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Show YOUNG MAN, BE DECENT. Young man, why don't you be do-cent do-cent If you nre not? Why not grow to manhood with honor and credit Instead of a strain upon your char-uctor? char-uctor? It Is Just ns easy. It Is always al-ways caslor to be a man than a loudmouthed loud-mouthed rowdy. Cigarettes, gambling gamb-ling nnd booze hnvo had many a wrestle with boys long beforo you canio down the pike, and they never yet have beon thrown. Don't got tho Idea Into your head that yon can turn tho, trick. If you don't wnnt to bo decent for yourself and others, there Is, ono whoso sorrows should appeal t0 you. There Is ono who has faced everything for .your sake. One who hns to wear tho cross of your foolishness. You don't wnnt your trail through this world stained with your mother's toars. Tho boy who turns a urazen rnco to n mothers grief never gets very far on tho road of happiness. Whon ho gets a llttlo oldor you will find his nnmo on tho police docket of various cities and n llttlo later tho dark shadows of a stono wall looms up across his pathway, path-way, without honor or frlonds. It Is n sad picture but it Is painted every day In every town In this broad land. The way of x tho transgrewmr 1s ono of thorns. There Is only ono way for a young man to follow, fie decent. It nlways pays dividend Ex. |