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Show page 14 December 23, 1961 newsprint Lowell Heber Wardle Lowell Heber Wardle. 5. passed away December IS. 1981. at (he Ashley Valley Medical ('enter. 7 He was horn July 27. 1906. in Vernal. Utah, (ilen Warren Karren. three month old son of Glen A. and Brenda S. Karren died Bailey December 13. 1981. in Duchesne. Utah, of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. lie was born September 16. 1981. in Heber City. Utah. Survivors include his parents. Duchesne, one to Heber George and Susanna Dean Wardle. He- - was married to LaMar Gilman on June 2. 1927 in the Salt Lake L.- D.S. Temple. Lowell was a truck brother. Wesley. drixer and custodian at Duchesne. Grandthe Uintah High parents. Mr. and Mrs. School. Troy Bailey and Mr. He was a member ol' and Mrs. Lyle Karren. the I.DS clinch and Duchesne. active in the Glines Mr. and Third Ward, lie hud Mrs. Andrew Karren. serxed as President of Vernal. Josephine the Sunday School. Pur key. Meeker M.- I.A. Superindendent Colorado, and Lela in Ward and Stake and Bailey. Fort Smith was a High Priest Arkansas. services Graxcside Group Leader, lie was also the past President were held Tuesday. of the I yons Club and December 15. 1981. at their District Secretary. the Strawberry Ceme-terOne daughter preceded him m death. Oma Wurdlc. Suix ixors include his Nye xxilco! Venial, two sons and two daughters: .1. Holt ol Salt ake City. Great-grandparen- ts. v. Karl Hodgkinson 1 Utah. Mrs. Gwen Rcybolds of larming-ton- . New Mexico. Billy George and Mrs. l.ou Stanley Harrison (Mxrna both of twelxe grand22 greatthree grandchildren. Vernal, children. brothers three and Karl Nye Hodg- He was born September II. 1932, in Vernal. Utah to Albert Edward and Katie Nye Billie of-Sa- Surxiving Mrs. are Renwick her rado. and her Daughter Mrs. W.D. (Lucille) Baker. Enciwitas. California, four Grand- 12. 1958. in l.as Vegas. Nevada. He made his Great Grandchildren. Funeral serx ices were held at the Vernal Mortuary on IX'cemhcr be held December 22. 1981. at 11:00 A.M. at Karl was proceeded living as a truck driver. He was a Veteran of the Korean Conflict and a member of the 6th Ward. in death by a brother. Aubra William Hodg- Chapel. Friends may kinson. call Monday Irotn 7:00 Survixing Mr. Hodgpp.m. to 9:00 p.m. and kinson arc: his wife of nun 9: JO to Tuesday Vernal, two daughters 10:30 p.m. at the Vernal and one son: Mrs. Jesse Moriuuiy Lynne) Smith of Burial will lake place (Gayc Beach. CalifLong Sn the Macscr airxiew Mrs. Ronnie ornia. jCcmeterx (Karlene) Harflingcr I . I and Charles Rex Hodgkinson of Vernal. ACROSS 1. 7. 12. 13. Variety of quartz Old and dry Tyrolean Idiots; dopes 15. Kind of free kick, in soccer 16. Beginning 17. At any time 18. Garden tool 20. Try; attempt 21. River in Scotland 22. Hialeah entry 23. Seafarers saint 25. Alengon or Cluny 26. Oddity 27. Roof of the mouth 30. Fussy and prudish DOWN Satiated 2. Alert 3. Binge 4. Waterfront sight 5. Reference source: abbr. 6. Outline again 7. does not make a pot boil 8. Rent 9. Hero 10. 18. xxas and three 1981. Internment in the Dry Fork Cemetery. in Exodus Portion of a tree trunk 11. Puzzles 14. Babys pet name 19. Common verb 22. Type of chess ending and MARY (MAY) brother. Arthur Dudley. rett. Washington. Services held were Burial xvas in Ward. Maeser Cemetary. Legal Notices Betty Lytle District Secretary ASHLEY VALLEY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT 83 S. 200 E. Vernal. Utah 84078 because of lagging sales, and Boeing Aircraft find unemployment almost everywhere, WOODARD SOLVIK Mary (May) Ethelda however, we here in the Uintah Basin have a because of the great amount of development going on and the many resources found here. Unemployment is at a Dudley Woodard Solvik. 