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Show September 1995 Continued from page 7 that he charges up his state-of-the-art laptop and hits the road in search of the next big scoop. He is working on the definitive work on shaving and seduction. Look for him _on the pro-gamma poaching tour next year. Dustin “Dee” Robertson cut his sales teeth at the -WCR. He helped us launch our little fishwrapper and we appreciate it. Dustin is an avid There is a glimmer of hope for Little Cottonwood Canyon. A task force has been appointed to study the dewatered portion of the canyon. They have decided that an environmental stud y of Little Cottonwood Canyon’s eco-system is necessary to determine what steps, if any, need to be taken. The study will be done by a local university. The Granite Community Council has been asked to help raise funds to pay for this study. They graciously said yes, that they would do anything they could to help. On July 4, 1995 they held a celebration and had a booth to ask for public donations that would be used strictly for this purpose. A small amount of money was back country skier. He _ unfortunately is horribly confused when it comes to anything ofa political nature. Ronald, Joseph] Penner has | been the| back bone of this paper, which is a troubling assertion. He | has contributed to raised, however we are still short several thousand dollars. At the end of the celebration a small child wanted to know what we were trying to do, and she asked if she could give her 25 pen- nies to help. . * / WM WEEE Hi TATTET a } a HI NNN NV if i (ET ’ ra . Snowbird Travel will take care of you and all your travel needs. Stop by our office in the Canyon I have Racquet Club at the mouth of Big Cottonwood this paper esheets 3 ee e Saift, (ie WwW 7350 S. Wasatch Blvd., Cottonwood, UT 84121 [a] Loquacious Dave's Top Ten Reasons to advertise in the Wasatch Canyon Reporter 10. You are absolutely fat with cash due to crazy Clintonomics 9. Advertising is so damn contusing, | better just sign a blank check to those discerning kids at this paper. 8. You got six hundred pairs of two year old PRE skis and there isn’t a marketing plan in the world that can help you. . Dee Dee Coradini swore it was a good investment. . It's like the state road crews, if you don't spend all of this year’s inet: ~J put 3 oO to ~ together, yet lam. very _ glad of the experience. Thank you all. aes . snowbird they won't give you an increase next year. W given so much to this paper. It has been the most mind bending pain in the ass Canyon or call 942-1030. have A [el who Pee igigiiiciiieiiGiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiGiiiiiiiiirGiliiiiiieierd individuals PTT] ] Zi i igifa ri hes mS ae tf ee : . “Wasatch Canyon Reporter? Never heard of ‘em.” ff as } 4 . You bought Windows ‘95, you'll buy anything. Ww acerbic ski trip to Las Lenas! to entering her corrections because we are so rushed at deadline. As Check out our summer Ss in in. eam uOosyIsGoOYy can’t-come shorts, smelling bad and in need of a shave, that sort of thing). She has been a terrific copy editor - too _bad we never get around the publishing for a while and then moved on. Any time she chooses to be published she has merely to say the word. She regularly skis Alta. Mi rare so she been in this list, the truth is | am forever indebted to to realize. ny Wy af fe Bull,” little hobby.” Julie is one (7-4, She endured-our unskilled Yi TE x Lge OE “Mountain helps out with the paper to spend more time with him when he’s working on “his of the few with a ‘real’ job were too young x — oe FewWEA ie but we _ Carolyn “Julie’’ Uhle Julie is engaged to the PT our doors, wa LL eae Virginia Pierce was the purest talent to walk (i we anything that moves. RELAX. WE'LL DO IT ALL FOR YOU. _AND THERE'S NEVER A FEE. ) Aa: a fF nyWeeee = S re COlUINN . “1S followed eagerly in all fifty states, and we live i tear of | syndication stealing him away from us. He is also | a contributor | to the super jnarket--tabloid: “Pane National Examiner.” He slides down the hill on \ every issue. His astrology through | Please help us raise the desperately needed funds so this canyon will have a chance to © survive! Many people in this area have helped by giving their time and expertise to get this ‘study underway. Now it’s our turn to give something back. We must finda way to save this beautiful canyon, for all of us, as well as future generations. All donations are tax deductible and can be mailed to Granite Community Council care of David Hart, 3982 Canyon View Place sandy, Utah 84092. | . You want to reap the rewards of the marketing whirlwind that is shaking the Beehive State...actually that's the olympics. . Two words - “Sled Dogs!" . Because we aren't the Wasatch Mountain Times. Call (801) 486.1388 to have one of our sales reps create the marketing plan of your dreams. (Dave will visit your personallyif you so desire... he looks a little better in person, but not much) | se PP #e er |