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Show pf 8 naii'kat Deoambar 23, 1881 Where it comes from: Matlwson Budget Con't from pg. 1 dollar state budget will go for compensation. The proposed salary hike is based on wages for the past year. In the new proposed budget, you will find it does not include any tremendous state tax increases, however, there is some anticipation of fee increases. A proposed increase in Gasoline Tax from 9 cents to 12 cents, car registration fees will double, going from 5 to SI0 and doubling the current drivers license fee of 5 to 1 10. Just this will provide 8.1 million for local road needs and 19.6 million for state construction and maintenance, and the restoration of the Safe Sidewalk Program. These increases are the number one priority of local government. He proposed increasing the Mine Occupation Tax on oil and gas from 2 per cent to 4 per cent; the doubling of the Mine Occupation Tax on metals from I per cent to 2 per cent and the inclusion of such as coal, salt, stone, oil shale, sand and gravel. The governor stated, 1 believe achieving a 4 per cent rate for our oil and gds and 2 per cent for other minerals is fair and competitive with surrounding states. Governor Matheson also proposed that the State h of all Severance Tax proceeds to. set aside a Capital Construction Account which would cover additional debt service for a needed bond issue or help fund critical capital needs on an basis. A Capital Construction Account would and increasing funds for the provide state'll capital needs. The Governor further proposed that the all new revenue generated from the Coal Severance Tax go into the Community Impact Account to help local governments cope with the costs associated with coal and mineral development. Severance Tax revenue could also restore some of the cuts that were necessary to balance the budget, including increased funding to the Cities Water Loan Fund, the Water Construction Fund, the Rangeland The Fund, and the Housing. Governor expressed that he hoped the Legislature uses the new monies realized from Severance Taxes to help satisfy the Stated capital needs and assist communities impacted by resource development. Two other important items for the long range planning needed by Utah are the need to establish a reserve Revenue Stablization Fund to meet revenue shortfalls and the necessity to our policy towards local school building needs. For the past two years, the Governor has suggested the need to establish a reserve fund. After two years of revenue shortfalls and in the face of non-meta- lZsUy December 20. A passenger in the William James pick-u- p, V Haapital'in Rooaevcll' Karl Hodgkinson. a The driver of the Vernal resident was Dec- vehicle. Patrick Lynn found Friday, his in 1981, Griggs, Roosevelt, was ember 18, tke truck, listed in satisfactory pickup -. condition after spend- - apparent victim of self24 hours in the inflicted gunshot intensive care unit. He wound. was suffering from two Hodgkinson truck broken discs in his was found by two fish back, some interna! and game officers near injuries, and assorted ,he dump on Brush Where It Goes: U O GOVERNMENT !o 1 3 o Summary of Governors Recommendations ExpwidKurM From All SourcM o nO O 0 0 o State Courts Health Public Education O CT O Development ftaiteportation Debt Service Capital Fadlitiea Other Appropriation! Subtotal Salary Adjuetmcnt TOTAL (a) Antewind pragraa i Aacal ROT 1MO-0- 1 iwflacta Mpara t ludadie antatri by Gnveraar ee lejighune, wit the etmpfigg at a fit I which the Coverage ia aakiag far an fteai the peiemt eut IS Kill. The elae Sueefaaaotal 7.1 nflecta npeae heriradprofrui panaM raduetwe la the TraMpertatira fcaavd ea la rapectad tortfaU oftM nillsra. U (U nai to ietiea far Stele of atouoael 000 pnraet gf rviirmv eeea hr Slate ial,ym end 100 avar thy eulhcnaed yrafrm tefcra Hat 11 gweeat iinveea ea the 7.1 iWvrtiaa ia the lei Uetora School M) Mm tedwOee u iecraeia ran, percent permit iWartira le Oeraral Tuai TteiMperteUra Fee ia vetieiete far Mineral Lean Payaaab Igee Tlbie XI. far drtailal. Today we can only artificially create a surplus, cuts or by denying State through employees and teachers a fair salary increase. The only legitimate method to provide a surplus is and elimination of 40 through a million worth of programs, because 40 million is the estimated cost of the Property Tax Rebate Program for fiscal year 1981 - 82. He asked everyone not to artifically create a onetime surplus through incremental cuts which whittle away at the muscle, fiber and marrow of all State programs. If, in your judgement, a Tax Rebate Program is more critical than 40 million across-the-boa- rd worth Of programs, then he is willing to work with State programs and everyone to eliminate those considered less essential. In doing so, we are reducing State services in order to provide tax relief. State government is not bloated. Fifty-fo- ur cents of every budget dollar goes to finance Public and Higher Education, and another 13 cents of each dollar finances medical and public assistance for the needy. We have a strong historical basis for these programs and they must be funded at an adequate level. Partridge In A Pear Tree Too Expensive For Average Shopper hs If you are looking for the Christmas Gifts of a turtle doves but 1 1 and so on. Partridge in a Pear Tree you better have your By the 12th day of Christmas, the bill jumps to pockets filled with money. 44.848.". the group said. ' Now you know what it will take to purchase the "Everybodys Money," a publication of the Credit Union National Association, tallied the tab. perfect Christmas gift for the person who has The figure is four times what it was the last time the everything. group added up the costs 13 years ago. Here it is: One pear tree, 14. One partridge, IS.00 Fire Call Handles Two turtle doves, 10. Three French hens. 36. Four calling birds, 140. Five gold rings (14k), 1.000. 00 Six geese 60. State without terminating or indefinatley Seven swans a - swimming. 1,260. 