76. of Vernal. Utah, died December II. 1981 at the St. Marks Hospital in Salt Lake City. Utah. She was born Sep- - Opening bids for Davis Water Line B.H.O.S. Brent Van Alfen. Gladys Baker. J.R. XVillyard. Deloss Reynolds Clevelands Lake 24. French the c 25. Touch down 26. Worry 27. Sheriffs aides 28. Entreaties 29. Stretch the R truth Name associated with In the interest of 34. Take a dip 35. Add zest 32. Once-a-ye- O ar visitor 37. Take by force 39. Asks for handouts 40. Fastener 42. Golly! 43. Author Yutang 45. Cutting tool S S W O R D S 549-370- 3. Box P.O. Duchesne Utah, 492, 84021 Let Us build you a brick ap20,000 under Call & finance part. praisal or Bastian 9 Theda Vernal. Realty ex 789-156- Do you need better security 789-093- 3, 789-229- 2. FOR RENT Office Rental Space Lube Quick. North old port Road, Roosevelt. 10 min. available downtown Air- Vernal. 5,000 Sp. ft. 23 rented. Brick building. 722-270- 0. Completely renovated, carpeted, birch paneling midway oh walls. Ample parking in rear. See at 91 West Main. 3.50 per sq. ft. plus utilities. Contact Glen or Cooper at 1959 Chevy to ton truck 4 X 4 step-sid- e shortbed 327 1975 FOrd Cabover 750 series less than 300 miles on the new engine, all steel bod and headache rack 20 truco boom 8000 lb. capacity would make excellent welding rig. Phone 789-65after 5:00 p.m. Vernal. Bobtail Dump Truck. 178 Ford Tractor witn frontend loader and gannon bucket on rear and H Ton roller for sale. Phone 1 789-584- 0. Vernal engine, runs good. Needs some body work. $900. 8 Phone after 5 Vernal 353-465- p.m. Neola. For Rent Pasture for 20 hordes, also alfafa hay. or Phone Pleksant Grove Office Space For Ren RooseGood down-tow- n velt location, 1600 square 1968 VW Street Buggy. Sharp. 1964 Mercedes 190 D. 1974 Sante Fe 35' trailer for sale or rent. $1500. 785-354- 1. 722-322- 8 and take over payments or $200. month rent Phone 0 Leave message. feet, plenty of parking. Call 5 or contact Orlando Rachele at The Ink Spot. For Rent single stall garage on Main Street, Vernal or phone 9 after 6 pm. 789-767- Vernal. 353-463- Bobtail dump truck. 1 78 Ford tractor with frontend 1 loader and gannon bucket on rear and 1 - 1 ton roller Kabota Tractors, The tractor for all seasons. types of attachments 789-100- 8. 7B9-31- for sale. Vernal. Call 789-319- 8, Due to tie additions in tie manuscript, coming edition of 77ie High Uintaha - A Topical History ol the Uintah Basin Raglan, by sutlers Keiry Ross Boren and Margaret Lahoma Bason, has had to postpone its expected Dec. '81 release. Itiswitimany we have apologies tom tie autiors for Inconvenienced, however, tie delay snempassee leas tian 5 montie. 77is High ilntahs wW be available at Bitter Creek Book Store in Vernal and ki Roosevelt at tie Uintrii Mountain Cache and Gales Office Supply. The above tamer two mentioned stores wit beholding autograph partes on tie book for Ufntrii Baski residents to be able to have fbstchoice at tie only hard back edition to be printed of tie text After tie autograph partes In tie Basin aflranakiing bookshave been sold. The autiors are looking forward to seeing you in tie spriig during tie above mentioned festive accessions. txe 789-215- 789-584- .J, o For Sale: 1961 Chevy pickup, best offer. Phone Vernal 789-040- 9. 789-093- 3. 