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Show The Essence of Dullness. It Is truo, no doubt, that many Icnrn-cd Icnrn-cd people are dull; hut there In no Indication In-dication whatevor that they are dull because thoy are learned. Truo dullness dull-ness la soldom acquired; It In u natural natur-al grnco, tho mnnlfostatlqnM of which, however modified by education, remain re-main In substance tho sutim, Kill u dull man to the brim with kiiowlndKn, and he will not become limn dull, mm tho onthUBlasts for education vainly Imagine; but neither will Im bncomo duller. Ho will remulu In iHMinca what ho always has boon utul always muni havo been. Hut whereas his diillnonn would, It left to Itself, havo benii merely vacuous, It may have become, under enreful cultivation, pintentluiM and poduntlc. Halfuur. |