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Show ST& CRE September 1995 | g eas a / Ce of the Masatch Canyon Regerter Jon “Big as Elvis” to Atencio. Jonny came aboard early, and road ‘the gravy train until it was dry. Jonny taught us much about working the world for free stuff. We will always be mere apprentices to this mighty force. He is an avid tele-skier, but a more daring alpine skier. David “Mountain Bull’ Baker is one of the original three- Holland some that started this paper. His ability to lose anything at a modicum of editing. We don't know how he skis, but with a ter what we threw at her. nick name like ‘powder pilgrim’ he has to be entertaining to watch. Jim “shameless” Holland came to Utah as the sales savior for the WCR. Unfortunately he has yet to sell an ad, but he did give one away, so we are hopeful. Jim is a two time Olympian in jumping, and an advanced intermediate alpine skier. Mike “smack daddy” Henderson was sales whirlwind for most of the winter. a Then he borrowed a sweater, took a two week hiatus, and has been AWOL since. He was the best salesman we have had, but an unfortunate in the realm of hygiene. He rode Brighton most of the ~ winter. Marta Heilbrun moments notice has been invaluable. He has absolutely no training in journalism, but his behavioral psych degree has been no help what so ever. Dave moved to Utah for the skiing, but he has been won over by the family style we know came do; Jonny Atencio dated her. Due to one of those strange permu-@ tations of love she now spiri-#@ tually cohabits with her mat- fia ing Ron Penner. tor. Throwing down some of the most prolific writing to come through One Wasatch Place. He is a hard-core local who dates back to the early days of Snowbird. We couldnt have come this far without his help. Felicia Olivera is the only person with any real training in Journalism. She is very parsimonious with her writing...and charms. When 3 she writes it is a blessing to the paper, and the restaurant she ae into our lives as most of the ~ women AlexAnder Miller has been a rock of a contribu- Marta had |g = ing. He was a GS specialist for the Johnson State College until he blew out his knees repeatedly. Traditionally an aggressive skier he now minces about the hill. We expect the broken neck of last winter will slow him even more. John “Fright Train’ Bresee describes his skiing style dynamic, as but oth- ers prefer bellicose or epileptic. He. skied. « at Johnson State College...for himself, because for Stowe; a stain his soul has yet to cleanse. Highlights: making TRWs debtor hall of fame. His hobbies include Pai Gow Poker and unrequited lOve. = Dave “Doughboy” Doherty, now of Tahoe City, came to the paper with an original view- point. His articles were witty and rarely needed editing...which is good because we don't know side of Jack Cole. David . “Castillo” Peck Adam takes a strange fascination in predicting our demise to his friends and family. When not doing Continued on page 13 <—"me Any Hey somewhat to our surprise we find ourselves publishing year ‘round. This gives you the added benefit of a more robust subscription. We couldn’t believe how many of you fell for this the first year (we will be to re-up for another big year) Imagine, if you will, the harassing you folks power of Big Ron’s Alpine Astrology, snow conditions, world class investiga- tive reporting, and much more delivered to your doorstep every month or so (bi-weekly during the heady days of winter) So pony up your hard earned $20. (in Alta cash that’s the equivalent of swinging |200 chairs or flipping | 000 burgers for the Albion Grill) We will handle creating the paper, dealing with the byzantine postal regulations, and shipping that puppy to you. he was too stinking slow to make the team. In marked despair he worked as a ski instructor She is reputed to be the smoothest tele skier this gg buffets. He was a top medal winner in moguls, ballet, and nordic jumping. He skied three days last season. | _ Stephen “Stephen” Balog handles much of the layout for the paper, which has been described by critics as “amateurish” or “just downright bad.” He moved to Utah because “it beats Worcester!” His nine year degree in marketing has been a monument to wasted school- reviews. ere of their time he freely = given keep this pig afloat. ~ In semi alphabetic order they are: *8 UNIGIEH have her unmitigated passion for Ron. Sara “Jane” Lindeman came to the WCR as an intern. She attempted a coup to take over the paper, and after failing spent the summer learning and relieving us of tension and several CDs. Her skiing style is unknown, but the 185cm K2 softs don’t bode well. She passed her 4 credit internship no mat- errr) i Mire This month tions have been her undiluted criticism, and a and informed. This cost him his season pass. Dave went most of the year wearing a helmet that earned him endless abuse. We were all in awe of his way with the ladies. Creighton “Powder Pilgrim” Hart has been an energetic contributor. Creighton gave us his first crayon and charcoal articles which forced us to learn some BM hg amused every last volunteer skipped town leaving me to ponder the vicissitudes of volunteering. The following is a compilation of the many people who last season, and — an effort to keep the Wasatch Front Range at Snowbird. on the tram we hope she will be back at it. Her contribu- Make checks payable to: ‘Wasatch Canyon Reporter PO Box 8118 Alta Utah 84092 Name Address. City, State, Lip Code + 4 Country roa hours, skip deadlines, and mainline caffeine in the foulest mouth too / abeg unpaid people toil long to edit. He is a talented skier who often showed his blazing speed on Big Emma JUUDY Yet in truth many how SIun = 12HNeg It may seem that this paper appears like magic, created from the eternal void, every month or so filled with treasures of wisdom. |