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Show September 1995 new vanity plate. We can’t believe it either... Look for ‘“2HOT4U” on the roads of Utah and give Tammi a big wave. David Charles Baker was in the DMV the other day thinking, after two years, he should L trade his Vermont license WHEEL TURNS... Nw eet = James Hunter Holland and Dave Peck teamed up recently to do what they do best. Wreck bicy- that ‘blew off Jimmy’s new Honda taking his sailboards and mountain bike with it. Well Jimmy finally replaced that bike and foolishly allowed Mr. Peck to drive it home on the roof of his car. Before I give you the gory details, a little background on Peck. A few years back, in one of his many drives across country, he stopped to visit Sharer Susan Dale. So excited was he to visit the beautiful Ms. Dale that he raced into her parking garage without lowering his mountain bike. _ SMASH. Tortured the poor thing” and ripped his rack off the roof. Sheri was very impressed. Cut to a few days ago. Little Davy has not only his bike on his roof rack, but Jimmy’s new one as well. Racing _ Into a parking garage in Park City you guessed it - SMASH. Jimmy was very impressed. Marta Heilbrun & Ronny Joe are still madly in love - and are both fully ambulatory, or nearly so. Marta & Ki Vdacucse sie s.cwavanemneeet the Mystic, as ’'m sure you remember, were involved in a little camping accident a few months back. Ron’s such a tough guy that his recovery was expected. Marta, however, had her legs pulverized by a clettes. Faithful readers will remember Mr. Holland as the one who drove out to the Beehive State from Vermont a few months ago and, against the advice of Mr. Peck, bought a Barrecrafter rack. The rack - was a poorly made, ill-fitting unit Se - boulder and had been in a wheel chair. She is now scampering about sans even crutches. This was bad. news for Ron as he had to give her her truck back. James Hansel, formerly of Vail, has seen the light. He’s moving west - only he is overshooting the right place by few miles and landing in Arizona. He’s making noises about being a frequent visitor to the Wasatch Mountains this winter - so remem- and a possible accident. Courtesy starts with YOU.” This is what it the study. | felt that the people living in this canyon ber his name. Melanie Kay Edgley, the GAD, just became an American On Line and would like everyone to write her: M1Edgley@ aol.com. Congratulations to Gordie Peifer for making the cover of says verbatim. The english ain’t perfect but the idea is. If someone _ flashes the head-lights or is gesticulating wildly (flipping you the bird’ ?), then get out of the way - it’s another major publication. If you” the law! Tim Trafton left the’ Wasatch after years of skiing the -check your WCR archives you will see him in action on issue number nine. See letters to the editor in issue eleven for what his daddy thought of our spelling of “Peifer.” We eagerly await a similar letter to Ski or Skiing or whatever he’s now on. Perhaps El Gordo might want to change his name to Smith. “I can’t believe it wasn’t taken,” said Snowbird’s Tammi of her shiny ‘bird. He is headed to Montana to catch up on his schooling. Good luck Trafty. Mike Brochu played his final concert at the Kickstand and headed off to the east coast and then St. John’s island. He will be sorely missed by personnel officers all through the canyons. RSS and our selection just got better! cottonwood can oscar eqntennGUEREENRpTT rene nnmmNe enna lower dewatered section. The Governor said that it prudence will save you frustration Little Cottonwood Canyon’s only on site real estate office now has a new name - cottonwood canyons realty. Formerly snowbird. realty. With over 20 years experience in the Snowbird/Alta Resort Areas, we are now serving Big Cottonwood Canyon. Looking for a place in Solitude Resort’s new Village? We can help. Our name has changed but our commitment to service or our knowledge of the canyons - 4: | spent many happy times with my grandparents up here learning to love this beautiful canyon. Over this last year a group of concerned citizens wrote letters to the Governor and the US Forest Service to stop Murray City Power from removing most of the water from Little Cottonwood Creek in the upper section of this canyon. Last May, Murray City Power decided not to pursue this project, due to the restrictions that the US Forest Service had put on _ them. It had made it so that the project wasn’t financially feasible. However, that won’t help the was a local matter and he wouldn’t get involved. Currently after a lot of pressure a task force was selected to study this matter. They have decided that an environmental study needs to be done. The problem is trying to raise the funds to pay for WHAT'S IN A NAME........000..00000000527 Sugarplum Powder Ridge Blackjack Hellgate Snowbird Village Condominiums Homes Building Lots Shared Ownership Wasatch Resort for the last three years. Before that lid ll yons realty Snowbird Realty PO Box 920071 Snowbird UT 84092 800-453-7122 7 801-742-2222 ext. 4120 ~ 801-742-2807 FAX Located in the Sn owbird Center - 2nd floor should know what is going on, and if they wanted to contribute to the fund they would have the opportunity to do so. If we don’t raise the needed funds, this canyon will continue to die. | would really appreciate it if you would consider publishing this shor anicle, ee | Mark Johnson from the Albion Grill told me that he thought you would help. He gave me your name and address. Furthermore, he said that a years subscription was $20.00. | am enclosing $20.00 for a years subscription. If it is more could you please let me know and I'll send it to you. Editor’s Response: Mark is far wiser than his years belie. We will run it, but now it is time for people to get involved. And subscriptions are $200 so please send along that extra $180 as soon as you can. — Dear EditorHey Breezy! Thanks to Hirsch I’ve received the last 3 editions of the WCR. I’ve been leaving them in strategic points to horrify the Japanese. What a great paper! Its exciting, relaxing and interesting, kind of like a big fat bone, but it doesn’t burn as smoothly. I’m wondering about Chef Phillips. His fishing seems to be an issue. | was wondering if the WCR is a support group for Bruce to regroup within. Perhaps all these fish he is slaying are compensation for a lack of venison. No problem Bruce, | still have some duck meat!! Thanks for the fine reporting. Later | Tim Lighthiser. Japan. . Editor’s Response: 7im we all know that the deer couldn't be safer than when Bruce Is wandering the woods with a loaded gun. He has had © some luck with fish this year though. | am so sorry that the Japanese are learning English from someone who has such a distant relationship with the King’s tongue. By the way Pete poached your job. Want me to rough him up? STKE NTT AS THE BULL Dear Editor: My name is Julie Hyder. | have lived at SL abeg for a Utah one. Especially* since that pesky Canyon Sheriff guy Kevin “KBand” Peterson suggested at their last meeting. While poking around the DMV looking for a Utah rule Lon book he found a wonderful little item. Last month he told everyone to keep right. Apparently there is a law to help get you out of the way. The notice he found read: “The state’s lawmakers were not trying to legislate courtesy or prudence in the new law req uiring us to clear the left lane. This n ew law requires us to clear the left la. ne if an audible or visual signal is gi ven by an overtaking vehicle wishing to pass. (USCA 41-6-55) Common courtesy tells us to avoid creating a slow down for other drivers that we share the highways with. You know that courtesy and |