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Show page 4 newsprtaL Deoambar 83, 1961 Christmas Time Can Be A Bad Time COMMENTARY Letters to the editor Dear I ditor: Would you please publish this following notice in your paper so the people will understand what is taking place and why there are no hooks yet available. We arc sorry to inform you that they will not be ready for Christmas but we also want because of to thank you for the the purchase of the book we have been able to order the paper and we are working as fast as we can to bring this hook into completion. We appreciate all the wonderful family histories and stories that have been handed in. And it is a far greater task than we had imagined, never having done a book before. We have received over seven hundred and seventy family stories. We arc working on and have received many of the community histories. We have some of the schools histories and a promise of others. If your school has not sent in a history we would like them to do so. (Schools of Central Uintah Basin) We have begun typesetting the book, the typesetting will take a long time fora book this sie. nd as you all know it needs to be perfect in spelling and in grammar to be a good example to the world and the communiiy. something we can all be proud of. II there is anv one who could spend a few hours a week helping to type we would appreciate contact from them. All typing is done at the Ink Spot at 293 North 900 East in Roosevelt. The book will continue to be sold for 35. plus Tax SIM. and 2 postage until the first thousand hooks have been sold, or until it is published which ever comes first. A Merry Christmas to the W'ard Historical Arts Committee Fniil Wilkerson Roosevelt West Stake Lester Bartlett Roosevelt Stake Eighteen percent of the Think about the unemployed, millions of families throughout the United States are out of work and that means millions nations of families are going to have a very rough time Workers President Doug Fraser. "Maybe you dont at Christmas. The jobless rate is at a high of 9 million with the auto' and aerospace industries hit hardest. Christmas shopping is not a great concern for the jobless and that could lead to an even higher unemployment figure, an economist said. Nationwide, unemployment rose to 8.4 percent in November the highest in six years. The 9 million figure is the highest since War II days. understand six-ye- ar . construction are unemworkers ployed. "You have to go back to the early 30's to find a time as bad," Auto said . United (unem- ployment) until you've been through it or been close to someone whos been through it. Theres no greater feeling of helplessness or hopelessness." In the great depression, nearly one third of those available for 16 million were out of a people, job in 1933 at the height work, pre-Wor- ld Ci --.'t ;n Iq. 7 ROSS' Oct. RAVINGS Commissioners loaned the Duchesne County to Hospital 75,000. "help the hospital meet its necessary obligations. Since that time stated the two barrel per day exemption would be explained. However, for those Basin Mineral Owners who have not joined the Utah Royalty Owner Association, please stop at this point, unless you wnt the 2 BBday exemption taken away, we need your dues to help keep our people in Washington D.C. The following are your savings on the different tiers of taxable oil. The figures are on a 640 acre spacing with ownership of 40 acres of mineral rights and a I 6 royalty lease. Let's assume the well is producing 200 BBday or 6,000 BB' month. with the selling price at $32, per barrel. , Tier One: Royalty Check Without Exemption SI.875 $83 1 Windfall Tax 70 $1,044 Royalty Check Royalty Check With 2 BBDay Exemption $2,000 $000 Windfall Tax $1000 Royalty Check Savings of $831.00 per month On the Tier One, if the well is producing at 100 BB day your savings is S4l4.month. Producing 400 BBday, your savings is $1,1 A. month. (Maximum savings on Tier One is $1,1 1&00) Tier Two: Royalty Check Without Exemption 1 $1000 $525 Windfall Tax 60 $1,475 Royalty Check Royalty Check with 2 BBDay Exemption nnnn 000 Windfall Tax $1000- Royalty Check Total savings for one month: $525.00. (Maximum savings on Tier 2 is $604,001) Tier Three: Royalty Check Without Exemption - $1000 $289 Windfall Tax 30 $1,711 Royalty Check Royalty Check With 2 BBday Exemption $1000 Windfall Tax $1,989 Royalty Check Total Savings for one month is $278. (Maximum savings on Tier 3 is $278.00) If an owner has only ten acres the savings is S 11 (25) Tier One: $207.00 Tier Two: $126.00 Tier Three: $7100 1980, Duchesne County There are almost no shopping days left until Christmas and itt time for my annual Christmas column. This year I'm recalling all the joys of Christmas past. Remember that first toy? Of course not. Parents start giving their kids toys before they can remember anything. But most of us do remember that first toy we crawled under the tree to get at. For me it wasa littlestuffed dog. I remember pulling 'Sleepy-Heaout from under the tree with only the slightest hare of foigetfulmcss. I