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Show December 23 , 1961 SOCIETY Applications LeAnn Stringham will become the bride of Karl Breintcnbach on December 30, 1981. They will be married at the Uintah Basin Area Vocational Center. A reception will follow the ceremony from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. LeAnn is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred G. Stringham. Roosevelt. She is a graduate of Union High School. Her interests in High School included cheerleading, drama, forensics and drill team. She graduated from Utah State University with a BatchelorY Degree in Elementary Education. While at the University she served in student productions and was member of the Kappa Delta L. KEVIN LYNN GOODRICH AND JAN MARIE MOORE Mr. and Mrs. Howard Moore, Bountiful, Utah are happy to announce the marriage of their daughter Jan Marie to Kevin Lynn Goodrich of Vernal. Kevin is the son of Mrs. Elaine Goodrich of Provo and the late Lynn C. Goodrich. Jan is a graduate of Bountiful High School and Brigham Young University. Her Major was in the field of International Relations. She served as LDS mission in the Catania Italy mission and is presently working at the J.C. Penny Western Region Accounting Center in Salt Lake City, Utah. Kevin is a graduate of Uintah High School. Vernal, Utah. He attended Brigham Young University and served an LDS mission in the Dallas Texas. Kevin is stationed in Okinawa, Japan with the United States Navy and is serving in the Medical Corps. He works in the Division Surgeon Y Office. Jan and Kevin were united in marriage December IS. 1981 at the Salt Lake LDS Temple. A reception was held in the evening following their marriage at the Canterbury Halt and Gardens in Okinawa, Japan. MEDFORD AND KENNEDY In- - i I - Iracl- - iiv. il ii Inuium at i. It. in i ii i Area inter ,i i ulcmic ' ms arc ilimugh at the he lurmal in', and needs to be it I Dear Mary Ann: You could call all your husbands' 'Buddies and some of your neighbors husbands and ask for help. When your husband sees them in his home, doing his homey-d- o jobs, maybe he will know you are serious when you ask for help. mini m.itiiHi submitted by the March I. 19X2. deadline. The one year course starts in June. 19X2. and They came from afar and worshipped him. is finished by May. 19X3. (ieneral F.ducation classes include physiol- - Repair An engine overhaul class will be taught at theBasin Area Vocational Center Winter The Quarter. 1982. main emphasis will be the internal workings of the engine. Rebuilding a motor and how to do underhood repair will Gordie be taught. Aumiller and Garth will Sorensen 1 Mary Ann be teaching the ten week course on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from p.m. 5:30-10:3- 0 Students need to supply their own hand tools, but it is not necessary to have an engine to overhaul. Arrangements can be made fot the lab work. Tuition for the course is SI If which starts Tuesday. January 5, 1982. For information more contact Garth either Sorensen or Barbara Swain at the UBAVC. m&m peace Girl Scout Community Meeting I uil ih 1 Mr. and Mrs. Jae Kennedy are pleased to announce the forth coming marriage of their daughter Jill to Jeff Medford. The young couple will be united in marriage on December 27, 198 at the Dover Chapel on the campus of Gardner Webb College which is in Boiling Springs, North Carolina. Jeff is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Medford of Canton North Carolina. He is a graduate of Gardner Webb College where he majored in Chemistry. Jill is a junior at the University of South Carolina. She has chosen to major in early childhood education. Jill and Jeff will mke their first home in Columbia. South Carolina. Tabiona Holds Accepted For LPN ( ask alice Dear Alice: I am so sick of my husband being Johnny on the spot for everyone but his own family. Everytime one of the neighbors need help, he is right there. If one of his buddies call, who Sorority. needs a hand, he breaks Karl is the son of Dr. and Mrs. Robert P. his neck to get over to Breintenbach of Columbia. Missouri. He is a their house. graduate of Hickman High School and was a Our lawn student body officer and involved in student unmowed unless I goes do it. government there. He also serviced as editor of the The house needs paint school yearbook. He is now attending the and lot of little fix ups University of Missouri Medical School. that would only take Karl and Jill will make their first home in Kansas one day to complete. City. Missouri where Karl will continue his When 1 ask him for education help, he says. 'Sure honey, just as soon as Learn Engine Bountiful. An open house further honored the couple on Saturday December 19. 1981. at the home of the groomY sister. Kevin & Jan will make their first home in SAY YOU SAW IT IN THE NEWSPRINT Now Being STRINGHAM AND BREINTENBACH page 6 newsprint ( The (TABIONA) Girl Scout Community Meeting for leaders and council members was held December 7, 1981, MORE ON MONEY MARKETS THAN ANY BANK OR SAVINGS AND LOAN., PERIOD.' WE PAY at the home of DaVona Baum in Hanna. Utah. Ladies from Duchesne. Price, Hanna, and Tabiona attended the meeting, it was conducted by Charolette I 1 r T4 jV; Jti Distict Chairman and Sue Dart, Field aide, from Price, Utah. Plans were made events for and calendar dates set. After the business was taken care of, a Christmas party was enjoyed by all. Games Allen. is i ng h) 5 HimugliailiiUrsi-M-Ls were played, gifts k exchanged and treats were served. s CliriMniiis will . . i . V Thai's the nifc we fallow. Day in and V a savings ml loan offers we offer at least 13. least offer al If a bank offers 13.5, we 14. 14.5. No need to oontb die ads. No need to phone ad over town. Just remember tie Rule. And every Tuesday Overland 1 new Money Marta morning, when Mes are posted, you'd know Iowl for tc ronmrrtte tern of deport you're getting afire percentage point tine at Overiand. You're also gating full protection. Ad accounts are inwred up to l0,000.00 by tie IndusDial Loan Guarantee Gomoradon oflltah; not an instrumentality of ihe Stale of Utah or of tie Fedoa Government. Overiand Thrift is a wholly owned wbskfanr of American Savings and Loan witi assets of over SI.6 billion. hi & i TOALL JM ft tlwmlr.K r i tin lit list i. pot-luc- g WILUAMS WINS TRIP GLADE Glade Williams, Vernal was .the lucky winner of a trip for two to Mazatalan, Mexico in a drawing held Saturday at the ZionY Bank parking lot. The prize trip was offered by the Vernal Gvil Air Patrol who have been selling fund raising tickets for the past few weeks. The funds from the ticket sales will be used for new radio equipment and search and rescue expenses. The cost of running a squadron, search and rescue costs, plus all the other expenses of the C.P.A. come out of the pockets of the members. These volunteers perform their services to the public without charge. For futher information on the C,P.A. 2360 wy H5S.Mafn.Srt Lake City. Hiwoy 40 PhonejJ89-666- 3 2 3$ 322-531- 7. tQ South Main, Rooarrrt. mk fee! T. Store Wide 1. CHRISTMAS Sale! 10-3- 0 ! Sleepers, OFF Recliners & Dining Room Furniture For all the world to share blessed Christinas gifts of love and laughter and peace unending. Frontier Travel & Tour wishes you and yours the best Christmas from (SI the countries in the world. contact Squadron Commander Steve Deardoff at 722-Z4- Our Service At No Charge 789-248- 2. SEND FOR YOUR SUBSCRIPTION TODAY! THE FURNITURE HOUSE On the Mim Comnr saw WWanWreWreWa 789-153- FrontIer TraveI aNdlbllRV 1SSouffiVmal A Vnl. UttM HOTS r Pnww rent 7IM071 |