2I6.M. This is for an Eight maids postponing the Property Tax Rebate Program scheduled to go into effect for the 1981 calendar eight hour day at the average farm wage rate of 3.M Two years ago, he stood before the an hour. year. (for a "moderately dance female all company. priced" Ten lords 1,260. (tuition for 10 youngsters at gymnastics school for 16 weeks). Eleven pipers piping, l43.n an hour (union scale is an hour, plus a 20 percent differential for the chief piper. Twelve drummers drumming. 138.4. That totals 10,3 14.. But the song, of course, celebrates an excess of generosity - not one pair of Nine ladies dancing, 6,000. 1 1 Gas Range Flare Up (VI RNAI.) Mrs. Peggy Crawford received quite a shock last Tuesday when she tried to turn on a gas range in her new mobile home. When she attempted to light the oven, a sudden burst of natural gas ignited sending flames shooting from the appliance. Even with the gas turned to off on the appliance the flame continued. Mrs. Crawford could smell wood burning and left the trailer immediately to fflll flip firw flano rtfllFIlt. The Vernal Fire IX'partment responded very quickly led by a Vernal Police car they reached the scene in a matter of minutes and the firemen quickly had the situation under control. One of the firemen who checked the gas appliance said the pipe that controlled the distribution of the gas to the range was not in place and had left the gas flowing in all directions. Con't on pg 16 th , the , situation andrcP that it looked like a su Hog Pronou" a" .. 7f clmir o Vi Cr '" I" o." Tfg(mmno Government Operation Public Safety Social 8ervice . stalJ?1dd,J En O 0 cfeeD Elected Official! . mta East HQUIDAY6 0 Hither Education Natural Raaource Buainaaa, Labor and y v Agriculture Community and Economic CreekRoadJour 931 o oo o inv MMD 0 o 0o o 0 o STATE OF UTAH nd Legislature and presented a plan of tax relief for Utah citizens. The Legislature adopted a different program. But that is not the critical distinction. The Tax Relief Program adopted in 1978 was possible because of several years experience with revenue surpluses and the prospect of continued dynamic growth. No shadows were on the horizon. That is not true today. Our surpluses have vanished. Even had the lief, my message would be the same: We cannot afford it now. We cannot afford it for fiscal year 1981 - 82. o s O o o' o yM now o the locally-accesse- O O OPERATIONS 3 EXECUTIVE and JUDICIAL 1 PUBLIC SAFETY 2 NATURAL RESOURCES 2 BUSINESS, LABOR, and AGRICULTURE 1 COMMUNITY and ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CAPITAL FACILITIES 1 DEBT SOURCES 1 Brown. g Pc Ration. Vernal man dies of gunshot wound was pro- Roosevelt nounced dead at the TRANSPORTATION FUND pick-u- p d is, of Ledbetter, thrown was on SR 87. when it hit a patch of ice and slid off the west side Th. north-boun- Jt truck we free of the the n .t road, icy Low-Inco- year-rou- fence through rolled two ana Sr.Sd on-goi- ng uncertainty, SiTJ'SK . m Su.e of RooscvcU. Altamont the at condition has left one good with .nd two Rootevelt hoipital a cracked broken foot, a others seriously injured, The accident occurred hip. and assorted bruise, and lacerattona. on on-goi- ng economic bruises and lacerations, o'n one-fift- establishment of such a fund is essential. He suggested that any surplus revenue at the end of a fiscal year (up to one per cent of the General Fund and Uniform School Fund) be placed into a Revenue Stablization Fund for use only if there is a revenue shortfall below the expectation of the ' Legislative Appropriation Act. The Governor has set aside 17.7 million for the States contribution to local school building needs the same appropriation level as last year. He also the current formula to suggested require greater utilization of existing school schools. buildings, including The Governor budget is as always very comprehensive, since it includes the local Property Tax contribution to the State Minimum School Program. While it is called a local tax, it is mandated by the State in the School Finance Act and supports the Stated school program. The decision of the State Tax Commission to index all property assessments to 20 per cent of the 1978 value was necessary to provide equality Ths current local property among counties. revaluation program has been conducted since 1969 but has not succeded in achieving equity. The Tax Commission's decision is necessary because of it constitutional and statutory responsibility and because of federal legislation requiring equalization between local and state assessed properties. Indexing accomplishes this purpose, but it does cause an increase in property taxes for homeowners in many counties and a partial shift in taxation d from state to property. While the rationale for indexing is rooted in equity, the actions produce 34 million that helps A similar revenue balance the State budget. increase occured the year Salt Lake County was revalued. The Legislature can stake a number of actions to ease the burden on homeowner's and still provide the necessary equity. First, the Legislature can restrict the tax gain to localities by limiting the total 1981 property tax revenue to a certain percent above 1980. Second, the Legislature can equalize the local school levy across all counties. Currently, counties undergoing revaluation would have a lower tax rate than counties that were indexed. This would reduce the of one mill. school mill levy by about four-fiftThird, the Legislature could further reduce the school mill levy by increasing the Corporate Franchise Tax which is below the national average. An increase from 4 per cent to 3.3 per cent in Corporate Taxes would provide 13 million to allow a further 2 mill reduction. The reduced property taxes on business from the indexing and mill reduction would largely offest the increase in Corporate Franchise Tax. These actions would reduce the local school levy to about 21 mills and actually reduce property taxes for a majority of homeowners in the state. Last year, the Governor took the necessary actions to reduce expenditures 4 per cent, 18 million was saved, and the State ended with a small surplus over Legislative expectations. The Governor does not believe we can formulate a legitimate budget and address the needs of the A fALTAMONT) ls continuing IN CRASH ROOSEVELT MAN DIES ofthe road. The vehicle Flf ta c rs oa o n. tsa j&ffl u ' |