was d' I 14, only 2'A. Then there was the year that the model train was under the tree. All that my five year old recollectionsallow was that I had to fight my Dad for the rights to be the engineer. When my seventh Christmasarrived I had realized that Santa didnT really bring the gifts. In order to prove my hypothesis I came out into the living room at about 2 a.m. Unfortunately my Mom didnt know I didn't believe in Santa. She was a bit upset at having been caught in the act of laying out Christmas toys. There were some lean years around my house as I was growing up. One year, the only gifts under the tree were clothes. The next year, clothes again, but in addition there were some candies and nuts. Those years were the best. I am an only child and I learned early that it is better to give than to receive, espically when all there was to give was each other. When I was eleven, the HO car set was the heat gift L had ever received. I still have the thing. I've since added track and cars and get the set out, cleaning the rust off the connections, every Christmas. As High School rolled around there were less gifts under the tree but they seemed to get more expensive. I started getting the things all men seem to get: ties, wallets, slippers. I started to take pride in getting things for others. One year my Dad indicated that he really wanted a pick-uOf course we didnT have the money so I got him the next best thing. He still has that little toy pick-u- p sitting on the shelf with all the other that I loved to buy my parents. Mom still wears her birth year silverdollar. When I went away to college, the joy of returning home became more important than the gifts. The changes that are such a part of leaving home were reinforced and amplified. My parents house will always he my home, but ilk still different. Then came marriage. More lean years. Even better years. Going out to eat on Christmas Eve was the big event. Little stocking sluffers were about all we had. We used our Christmas savings for those essentials. We didnT have to wait long for parenthood. With that joy came the true realization that Christmas is for children. We hardly give each other anything anymore. It all goes to the kids. But we don't mind. We receive their smiling faces and their constant jahher and their wonderful memories. Even captured on film. Sorry. couldnT miss the commercial. The Christmas season is a happy one for me. I love the positive attitude of everyone who may normally he a hear, especially me. But Christmas Day. that s different. I always go through a few hours of depression on Christmas Day. I know that I don't have to. hut I want to. It istheonetimeduringtheyearthat lallow myself to cry about the past. It remembering the relatives that have left us. Pets that I loved like the brothers and sisters I never had. Goals that were never fulfilled. Wrongs that were never righted. I try to he by myself and get it all out. It's pretty easy to do. The wife is tired and lakes a nap and the kids are pretty busy finding out how long it takes to gel bored with so many new toys. It is really silly to act that way hut it helps me to appreciate the joys of Christmaseven more. When I snap out of it. it gone. hared This column has always been a place where my life. I think that helps me to live it a bit better. One of the things I try not to talk about is religion and I'm not about to get too deep here. I like to recall the person whose birthday we celebrate every December 23. and rr dedicate my lifcto Him. I will never he enough like Jesus, hut I will never stop trying. Merry Christmas to all and to all a loving, joy tilled holiday. knick-knac- collections at the hospital have improved markedly, but on Dec. I of .this year the commissioners Administrator Evans. with built, Hill-Burt- on Hospital Chad said Evans, "And we told them that we needed to know so that we. could make the necessary increases in rates so that the loan could be repaid." According to Commissioner Loryn Ross, "The hospital could n pay it so we wrote it - NEWSPRINT months. Birchell, Jo Ann Handy, Brent W. Timothy. Sandra McKinney, Dale Galley, Charles Winkel, Robert Jameson. Roy Casper, Leon Garrett, Janet Hall, Jerry Dorinski, Dennis L. Draney, Lori Zobell, Claude Crazier, Greg E. ADVERTISING MANAGER Dennis Holmes PRODUCTION MANAGER Kathy Lynch insurance claims," said Jim Reidhead, "They are people who just cant pay their bills." ' the hospital A ''On on Monday r'o-ion Monda. on Monday TERRIFIC GIFT IDEA -- mi sec more more people tain Utah Royalty Owners Assoc. Vice-Chairm- an Dear Editor: I read in your last issue of the Newsprint that the Federal Government has given the Utah Recovery Service the right to attach federeal tax refunds of men who owe back child support or other monies to the State of Utah. My husband has had his State tax refund taken for the past few years and we are presently investigating the possibility of a law suit against the State because we file joint returns and half of the refund checks belong Area Duchesne Fuel, County