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Show Ss eptember. I 99S Dining Review: The Eating Establishment _ Kimball J unction that coated the entire sorry chicken breast. After indelicately relieving my suffering mouth of gristle and suet I risked Woe was I. Every offense, yet I was so the offending another bite. bite was an hungry that I charged on...but it was too much. Each bite was complete with chicken with other impecunious shoppers, so skin and more of the disgusting sauce. One of my dining companions made it three bites into his sandwich before giving up. Another we retreated to the one dining estab- lishment within the confines of the mall. A mistake that will not be repeated (this review is not meant in anyway to be connected with the other Eating Establishment in down- picked, and picked and picked until he had a silver-dollar-sized particle The grizzled, acetous man who sauntered out from the back listened impatiently to my tale and informed me that that was the way they did it around there. He then instructed me to leave if I did not like it. Leave I did... but not before showing off my erudition by saying, “@#$% $@, you @#$%&*!” I'll be darned if the decrepit oaf didn’t come at me as if to engage in fisticuffs. I decided any further discussion of his cooking style was pointless; I made | my escape with great alacrity as I feared a Park City haymaker might ‘be coming my way if I lingered. Outside the gentle diners who supped at the table next to us confessed “Our food was dreadful too.” | Wanted: | “Enough town Park City). The Eating Establishment in the Outlet Center has a pleasant atmosphere that promised a respectable lunch. The menu is posted on chalkboards mounted on-the back wall. The descriptions of the food are enticing and written in appealing pas- tels. I chose the mesquite grilled chicken sandwich. The other choices at the table were a garden salad, and a very basic turkey sandwich and two more mesquite grilled chicken sandwiches. With a drink these simple lunches ended up in the eight dollar range. Relatively high comparable to similar food purchased in Salt Lake. You appear to pay a tariff to bargain shop in the Park City area. The food, when it arrived, — said” of poultry The Garden salad was an unfortunate medley of vegetables several days too long for this world. After having what was going to have to pass as my “‘fill,’ I gathered the globules of adipose tissue into one neat little pile and took it up to an employee to complain. I was not in a confrontational mood at first. Often, I must confess, I am. When food is this bad I generally come out singing. On this day I just wanted to let them know that I wasn’t pleased with the I:1 ratio of gristle to chicken and thick, sweet barbecue sauce 1s not usually called “mesquite.”. The person to whom I spoke was confused and not the slightest bit helpful. He asked with amazement in his voice if | wanted my money back. I that S20 SOD PUK Wt GOP COD POT fan : fe chicken fat, and a thick sweet sauce ae combination of bread, yellowish feos ed at the outlet center in kimball junction is an embarrassment to restaurants the world over. I have spent the last twenty nine year building myself to a respectable sixteen stone on the culinary largess of oth_ ers. I recently went to the Park City Outlet Center with three friends for _an afternoon of bargain (bahahahaha) shopping. The place was mobbed said no, I just thought they should know that this was unacceptable. The person asked me to wait a moment and went to get the owner/manager. This is when the service started to equal the food. WWHILDEI LOWE ms was deplorable. My first bite of the Mesquite sandwich was an exciting The Eating Establishment locat- ise by John Bresee _ Enjoy the finest Northern Italian cuisine In the Wasatch this summer at the Wildflower Ristorante. Redeem this coupon for one FREE APPETIZER with the purchase of two entrées, Our summer hours are 6-9:00 p.m. Wed.-Sun. ~ Clesed Mon. & Tue. For reservations call 742-2222, ext. 1042. ISTE CED ITOK 1890 CEP CED GES. GRP GIL GE Wy HEY Ges ONS 40m 3901 C90 F- Sales manager for the Wasatch Canyon | Reporter Must be goal oriented, organized ~ The ideal candidate would ski and play golf. Potential for season passes at area resorts. Lucrative commission scale. Call 486-1388 or fax your resume to 485-2735. E-mail 76761.205 _@compuserve. com |