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Show I O. ,S L. TIME TABLE I'aueng-cr No. 32 I'asiK'iwcr No. SI ROUTII IIOUNO- -NORTH BOUND I,v Maliul 1:30 am Lv Mriirliam 8:10 p m 1t Garland 8M2 n m I.v Corlnno 020 p m Lt Tremont 8:47 a m I.v Tremont 6:45 p m Lv Corinna 9:17 an Lv Garland C:50 p m M Hrleliam 0:40 ft m Ar Malad 8:10 p m Connect" with Cache Connect with Caclifl Valley train No. 12 tot Valley train No 11 from OgJcn and Salt Lake. Oeden and Salt Lake. MIXED TRAIN. North Bound. Leaves Ojjden 8:20a.m. " Brifjham.. ..9:55 a. m. " Corinne. ... 10:10 a. m. " Tremont. .. 10:52 a. m. Garland .. 11:20 a. m. Arrives at Malad . . . . 1 :oo p . in, South Bound. Lee ves Malad 1:20 p.m. " Garland 3:25 p.m. . Tremont . . . . 3:40 p. m. Corinne 4:30 p. m. Brlpham .. ..4:55p.m. Arrives at Ogden .... 6:25p.m. F. F. Gross, Local Agent, Garland...... Utah. LOCAL MAILS. MAILS' ARRIVIt. Wn n 1 1 : i, MAILS CLOSK Goino 'South - ,IS a m' "b j 3:10 p. m. . ' STAR ROUTES. Mails arrive from Penrose and way at 11 :00 a. m. Mails leave for Penrose and way at 1 :op p. m. Mails arrive from Stone and way at 6:30 a. m. Mails leave for Stone and way at 6.30 p. m. OfAlco hours from 8 a. m. to 0 ji. m. Eva C. Wilcox, Postmaster. B B promptly obtained In all connttlM. or mo rtg. sal HBHH TRAOC'MAHKS.C'aTeaiianit Coirni;tiiirefCla 1 tered. bend battel), Model or J'hoto, for rrre M H report on rairnubuiir. ALL BUSINESS HI sVAsavJ H STRICTLY CONNOCNTUl. I'attut pracuca J tirluurclr, burnuunir reterrtirra, I m Wideawake Inventor should hare onr hand ! J look on llovr to ol'ialn and Sell tatenti.Whjit in. Mi j Teniiontwlllar.llowtoKrtaiunirr.arHlul'rr I valuable Information, brnt free lo any adame.!" Id. swift & co.i IH ftSOl Seventh St., Waghlnrjton, D. C-jfl B UTTER H W RAI,plSRS We print Butter Wrappers with specially prepared ink at the f ol-lowing ol-lowing prices: For 100 75c For 200 21.25 For 500 J51.50 For 1,000 $2,00 Garland Globe Oflice. wkilAij 60 YEARS' ' HH EXPERIENCE BawAVJ awM DA lsarTPTrB SSSSaH "H B I M 1 1 VS HBVJ f 1 1 . H BM HBVJ .sflH R T IV H bY. 1 HBVH MM-JgHMHHMBBBBasaiBaW HBVH 7BalBawawawaVaVV TflADC MARKS sflsflsai rfffKKK D ramus 'rfVWi CopyniOHTB Ac. HHBb Anrone landlns a aketrh and dcicilntlmi mar sVasal aulcklr asrortaln our uilnlii froo whether an tloiiiatrlctlreoiiadaiitfal. HANDBOOK oiil'atenLf i unt IroB. OldJut eiteiur.or oi-umig;atoiin. VaUMt Ut.,n throuvli JIunn X Co. rocelrs v trial notice, wiliut charua, In tus R scientific mmimi HH A handioraely lllutfrated waeki. l?''tf'- culallon of miT eUentltlo j'.ttrua. lenin. IJa I Ari (ourtnuntha.tl. ttoht brail nowadealera. MUNN& Co 3oiB,.td-.y, New York SaaH ' I OWENS & CO., as I I Dealers in Fresh and Cured Meats and Green Groceries. W Fish and Game in Season. K Cattle and Hogs Bought and Sold in Carload Lots. fl ' I THE GARLAND LIVERY 1 SNOOK 8l FRANCIS, Proprietors GARLAND, UTAH Livery, Feed and Sale Stables. S- Up-to-Date Rigs All Hours. Horsss and Mulss Bought and Sold. Wk Hack Moots All Trains at Garland Depot. G. J. CAMPBELL NOTARY PUBLIC and I I garland, . . . utaI INSURANCE AGEHT g PEARL SALOON.. EM I Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars H Hear the Electric Piano in all the Latest Selections ) H A. B. MANASA, Proprietor. GARLAND, UTAH. H MOSIAH EVANS, Prssldont. ELIAS A. SMITH, Vlca Prssldsnt H M. D. EVANS, Caahltr. H DIRECTORS H MOSIAH EVANS, ELIAS A. 8MITH, W. W. RITER, THOS. R. CUTLER, H OEO. ROMNEY, CEO. T. ODELL, JOHN C. CUTLER, H HORACE O. WHITNEY, W. R. VANPLEET. THE BANK of GARLAND I INCORPORATED S Transacts General Banking Business I Exchange drawn on the principal cities of the United H States and Europe. H Open a Savings Account with us in your youth and S D provide for old ago. H SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. snaTJaMHHrnsaWMWsM THE GARLAND iliFi I Saal eph coombs, Proper Choice Wines, Liquors I Garland, Utah and Cigars I Billiard and Pool Room in Connection. I jj; L'l I J. W. LEWIS, THE JEWELER I For Fine Rings, Watches, Clocks, Cut Glass and Jewelry. I First Class Repairing a Spoclalty. Ritor Dros. Dlock, Garland. ' H ilTwmarlTOTalir I THE PALACE BARBER SHOP I E. L. Murvin, Prop. Next to Club Saloon, Garland, Utah. IS iSS.' SSf ,nJ A8cnt, f r 0P Stem I Sanitary rulci strictly obimed. Laundry H JOSEPH JENSEN I I NOTARY PUBLIC. I , . : GARLAND, UTAH. I JAPANESE RESTAURANT , I TOM NOG IMA, Meals and Lunches Served B Proprietor at All Hours -m A Good Place to Eat. Next Door East Club Saloon. M RUBBER STAMPS Sl:'rsll Judfcd aa murA by tbo quality ot stationery nt naet as by tho genera! appearance of bit store. We can do the "quality" kind ot printing for you at this office the kind that stimulates butlneii pride, and helps your credit with tho outildt builneis woild, |