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Show salmrinnnmanitnidee. Wasatch -seialbboeme + eee EE nt EDITORIAL | a THE 1995 Reporter erneteeve: - THE UTAH N PRESENTS RIC ALLIANCE Canyon “The slacker generation” is not about laziness, afhough | suffer that Pal. ady. It is not about dropping out of society or lack of responsibility. Many of my generation are out there working their asses off in nasty blue suits. several of my friends have chosen this route, and occasionally they come to visit. They flex their credit cards and look cool. | notice their clothes have far fewer holes than mine. It is always great when they visit, though my eyes | usually glaze over after they tell me their scintillating budget Success stories. | | remember when they ripped as hard as anyone. | wore the suit and it sucked. The tie chafes, the commute is misery, and selling Page mea LS hd ~ ra SPORTS = Uy AA i> to the masses is my definition of the sixth circle of hell. | my VW to the moon with junk and hit the long road across the Nevada DOWNHILL SKIS, a. SNOWBOARDS, TELEMARK SKIS, CROSS COUNTRY SKIS, BINDINGS, SNOW > SHOES, BIKES, CLOTHING, desert. Outside of Tooele, at two in the morning the alternator quit, frozen solid. The wind came across the desert with the sharpest bite | had felt in years. Every gust caused some skin to crack as | ripped out the dead alternator. Alocal led us to a small junk yard filled with land behemoths from the sixties and seventies, and one 1975 Scirroco. For thirty-five dollars | got a tow and an alternator that didn’t fit. | fashioned a bracket out of duct tape and anger. It was enough — to limp the car up to Alta. | pulled into town and was astounded, November 1st, and it was nuking two inches an hour. | stood on the deck of the Albion Grill and watched the vortices and eddies of snow and felt the significance of my choice. . My first season back as a ski bum it snowed 750 inches; has gaia ever spoken so clearly? | am impoverished. It’s true, | looked up the federal ma | guideline. | think | could get free heating oil and food stamps. This is the am | choice | have made, and along with it has come some serious ass. kissing misery. | have name tags from several resorts, John Bresee - Steward - Supervisor (dishwasher), Room Service Supervisor or Bartender 13. These ipbraniae ol Ld L widgets During my year of servitude to the business class | got in seventeen days of skiing. That compares with 120 the year before and 100 days of light Utah powder the year after | quit as sales king of Fuch’s Publishing. During my one year of “real work” | had some money for the first time in my life. Every morning | would dig through crumpled piles of ATM slips from the night before, hoping to come up with enough left over scratch to buy lunch. The hangovers were astounding. Deep soulful grinding headaches as | tried to sell widgets to the unwilling. | bailed hard, leaving work before the busy Christmas season. | sien Z TLL mie os yuu TAUE +He BOORDIG 7 ; ac cere oc meScewaey SALTY PEAKS CMLOSPORT> EARhAOGAS - Custom Design Skiware SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 (11am- 6pm) SUNDAY, OCTOBER1 (10am- 3pm) at the LANE 230 W, 200 S Call 575-2170 Register items for sale Fri. 5 - 8 pm & Sat. 8 am - 11 are the jobs that make it possible to golf, ski, or ride five to seven _ — days a week. | don’t know how | am going to pay rent this month, or fix my brakes. It is not a perfect life. Choosing a lifestyle by nature engenders loss of opportunities. | “writers, artists, ‘experienced layout people pate a for free Do you want see your name in lights? Do you want to be famous? | Tired of sitting around the house ripping b’s.Then get off the couch | 1 and pick up your crayon and create. Sorry Timmy we won't take your | ~ crazed anti resort letter written in finger paints. You see we have scruples.If they will let you take one hand out of the straight jacket then hunt and peck an article out on your battered underwood. If it pertains to the Wasatch Front Range, then we are interested. Call 801-486-1388 Or fax 485-2735 Hii Pe toe! a oe. Sao . erie |