1978 Scotodale Crew cab with dual wheels, 4 speed, 454 2 after 5:00 P.M. Vernal Farm Tractor like new, 108 case 1070, Agri-KiHP Diesel. Phone Vernal engine. will '5,000. Phone HApFY HoLlDffS Asking negotiate. or 722-38- 722-31- We 're ringing out how glad we are to have you as our friends and we extend evenings. Myton 1979 Ford FI 50 Supercab truck. Excellent condition. 789-822- 2. Propane , our sincere good wishes for a very merry Christmas to you and your family. It's been a pleasure serving you. Auto- hookup. matic, P.S., P.B., Air, AMFM Radio. Phone Vernal Bronco XLT 1979 Loaded, good condition. $5500. 2 Vernal. Phone For Sale: 1979 Chev. Silverado, V ton pickup, 4x4. $6500. 789-20- 7B9-093- 3. 769-300- HELP WANTED- - Amway Products for Sale: Also opportunity to make money in your spare time. Call Vernal. This de portable female, 26 years old, 57" tall, 120 lbs.. Vernal 789-46- Clean Economy car, 1977 Buick Skylark, 6cy1. 4 door with air and at, low mileage. $2,000 or best 5. offer. Call daytime or Evenings 5 Roosevelt Personable and Hard Working, is looking for a Good paying job in the Vernal area. Have office skills but is villing to do anything legal and moral. Only Legltlment Intentions need apply. If you need tnis person, write to! Desperate CO Basin Nickle Ads. P.O. Box 111. Vernal Backhoe rental 15 years 789-327- 722-47- 77 Granada coupe, p.s., 8 track, 302 p.b., AM-FM Only 7 Vernal $2,300. 80 Olds, Delta Wagon, 3 seats, diesel, p. seat, p. 8 track, tilt, wind., AM-Fcruise, sharp, clean, new 7 tires. Only $7,300. Vernal 1976 Ford utility truck for sale. Needs motor work, 1 Vernal phone 789-333- M fcs-M- i 9'JNBLx EgS920 experience. 580 case, hourly or trade or free estimate. Vernal 789-333- 789-822- 2. 789-205- humorously pedal 34. Chinese junk 35. Direction: abbr. 38. NWs opposite 39. Farmsite 40. Box in a certain way 41. Young bird 44. Man's best friend e open 47. Forces payment of 48. Feel it in ones bones arv-- 49. Duplicate w y j- j- vx . LAST WEEKS CROSSWORD SOLUTION S' ' jin . publishing delays and tieuiforeseenh&i sales stairs of tieforti 32. Cut loose 33. Floored the "One-hors- for your home? We have a wireless Burglar alarm system that can be easily installed in your home for a price you can afford. Chamberlian Burglar Alarm. See at Seely's, 1010 North Vernal Vernal. Ave. 31. Think, 46. ' 353-492- 722-57- classified auto, sharp. down. - ' - v. ' 09 738-552- 9. Insta-Cop- Oil Chiange S Lube compared to many other areas of the country... V8, Sale 120 Mountains South West of Duchesne with good house and barn, $75,000, $20,000 For 738-28- and Duchesne y 1000. Center, 83 North Main, Roosevelt, 4, or Utah Roosevelt. nal. here as 722-336- 36-Do- 36. the ii BJ Acres In Frills No Affordable, House! Tayco Construe-- , lion Is offering to Uintah Basin residents precision, manufactured factory housing complete and ready to live In on your basement $32,000 complete, 1000 square feet 30-d-ay delivery, 20 models to choose from. Phone 789-362- 789-857- e 789-773- wheelbase, step side pickup. Brand new 350 engine. Power steering, power brakes, AMFM stereo, low mileage, new radial tires, slotted mag wheels. Phone 9 after 5 p.m. Ver- fortunate situation 1972 Dodge 1 Ton, excellent condition. Phone Prayer Executive mccting-GaylMcKeachnie Start your own automotive machine shop. Inquire at 9 and ask Steve about equipment he has for sale or call Brake, lathe and alignment also available. Duchesne. Beautiful Business cards printed to order. Excellent quality 16 and up per 789-016- Vernal AGENDA 353-461- Must sell, 1981 Chev. Vi Ton, 4 speed, 4 W.D., Silverado, A.C., P.S., Very low mileage, headache rack, bug deflector. Make offer. Phone Vernal For Sale 1978 Chev short 15,700 people in the same city - down 1,00 from last year. You can look at and Phone 789-395- 8, Mobile Catering Service for sale, 3 established routes. Excellent growth 2 for potential. Call details. Roosevelt 789-249- presently employs Ave. 789-229- OPPORTUNITIES family car, only 475, call 6 Vernal. available, Log splitters. Snow blowers, Front end loader, Lawn mower, etc. Seely's 1010 North Vernal ET-HAL- BUSINESS 100 X 247.5 loL Beautiful Ashley Area. 12,500, Lois, 2 or owner, sgent, Vernal. 