Hospital, Eldredges Apparel and Fort Duchesne .i WHICH WILL PROVIDE prices have made it a necessity, hut have you ever wondered how profitable it can be? You may he a casual coupon clipper but. for many people, refunding has become a profitable home business which they run from the kitchen table. lop refunders can save up to 90 percent of their grocery bill each month. If their grocery-hilis S500 each month and thev receive S450 in l ENDLESS AC.TIVITV ! Head-star- t. One Ballon pins were refunds, they a receiving S450 clear. Being a supershopp means knowing how get the coupons we' all so familiar wi mailed to your door, also means knowii how to get informatii on loads of mai faeturers refund o which were not familiar with. ITS CALLED... oea -- V to me. Now that the Federal Tax people have consented to the same thing, where will it all end? By the way, my husbands' bill to the State was run up during a period of time when he lived out of Utah. His child support was sent in cash and . being a bachelor, he never kept a receipt. When the State finally notified him of had run up, it the Welfare bill his reached over $20,0001 He now pays $300 toward that debt plus another $250 per month for regular monthly child support. I have to work to make ends meet and really resent the State taking more of our money through tax refunds. I would like to know how the others who have been stung by the State of Utah feel about this new State action. Name withheld by request Basin s. Bow Valley, people. Roosevelt City, Olpin Mortuary, Curly Qs, Dresser Atlas, Moun- le Your Royalty check is also subject to State and Federal Taxes, so your savings is then subject to these additional cuts before a person receives their final check. (If you cannot understand the above figures, you must refer to my first editorial). Mineral owners, letY get those dues in. If you have a question, write me at P.O. Box 1030, Roosevelt. Utah 84066i If 1 receive 5 questions asking the same thing. Ill have a written answer to this paper. Steven A Malnar busi-nesse- Rising supermarket EDITOR Dale Hansen been Uintah and represented were Vocational Center with the largest number of with a wad ul icdcem-ahl- e couponShopping with coupons has gone beyond saving a lew cents. PUBLISHER W. Garth Nuttall cases or unpaid Burton. Agencies shopping supermarkets 642 West Main - Vernal, Utah eased, the payment for indigent patients still remains at around 10 of the hospital total patient load. "Indigent patients aren welfare Brooksby, Gerald Murray and Liz Saving on Food No Big Mystery and Every Wednesday at While the cash flow HEgEo commissioners, they have asked for a list of those charges every two . v, Today is published.... off." Because So that the indigent care problem can be more apparent to the i l -- Commissioner this year. n. Snow and Evans met with the commissioners and asked them what to do about the debt. Of course, the commissioners -- would ha likd to havf seen th.f money repaid-."- ' "We wanted to know how they .wanted it return-ed,- " has toward indigent care . Hospital Board Chairman Gordon problem 10,000 budgeted only BLOOD DRIVE A SUCCESS can- celled the repayment of the loan, with interest, .amounting to 76.333.' "We haven It been in a position to repay it," explained commissioners have began, "Just as we all the last few years the federal funds, have access to the cost of indigent care has the Roosevelt facility county hospital. Some been considerably more cannot turn away any of us never use some of than we have been patient, even if they the county roads but we putting in." have no means of all pay for all of them. paying for the care. The Very few of us are In addition to Duchesne County indigents but we must must for them." all cancelling the hospital Hospital simply help pay absorb the costs these Reidhead seemed debt to the county, at patients incur. sympathetic to the the request of the When the Hospital hospitalls plight: "For Hospital Board, the Board approached the commission last year, the problem was explained to them, but there was no increase in The Red Cross blood Daniel Smith, Linda the county budget to drive, held in roosevelt. Kenney, Barbarita Lee, reflect the tens of December 8, 1981, John Hullinger. R.C. thousands of dollars resulted in 31 units of Peterson, Chris Barbara indigents are costing the blood. The community Buxton, K. is reminded to request Timothy, Mary hospital. S. Randall Evans used the Red Cross blood Adams, Weather-toBruce toward Leiber, services when being countys policy Linda roads to draw an admitted to a hospital. Crazier, The following arc Anita Scholl, Ban analogy explaining why the county should pay those who came to Babcock, Gerald for indigent care. "We donate: Gordan Murphy. John Uresk, all use county roads," he Wison, Maria Tavlor. Hazel Birchell, John was On the (ROOSEVELT) ke Dear Editor: Two weeks ago in my letter to your paper COMMISSIONERS WRITE OFF $75,000.00 HOSPITAL LOAN of the economic down turn. In the 1974-7- 5 recession, the jobless ex-wi- fe game Never endsi |