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Show Wasatch Canyon Reporter Those crazy nutt y ticket prices: 0 3 0 5 $ ve sa to How approximately 200 resorts nationwide, fifty days at each. The pass 1s an individually numbered small brass medallion on a shoelace which allows the wearer to really log the days. Even better - of the or more!! three G's, low price of $666. The size of the value is not the only unusual facet of this price. The number 200 resorts itself is inter- his address Alta, in Bel are continuing their spiral upwards, but this is one a a dalldle aaialbinl Page 8 area where, thankfully, we are not beating The Rocky Mountain State. While $47 tariff. Snowbird comes in a poor third at $44. The Aspen Ski Corp is charg- rest of the areas are sorry also-rans with no-one else ing the daily rate of fiftytwo dollars, the only Utah ski area even trying to challenge that rate is Deer Valley. They have a $52 charge for “holiday weekends,” but are charging a ‘measly $49 the rest of the time (but still the highest of the Utah resorts). Park even pushing the $40 mark - see list somewhere else. in this article. Park City Ski Area also gets special mention for their unusual season pass prictugebuy before 30 September and a full pass is yours for the incredibly restaurants is even more memorable. Bring this ad in to the restaurants listed below any Sunday through Thursday, and for each dinner entrée you order, receive one free adult pass to ride Snowbird’s world famous aerial tram. So come up Little Cottonwood Canyon this summer and enjoy some of the best food and most spectacular mountain scenery in the state, at Snowbird! L tal RESTAURANT ee ee eceleleleleretererre eerie Southwest Spirit Reece WILDFLOWIER RISTORANTE/SLOUNGE Call 521-6040 fcr more information or to make your reservations. sasaeaane SSS «| See a ° ripe lll — $29 - Deer Valley $49-52- Mountain $44 - $24 - Snowbird Solitude Sundance $32 Mountain $28. Want : Beehive $32 - | to ski all over the State and save with the Utah Gold Pass only $1850 - a savings to you of $5030. The more you ski the more you save! If the Ski Utah Gold Pass is not good enough, the US Ski Team has an even more incredible deal for you. They have a US Gold Pass. For $3000 you get a fully transferrable Gold. Dass:..eGod - at Snewbird. This chair lift, named for the Thunder Bowl which it will serve, will bring the total of lifts to - nine: one big ole tram and eight chair lifts. Baby Thunder, the only new lift sport/occasional 10,200 advertisand more days at Alta well. you get the idea, Perhaps this is all true, but - Wolf and intermediate variety, which until now has been in somewhat short supply at (avid skier and tiresome, er, tireless promoter of the several $20 - Brighton able terrain of the beginner since 1979, will rise 630 feet and increase the uploading capacity from 9,000 to than he had planned in [OSs - nota oil a. bad thing in my opinion). He then launches. into “the safety and comfort. of today’s equipment and... Nordic Valley $16 - Park City” $47". - : Powder $6880; eee “QwWwar: waiting until mid-November will guarantee paying full boat. Alta $25 - Beaver Mountain a few he will pontificate on what a deal skiing is today. He drones on about keeping pace with inflation, of course, but he also points out what one gets today. Fast and plentiful chair lifts. Extensive grooming. Snowmaking. Ski patrols who can get you down the mountain safely and quickly. Much better food and lodges. Better parking and road clearing (he spent over $5000? Well you have to spend money to save money - in this case $L350... Call. Ski - Utah (534-1779) and snap up one of the few remaining Gold Passes -at press time i> Op “the OS abotted remained. The Ski Utah Gold Pass is good for forty days of skiing at twenty-one areas in Utah. How to save the five large? Ski forty times at. Deer Valley, Park City Solitude and Snowbird and it would cost you Now, dining out at any of Snowbird’s highly acclaimed the . most, from er/father of the editor) this paper always get there for first chair. Most areas also offer ten-packs of tickets and/or a season pass pricing scheme that gives you a Substantial discount for purchasing early. For those wanting to pay the a switch includes such a thing to Chas Baker as we know the readers of City deserves congratulations for their impressive secondplace showing with a now years! ago: he USo Ski Team Gold Passes are limited in number and about 120 remain available - get yours by calling Patti at 801.647.2081. I think ticket prices are pretty much insane but say Air changed from 666). Perhaps the superstitious should wait until after 30 September when the price increases. ‘The following is a run down of the prices for a full day. A half-day is usually a couple of bucks less making it a terrible deal, dollar-per-hour-wise. We _did not print these prices ‘Ticket prices this year tax based in Park City). The esting. Six-S1X-Si1x 1S sometimes considered bad luck by superstitious people including Ronald Reagan (he had $25001s deductible (you are supporting US Skiing which ts are going to be installed in a couple of weeks and Baby Thunder will be up and running for opening day (which is, by the way, Saturday, 18 November). Baby Thunder will be a double chair Iift which will open up approximately 30 acres of new ski- for the family of four (or per hour - or so the news release tells us. We didn’t measure it - but we’ll give it a check on the 18th for you. Call 742.2222 for additional information. Oktoberfest Snowbird is having its 23rd annual Oktoberfest with perennial favorites the Bavarians, Reck Schwemmer, Rocky Mountain Polka Express, Kerry Christiansen and the International Folk Ballet. New events this year include a 3D Bavarian Street Scene, live musical theatre and Snowbird’s own Tuba Band. The big bash starts Labor Day weekend 2, 3°& 4 September from noon to 6pm daily. After Labor Day Oktoberfest will be held in Utah, family of ten) ski- every Saturday and Sunday ing until 8 October also from noon to 6pm. is often out of the question. Equipment for mom and dad and a gaggle of growing children is a killer - and then to have to shell out a couple of fun tickets ($100 bills) to get everyone on the slope can break the budget. What to do? Go to Taylor’s ski swap (see ad page two) and try Alta. Alta could be packing them in at $40 a pop. Instead they charge $25 and shut the gates and post guards when the lot is PN se she at BIG SKY: Ok, ok - so Big Sky is a little out of the SLC area, but they are part of Brighton (Boyne USA Resorts) and maybe they will fly us in the Boyne USA Learjet to the Big Sky opening for running this. Here’s the dirt on Big Sky: four new lifts. These Shedhorn chair, the Pony Express Triple chair, the Pioneer Platter Tow and the Lone IN OTHER ok four lifts - the Double Peak Tram - will — give Big Sky the most verti- cal feet (4,180) in the United -States. For information on the first three lifts, give Big Sky a call at 800.548.4486. For information on this crazy THE BIRD: Your ski ticket at Snowbird Ski and Summer Resort now gets you one more lift. After much legal wrangling, the towers. tram. -read on. Peak Tram is a i he Lone fifteen (yes, 15) person aerial tram-that will carry a whopping 150 - people per hour tothe top of . |