545-253- Pg. 9 All REAL ESTATE .. 03 minimum FOR RENT Choice Mobile Home sites. Available now, walking distance to down town shopping in Roosewelvelt. Travel trailers come. Phone 722-252- 4. Vernal. Red Hatchback White Intr., 4 Spd. 4 Cyl, low milage, gets great MPGsl Best offer. Phone 545-255. or Randlett 73 Ford Station Wagon runs good, full sized car with AC, will make a good Christmas Time ' 789-585- 0. Pontiac Sunblrd 1980 & WATER AND SEWER Special Meeting. 6:00 p.m. 83 S. 200 E. DUDLEY 30. Eve- Monday. December 14. 1981 at the Vernal Fifth Mary Solvik 23. 1. 789-095- n. children Ward ur r: Jean Martin on August (ilines Other Business I hearby certify that this notice was posted al least hours prior to twenty-fosaid meeting. - She Wardle. Don Wardle. Clifford Wardle. Mrs. Norma Simper. Mrs. Martin (Marguarete) Curtis, and Mrs. Glen (Dcloris) Stephenson, all of Vernal. f uneral sen ice will the tember 23. 1905 in Spring Coulee. Alberta Canada, to Stephen Markham and Annie married rian J. Hodgkinson Dudley. Lucious H. Woodard, both of Orem. Utah. 3. 1926. He Mrs. Kenneth (Donna) January in of 1954. died April Tidwell of Salt Lake She later married Erik City. Utah. Mrs. Solvik on June 4. 1971. Clarence (Elva) RicShe xvas a housewife hards of Provo. Utah, a member of the and and Mrs. Jack (Valine) Of Jesus Christ Church Doyle of Murray . Utah. loitter-Da- y Saints Funeral sen ices were Of Fifth Vernal She Ward. held Monday. Dec- was also a member of ember 21. 1981. at Vernal Sixth Ward the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers. Chapel. Burial was in Survivors include her the Vernal Memorial of Vernal, husband Park. three daughters and one LESSIE MAE Laur RENWICH ence H. Woodard. Albuquerque. New Lessie Mae Renwick H. Mexico; 83. died December II. Woodard. Stanley Daniel W. 1981 in the Tri City Woodard, both Oceanside. Lake Hospital. City. Utah: Mrs. California. She was laura Young. Truth or born February 8. 1898 New in Texas to John L. and Consequences, Mrs. Verl Mexico.; Francis Smith Johnson. Bodily. Ann) (Mary She was married to Utah; Mrs. Layton. Robert L. Renwick. Caroline Wood, VerLessie was a member nal. Utah and Sybil of the Baptist Church. Collyer. Sandy. Utah; She was a former grandchil-detwenty-nin- e resident of Roosevelt. greatgthirty Utah. randchildren. fourteen husband of Oceanside. one Son California, Robert K. Renwiek of Grand Junction. Colo- Parsons 18 years of age and older wanting to earn extra cash, consider becoming a Licensed Day Care Provider. You may earn up to $683i per month. Contact Social Services if interested. Call 1979 Camara 350 P.S. P.B., A.C. Automatic transmission, AMFM cassette, tilt wheal. Excellent condition. Asking $7000. See at 1196 East 500 South. Call 3 Vernal. Z-- Varian C. Elizabeth Bingham Hodgkinson and AdUtah, kinson. 49. died' December 18. 1981. East of Vernal. Utah. Lawrence Hodgkinson. Karl married sisters: Utah, granddaughter. Robyn Lynne Smith. Brothers and sisters: Harlend E. Hodgkinson. Mrs. Ronald (Ruth) Winn of Vernal. Glen Warren Karren S These are the second graders who went caroling at the GoldfAge Senior Center lest week. The concert was enjoyed by everyone who attended. |