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Show December 23,1961 BASIN UTES DOWN Utes Win UNION 64-5- 2 One Lose One (VERNAL) The At least five Lady missed the Cougars Uintah game as the flu bug has been ravaging Roosevelt. We knew that the girls would be tired from the Rock Springs Lady Utes basketball squad played two games in consecutive days last week; they seemed to get better as they went along. On Thursday the girls traveled to Rock Springs and were game, said coach Bowthorpe of her hosted by what Coach Loa Kay Bowthorpe called an extremely good team. The final score was 48-3- 7 in Rock strategy against Union, So we pressed them. The plan got the Lady Utes moving and seemed to intimidate the Lady Cats. favor. Springs' were both tall They Penny Murray, 510 and quick, said Coach forward was the high Bowthorpe. The Lady scorer against Union Utes height, three girls with 15. Center Kim over wasnt Hamblin. 5' 11. had Uintah best outing in enough. It was more than Rock Springs with 10 enought for the Union points. The J.V. scores were Cougars last Friday. The Lady Utes came similar to the varsity. home and romped to a The Junior Lady Utes lost to Rock Springs. 70-3- 0 36-2- 9, and defeated sick a Union against Union. 42-3team. 510, no-conte- st' (ROOSEVELT) Union and Uintah have met on the hardcourt three times in the last month. Uintah has won all three contests but each time the score has been closer. ' Utes continued their third The quarter domination of opponents scoring 21 to the Cats' 14 2 final last Saturday. en route to a think they felt like they were in a ball game. said Union Coach Brad Monks, whose Cats suffered humiliating loss to the Duchesne Eagles on Friday night. 'I don't want to take anything away from Duchesne, said Monks, 'But on Friday we were asleep on defense and stuck to the floor on 64-5- 1 offense. The 3 point loss may have been missing from the 1981-8- 2 Cats; it was the only thing that kept last 1 knew it yearls squad from being embarassed. would be a struggle to get us all playing together. said Monks about his inexperienced team, 'But 1 had hoped that we would be there by now. Uintah Coach Gary Weight agreed that the Cougars were a better team this time. 'Union wanted to prove something. he said. They really came out and seemed to want it more. Weight also suggested that playing team three times was difficult for his troops, from the standpoint of getting up for the game. Coach Monks credited the Utes strong inside game with winning the contest. Starting center Mike Johnson scored 1 points and pulled down 13 rebounds. Second string center Paul Hacking had 1 1 10 Utes to host 1 Japanese All Stars wrestling meet on dec. 30. The contest will feature the Japanese team competing against a similar team from Utah. all-st- ar 1 of international competition. Doors will open at 6:30 p.m with openingceremonies, including the customary exchang- - pagentry 1 should 1 2-- ing of gifts, to be held at 7 p.m. Wrestling will begin at 7:30 p.m. The Utah Team will feature at least six Uintah Utes. Scheduled to wrestle are David Gentry, Jeff Good, Josh i me an iny ole woman was the lire in the tipi enjoying the snappi' ii .1 Ming ol the fire. I ha ole woman "he's enjoving the quiet time and sc In' I n the ues don't silc. but leather do m ic jest how hard it be ta git a i. i I Hu down blowing on the min .i sole ii iiim .iMiii li ving to cool it down when she up- - .uni Sum me in the mouth (by accident) and kumki me int.i the lire. Well. I guess I should u .u inis i he lire cause all it burned was the Irmgc "il.i uiv new pants, and branded cm good. Me ( Mi I'm o.k. hut mama, now thct a problem. Mm know how hard leather gits when it's burned, well the good part is that it is waterpi'iol - mmiu. Anyhow she wu a limpin around miiiici luid sole which had all shriveled up and taken on the pc ranee of rawhide, kinda vvliimpvimg cause her durn foot was encased in the mocassin and ii had taken on the appearance of the mui assui I promised her a new mocassin come L'iei n up an tliet did manage to make her feel a lull 'mu-- She's a good ole gal an soon she was .n happy as flea in a hear skin rug. I wen! ".:i ia gu ilia meat I had taken earlier she stoked the fire a hit ta make thci d.r. some i:. In i dei. we was buck in the teepee of eight tiny reindeer llsll'l. .ling I he shiny white scalp lock helxiiged to the little ole fella i : laving ii "ii it : Hospital his hu ol Christmas spirit wu writ fer my good licud Wavnc llollohcck who asked for something with ihe mountain man spirit for I Mr. and Mrs. (iale Fid red ge. male. II. Mr. and Mrs. Shane IXc-emh- Christmas. In ihe more serious vein, many of you will be getting new hlaekpowdcr guns for Christmas Please lead the instructions very carefully. I.sure do waul to gel to know you all. and ifnyouain) earel ul. I may not he able ta shake nothin but a December 13. Mr. and Mrs. Rand- all Helms, II. Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Wood. male. IXcemhcr 15. i 'i Last Minute Christmas Sale! New Quadruple i Combinations New Triple Combination Cassette Tapes 1981 Edition Edition Genuine Leather Briefcase Style Black Or Brown $7g95 $8995 Are In! 1981 . I meat. I liggers he cud git his list cut it off the back of his .:o I asi I seed him he wu snow hollerin supthin about .c" tree lit whur tha sun don) ii like tliet. I I . - Garden Gate Bookstore 45 East Main, Vernal 789-214- 1 BOWLING LEAGUE Randy Tuesday Coffe League for week of December VJ 8. 