOUBL'ES, or XCONilY I BACK. I amiainRt., HT2IH HFrMTZXI TO ,,rttnch nicCH lrovo' Salt LnkoOitv.U Mil 1L.M ML. AJm Logan, Park City &, Ogden-WHSh. St. I)U. A. ZIMMERMAN, MGR. tTMtlvxtrtctal ixxltlvtly wlthoqt ptlp. frM with other work. 8ct Teeth (best red rubber) 5. GoleJ Crowns, 35-k. 111.50 to . ' Hrhfgo 3.50to. j FREE exainnatoi and advice. Open till tl p ti Sundays 13 to 2 JTbring this AQ. WITH YQUJT Stomach troubles, Heart and Kidney Kid-ney ailments, can bo qulcklycorrected with a prescription known to druggists drug-gists everywhere ns Dr. Shoop's Res-torntlve. Res-torntlve. The prompt nnd surprising surpris-ing relief which this remedy immediately immedi-ately brings is ontlrely duo to Its Res. torntivo action upon tho controlling nerves of the Stomach, etc. Sold by all dealers. For Chapped Skin. Chnppcd skin whether on tho hands or face may bo cured In ono night by applying Chnmborluln's Salvo. It Is also unequaled for sore nipples, burns nnd scnlds. For salo by Rltor nros. Drug Store. Out of Sight. "Out of sight, out of mind," In an old saying which hppllcs with special force to a sore, burn or wound that's been treated with Ducklen's Arnica Salve. It's out of night, out of mind nnd out of existence. Piles, too, und chilblains disappear undor its healing heal-ing influence. Guaranteed by Rltor Dros., druggists. Zfic. Fifty Yean a Blacksmith. Samuel R. Woiioy of Hlxburg, Va., hns been shoeing horses for more than llfty years. Ho says: "Chamberlain's Pnln Unlm has given mo' groat relief from lame back and rhnumntlsm. It la the best liniment I ovor used." For salo by Rltor llros. Drug Storo. Catarrh TaproTeiinqurttlorukbJjr.MKlboyondanrdoabt. tht Catarrh ol the now) od throat ran t cured, I u funitifctaf pUetij through UnisrtLu, imull Jnt TrUI l)eie o( trr. Phoop'i Uttarrh Cure, do thli becsuM lam to certain, that Dr. shoop Catarrh Cure will brim actual iubttantlal help. Nothing certatnlr, l to convincing-at a phjilcal lertotanr articled real. genuine merit, llutthat article must poueu true merit, elte the test will condemn, rather than advance It. Dr. Bhoop't Catarrh Cure It a mow white, healing antltepilc palm, put up lu beautiful ulckel capped glau Jan at too. Hucli toothing agvntt at Oil Eucalyptus, Thymol, Menthol, etc, are Incorporated Into a velvety, cream like Iuirnlatum, Imported by Dr. Fboop from Kumpe. II Catarrh ol tho now and throat hat exU-nued to the ttomach, then by all meant alto ute Internally, nr.Khoop'tltertoratlve. btomaclt dUu-eta. a lack ol general ttrength, bloating, belching. Mlloutneti, tad taite, etc turely rati for Dr. bhoop't lirttoratlve. Fur uncoiupllcutnl catarrh enly nl.the nnnand throat noUitug elto, hopyer, need bo utod but Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Cure (ALL DEALERS) AH Commencing ittonday, Oct. I 11(1 21st, and continuing until I every suit is sold actually II a I r AT COST j MM 0 Every Suit marked in plain f figures. A beautiful line of j, Fall and Winter Clothing consisting of Men's, .p. I Boy's and Youths' Suits and Overcoats. Every Piece JAust j Qq to make room for other lines which will arrive in a few weeks-. B Come Now While There is a Choice D 9uOur Line of Oroccrics Alwnys Gomplctc.a UTA Full Line of Nice, Fresh Candles nnd Nut.t'aa 1 1 .A.LT, THE LATEST AND NICEST THINGS THE MARKET AITOHHS I1 We have n number of vlnrgnr barrels just the thin;; for elder, ,-oiucr-hruut, I etc., t 715 cts ench 1 , W. L. GROVER & SONS, I mWWVmiVtfMll tgrWhcre tho Tpnms Slop.TB ftWAtfriT.'Sfttt'rtfsa U fffU fTgajUST ARRIVED A Car Load of I fi.aters & Ranges I The Biggest Consignment Ever Sent to the I BEAU RIVER VALLEY. I UNIVERSAL RANGES & ( - HEATERS X HAVE NO EQUAL ON THE MARKET A We also have an Excellent Line of the Celebrated Cole's Hot Blast Heaters.., . CALL AND SEE THEM JENSEN BROS. A Garland, Utah. |