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Show Wasatch Canyon Health Tips" Reporter Abit kes 69 es Gel e ~ Childhood Immunizations— By Kimberly ¥ the clinic where you choose to have your child immunized. Don't feel that your questions or concerns are foolish, you have a right to under-. stand all Gs aes of the vaccinations, their accinations are the best way to protect our children against potentially serious diseases, including tetanus, diphtheria, measles, mumps, rubella, polio, and pertussis. Unfortunately, the majority of parents in Utah do not comply with immunization Age Immunization Birth | month 2 months Hepatitis B#] Hepatitis B#2 DPT#1 (diphtheria, pertussis,tetanus) guidelines ~OPV# 1 (oral polio vaccine) Hib Titer #1( Haemophilus for their children, leaving them susceptible to, these diseases and their serious complications According to a 1994 study by the, A influenzae) DPT#2 - OPV#2 Department of Health, only 57.7% of 2 ye Lil ales olds are adequately immunized in Ut é University of Utah was commissi Utah Department of Health to. influencing childhood imi Utah parents. The studi parents of inadeq falsely believed. their « child was fully immunized. Once we at WCR learned of this immunization shortfall we thought we'd do our part doll to add to the immunization awareness/educa- Walton Pediatrics is as follows: | les, mumps, rubella) t 18 months | — OPV#3 DPT and OPV booster 5 years 7 10-12 years MMR booster Page 14 tion campaign. The Utah Department of Health offers The University of Utah study revealed that. parents of underimmunized children were more likely to have delayed taking their child infected pet for immunizations Measles cdi due to concerns about seri- ous side effects and misperceptions about con- lead to € traindications. As with any medicine, there are Se1ZUFreS, also passed. very small risks associated with vaccinations. h S fe iarrhea, Mumps, the nose adache, and can lead to However, the risks from the vaccine are much - smaller than the risks from the disease the vac- cine protects against As with any medicine, on of the there are very small risks associated with vaccinations. immunization services at a charge of $3.00 per vaccine given. There are currently 66 public health clinics and 16 community health centers and migrant health centers throughout Utah which offer this service. Locations in this area include: _ Salt Lake City Center 610 South 200 East Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri 8:30-11: 30a.m. and 1:00-4:30p.m. Questions about these concerns can easily be answered by your family physician or 3900 South Center 3891 South West Temple Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri, 8:00-5:30p.m. : { with birth ieafness, blindness, rain damage, and dblems. n aslittle as six months, you could be trained as a massage therapist at UCMT, one of the nation’s top massage schools. Make a positive difference in peoples’ lives by learning a 1er in one | ass caring and healing profession. _ ig { @ AMTA/COMTAA accredited programs ey mouths of others. ~ Financial aid available to those who qualify 6 month 730 hr. day or 1 year 712 hr. evening program UTAH*COLLEGE*OF MASSAGE*THERAPY a to “TP ere Mees hiss, “cunat eed ee n eee Sree “eyes igre ieee ees gas med one en — eee re hen shot \Polio spreads from an infected @ Nationally accredited through ACCET ypowe nal . on a) EGET Measles, bella vaccinations * Call (801) 521-3330 for enrollment information | and a 1995 catalogue or stop by our facility. UCMT ¢ 25 South 300 East, Salt Lake City, UT 84111 may lead t leath. There are two kinds of polt OPV, an oral polio vaccine, 1s ie by mouth as drops, and IPV, inactivat- ed polio vaccine, which is given as a shot in the leg or arm. The recommended schedule for immunization of infants and children based on recommendations by the American Academy of Cottonwood Heights Recreation Center 7500 South 2700 East Last Wed of the month May through October 1:00p.m.-5:00p.m. Kearns Southwest Medical Center 5255 South 4015 West, #100 Mon 1:00-4:30p.m. Tues, Wed 8:30-11:30a.m. and 1:00-4:30p.m. Thurs 8:30-11:30a.m. Copperview Multipurpose Center 8446 South 340 West Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs 8:30-11:30a.m. and 1:00-4:30p.m. Additional immunization resources include the mobile units Care-A-Van, which runs June through August, and Slug-the-Bug, which runs year round. More information about these services may be obtained from The Utah Department of Health at (801)538-6191. |