1981. finest. Tickets for the meet are 2 for school age,'s3 Standings: League First. Prairie Gold; Lvle's Oil Second., ,, Tools: Thircf. D&' M1 Pinspinners. Individual Standings: Scratch - High Game, , general-admission,-ari- d for a family pass. Len Durham-23Series. Nonnic Uintah Ties Green River At Rock Springs 3, ..Hi jli..l''ruji oyous High Schim-mels-55- 7. Handicap High (iamc. Durham-272- Series. . Len Team Len High Durham-65- 2. Standings: Scratch High Game. D (ROCK SPRINGS) The Uintah High wrestling team came away from the annual Wyoming Tournament with a share of first place, the best showing ever by the Utes. The 6 team tourney came on the heels of a 0 dual meet victory over American Fork on Thursday 38-1- 1 njgj,t M Pi ns pinner-76High Scries, Karren & 4, Welding-217- 2, Bowlers of the Week: Game. Peggy High Thurmond-- 1 80. High Series. Dorothy Tuck- 5. Splits P'cked-Chuc- k 'Overall the kids wrestled real well, said Coach P: Henry. Over a period of three days the Ute five few .o a,ked grapple" matches and as many as seven. Robins-5-DoroCoach Henry noted that despite all the state Joy Tucker-5-Jaci thy championship teams heTs taken to the huge Dahlbcrg-2-Wyoming tourney, this is the best Uintah finish, feel real good, he said. Uintah tied with Green River, each scoring 144'$ with 115'$, and points. Meeker, Colo, was third Powell, Wyo. came in fourth with 107 'A. Other finishes, in order, were: Steamboat Rock interesting comparison Springs. Colo.. 78; Rawlings, Wyo., 77; h,s team and Laramie. 68; East. Wyo. Springs, 72; Cheyenne Phild the Wyo. 67'A; Lander, Wyo. 56'$; Riverton, Wyo. He says. Tie Eagles 41'4; Green River, J.V. 34; Cody, Wyo. 32'$; Rock score. no Springs, J.V. 16; Rawlings. Wyo. The Utes placed seven men in the tournament. He is Tmgey, 98 lbs., won the tournament. only' a sophomore. Senior Jeff Good defend'd his only when Virgil Scy ga!onJoeWhingtonl title winning the 126 lb., trophy. snouwers. in second took 119 Wyoming lbs., Devid Gentry, for the second straight year. Randy Smuin, 155 number One of Harold Katz, lbs., and Pat Jenkins, 67 lbs., also took the the new 76'ers owner. two spots for Uintah. Fourth place finishers for the Utes were Kent first changes was to 145 lbs. eliminate a food table in Boren, 132 lbs., and Darrin Bailey, After wrestlers. the for the Spectrum wasnt The trip easy press American Fork at 1:30 room. from Vernal in back arriving a.m. on Friday, the team left for Wyoming on a 4:00 t0 which Boston a.m. bus. 'We were getting pretty tired by those Gobe coiUminist Bob matches. said Coach Henry. Ryan quipped: Were such a thing to The Uintah wrestling team is idle until after the team new year, but on Dec. 30, a Japanese happen in Boston, it WOuld be greeted with a will be in Vernal to compete with a Utah team. Six Uintah grapplers will be m action. standing ovation. 2 Tickets for that international match will be for 10 school age children, 3 general admission, and Former Michigan for a family pass. Coach State Duffy Door open for the match at 6:30 p.m. Daugherty says behind Ceremonies will commence at 7 p.m. with wTestling every great coach is an to begin at 7:30 p.m. understanding wife. cr-49- ? 7. 7. 7. 1 , 1 all-st- ar all-st- ar SEND FOR YOUR SUBSCRIPTION TODAY! He recalls: 'WTien 1 got home, my wife always had my robe, slippers and hot water waiting for me. 'She hated for me to wash the dishes in cold water. female. IX'cembcr 14. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wilier, male. IX'cemhcr stump. Shore do appreciate your letters and phone calls. Ii pleases me to know that you enjoy the clloris ol this ole coon. keep vei powder dry. yer chin to the wind, n most impoitunt watch ver lop knot. i Unchanging and ever cherished are the traditions of the Christmas season, uniting all men of good will in harmonious brotherhood appy Holidays From Your Friends At 25 West Main 789-303- 3 Vernal er Mitchell, female. i 1 A At Duchesne County LADIES Smuin, Pat Jenkins, and Jody Young. There may be an exhibition match between Kenny Cobbs and Japan 10 it w. n m up ith. 1. I 111 Reynolds, The evening promises to be an exciting one. complete with all the semi-froe- points. for Uintah, Brian Forward and McNamara, was leading scorer and rebounder with 18 points and 13 boards. For the Cats, Lonnie Sammaripa had 13 points . with Corey Dye also in doublke figures with from Both are guards. Randy McNamara had outside for the Utes. Uintah is idle until Dec. 30 when they will face (I" state champion Lehi, there. Union III defending will be holding an alumni tournament on Dec. 28 cm i' and 29, with an all star squad from that tourney to m.ik shim face the younger Cats on Dec. 30. 2. (VERNAL) Uintah High School will be hosting an international by "Bigr Due Vnndcr Kraals Ah! the minimum air. snappy and crackly with the ii in ici p;uion of the winter. The animals moving to hole up for the heavy snow time. Brings a tun tear to my eye. Well! for me it was tiny teai. so what il it drown to ground squirrels. the winter is here even if the snow Anw,i. I he nippy temperature is very important ain). n cause I got a buffalo head in my ihei shal would storage get prudy ripe prudy fast page 7 New Arrivals MOUNTAIN DOINS SPORTS Uintah newsprint |