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Show September 1995 Lone Peak hence the name ‘Lone Peak Tram.’ The lower terminal is in the bowl under A-Z chutes. For you techheads: the...tram=s ts <a Doppelmayr jib-back design that will travel the entire dis- tance in a single span. The Spal 1s 3.900 lifiear Leet long, and has a 1,450 vertical rise (going from 9,700 to 11,150 feet - which is roughly 15 feet below the summit) minutes. Once at the top the lion-hearted will have the option of tackling a variety of expert terrain. The chicken-hearted will be able to ride back down at their leisure after enjoying the breathtaking view from an enclosed observation deck. The WCR staff will definitely be taking a business trip to Montana this winter. Aa | l [ ee ee ee ee ee a co I i Black Diamond Equipment Company is sponsoring another gala event to help out the Utah | Avalanche Forecast Center. Clear your calendar for Wednesday, 27 September at 6PM. The | _T event is a Tibetan dinner with beer from Uinta Brewing Company. Live music anda silent | auction round out the evening for a $2S donation. All the money goes to the UAFC and the j event will be held rain or shine. Please call Colleen Graham at 278.5552 x170O in i é advance to tell her you’re coming! Ds ec ak ‘ass cas eee jd neg wich es a ee ees | re ee RRO all of which is covered in six The Wasatch Canyon warz by netscape Reporter presents: The point and click wonders of the web / pipe by mci / music by king tubby - memorial dub comments, suggestions, hate mail to WasatchCR @aol.com The following are some sites that our Internet Editor (who is a very wiseman) has picked as some you should visit. We had hoped to have our own site up and running by this issue. It’s up, and it’s running but it needs a teensey bit of work. In the mean- time, visit these sites and learn about the internet. foundation: http://www.w3.org/hypertext/WWW/People/Burners-Lee-Bio.html activity: http://www.cs.umd.edu/~regli/ski.html! ski maps - fairly large (fast connection but still lags some). primarily .jpg scans of actual trail maps, resort links, other ski resource links, this is a long page so scroll away. the university of maryland department of computer science. http://www.sierra.net:80/SkiWeb/ reasonable central location from which to start on the ski/board link. try sierra net's home page for more general links. sierra net - lake tahoe/northern nevada internet provider http://www.imall.com/ski-utah/weather.htm! Thursdays CALLING ALL LOCALS? Live Music @ Thirsty Thursday 6p.m.-12a.m. Fridays & Saturdays Restaurant and Lodge Open Special Fall Rates Available nws forecast, link to Utah Avalanche Forecast Center, satelite pics. imall. * Call for Reservations (801) 328-8589 http://www.boms.com/bazaar/climbing.html home of the american alpine club; decent linkage. boulder online media services the chicken and the egg S undays Breakfast Buffet 9 a.m.- Ip.m. http://www.www.arpa.mil/ journalism: http://www.newslink.org/menu.html journalism galore from all the different media. massive. newslink associates. http://www.meer.net/~john/e_zine-list/index.html 6 abeg e-zine list, well maintained, well linked. john labovitz monster linkage: http://www.artcom.de/ccc/hotlist.ptm! ever wonder what the ccc thinks should be linked? chaos computer club http://www.eff.org/othersites.html check out the government links among many others. electronic frontier foundation http://www2.ncsu.edu/bae/people/faculty/walker/hotlist/graphics.html for much graphics info, sample programs, specs, source, et cetera Private club for members only. |