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Show QRIGIN OF SWASTIKA lM 1 i MIA , I baubl'e'of summer girl won- l SHIPED BY PRIMITIVE MAN. It l When She Sticks Ornament In Her It Shirt Waist She Should Know That 1 It Is One of the Great Religious I ' Symbols of the World. I I Dostoh, Tho swastika Is Just now t ' having remarkable vogue as d" ornn- Iment Workwoman's dress. As brooch, belt buckle, Btlck pin, foliar fastener, " or hat pin, this upright' cross, with It each of Its four arms bont to a right H nnglo at thu end, meets every whero HI tho eye. HI Nearly ovcry woman who buyB olio Hj knows that It la In some son so a "fiooA HI luck pin," hut how It camo to bo con- H Bldcrcd s.uch. aud whore the' peculiar HJ and curiously attractive symbol orlg- HJ Inated not so manyknow. HI Wlint Is tho swastika? HJ It is ono of tho great religious sym- EH hols of tho world. It has been rccog-,. IH n I zed as u religious emblem by more DO people, very llkoly, than has the cross H Itself. As such symbol It Is very many I 1 hundreds of years older than tho It I) Christian era; In fact, it Is, -perhaps, It 1 tlio very earliest of religious signs or characters. It has been revered nil over Europo add Asia, and long before tho dawn of Christianity our pagan ancestors looked up to It, as tho cm-blom cm-blom of what they worshiped. It Ib iono of tho oldest things In history, and there Is scarcely a land In whoso y ruined temples It Is not found. "Su.astlkn," tho namo given It by the Ilrahmlns and ltuddhlsts of India, Is n Sanscrit Word signifying "of good fortune." In tho Pall tonguo It Is "sutl," which means "It Is well," or "so bo It," which is much- tho samo meaning ns the Sanscrit word. Tho Japanese call It "manjt" nnd tho Chinese Chi-nese know It ns "ouan" or "wan." Tho French call it "lo croIx pattee," tho footed cross, whllo tho ancient English Eng-lish namo Is "fylfot," meaning cither four-footed or many-footed. , Tho most puzzling and most Interesting Inter-esting thing about) tho swastika is that It Is found In nearly all parts of tbo world, In this country as well as in Europo and Asia, wherever archaeologists archaeolo-gists digs up tho buried cities of the, remote past. Drawn, painted cut, I woven, scratched or otherwlso design- I cd, not only upon burial urn and sac- I rlflclal stone, but also upon utensils I and objects of everyday use, tho cu- I rlous symbol appears. I It has been found among relics that mark tho bronzo age in Europo, and some antiquarians boliove they havo discovered tho fact of its cxiBtenco in the so-called polished stono ago of 'man. Prof. Schllemnun found It at His-sarlik His-sarlik 'in tho burled cities that underlay under-lay tho .ancient Troy, of which Homer sang, which indicates Its extstenco nt a period from 3,000 to 3,500 years ago, Uy those who look upon the region to tho northwest of India as tho primal homo of Iho lilondo races of tho world, that ancient land is also looked upon as the birthplace of tho Bwastlka. U. P. Greg, an eminent English authority, argues that "It was a much-used and favorite religious symbol among' tho earlier Aryan races, and was Intended by them in tho first Instance, to roprcsent In a cruciform form an ideograph or symbol suggested suggest-ed by tho forked lightning." Our primnl white forbears worshiped Dy-ausoitar Dy-ausoitar ( Jupiter) tho sky father, and $$f,... The Swastika on an Ancient Chinese Painting. tho Jagged lightning was the natural emblem of this awful power. So with tho successive emigrations of tho AryanB from northern India nil over Europe, the swastika spread and, adopted as a symbol of Huddha in tho soventh century before Christ, it was later carried Into China and Japan. Tho Arabs and Jowa know It not, nor did tho ancient Egyptians, but they were not of Aryan blood. Thus tho hammer of Thor, tho Scandinavian Scan-dinavian deity for whom Thursday Is named, was this very same swastika which tho maiden of to-day Is using to ornament a summer shirt waist. It was with his mighty hammer, Mloll-ner, Mloll-ner, thnt Thor Is fabled to have crushed crush-ed 'the head of the Mldgard serpent, destroyed the giants, restored to life tho dead goats which drew hlB car, and consecrated tho pyre of Baldur the beautiful. |