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Show II RECORD BREAKING ATTENDANCE J Forty Thousand People Visit Utah t State Fair In One Day. Salt Lak'o City. Tho nttendnnco nt tho Stnto fair on Friday broko nil retards, ret-ards, 40,000 pnld admissions being recorded; nnd as fnr ns cnu bo lonrned, (hat record surpasses nil othor days of tho twenty-nine annual exhibitions that hnvo been held by tho Utah Stnto Fair association nnd Its predecessor, the Desorot Agricultural nd Manufacturers' Manufac-turers' association. The fair has been n success In every way, tho displays being tho best ever presented, tho rnces nnd other attractions of n first class order and tho stock oxhlhlted far superior to uny exhibitions of tho past. |