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Show COINED A BIG WORD. Little Ono Wanted to Pick the "Un-derchlldrenable" "Un-derchlldrenable" Flowers. When tho first llttlo granddaughter was big enough to want to pick tho garden flowers, tho grandparents tried every guileful means to save tholr pot posies from devastation. A truco was reached when It was agreed that Harriet Har-riet should let tho garden plants alono nnd pick only "children's flowers," a dcscrlptivo namo bestowed at onco allko on dandelions, buttercups, dalBtcs and clovors. After thlB thoro was pcaco In tho family. Ono day Knthorlno, tho newest granddaughter, waB contentedly pulling grasses whilo grandmother snipped oft blossoms from tho forgct-rao-nota. Knthorlno remembered thnt fresh flowers had not been g'athcred for tho dinner tablo. ta-blo. Sho ran over to grandmother nnd promptly coined ono of tho longest words n four-year-old ever usod. "Grandmother," sho bogged, "can't I pick tho underchlldrennblo flowers for dinner?" |