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Show TRANSFORMATIONS. Curious Results When Coffee Drinking Is Abandoned. It Is nlmost as hard for nn old coffeo toper to quit tho uso of coffeo lis It Is for n whisky or tobacco fiend to break off, except that tho coffeo user can quit coffeo and tnko up I'ostum without with-out any feeling of a loss of tho morning morn-ing bovornge, for when PqsUi.ii is woll boiled nnd solved with cream, It Is really hotter In point of flavor than mo3t of tho coffeo served nowadays, and to the tasto of the connoisseur It Is Hko tho flavor ot flno, mild Javn. A great transformation tnkos placo In tho body within ton days or two weeks after coffeo Is left pff nnd Postum usod, for Hio reason that tho poison to tho norves caffolno has been discontinued, and In Its plnco Is taken a liquid food that contains tho i most powerful elements of nourishment. nourish-ment. It Is easy to mako this test nnd prpve theso stntomontu by changing from coffeo to Postum. Itend "Tho Itond to Wellvillo," In pkga "Thero'u a Reason." |